Chapter 404
After the village doctor finished speaking, the child's mother collapsed on the ground and cried. The voice of mourning was unbearable.

Lin Wan didn't want to be troublesome at first, and was afraid that the wrong medicine would harm others. It can be seen that the village doctors were helpless, so she thought it would be better to try a dead horse as a living horse doctor. The poison should be similar, and maybe it would be useful!

She briefly said that she had antidote pills, but she didn't know if it would be effective, and asked the family if they would like to try it.

The husband and wife knew that Lin Wan and Lin Wan were from a big place, so their things were naturally unusual, so they didn't care about whether it would work, so they took the green pill and fed it into the little girl's mouth.

The little girl still had some interest at this time, and the pill was fed in smoothly with the water.

The villagers all gathered around waiting for the result, to see if this person could really be revived.

After about a quarter of an hour, the little girl really woke up. Seeing that her daughter had woken up, the woman called her mother, crying and laughing with joy, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Wan several times. size!
Lin Wan stepped forward to help him up, and seeing the little girl's white face was limp and listless, she asked the husband and wife to take the child home to recuperate first.

The villagers here are simple and honest, but they are basically born and bred. When Lin Wan and Fourth Master were rescued by A Zhu's father, the villagers were curious but still somewhat resistant to outsiders.

After this incident, the way the villagers looked at Lin Wan and Fourth Master changed, with more enthusiasm and kindness.Some families even take the initiative to send some vegetables over.

That afternoon, the little girl's parents came to the bamboo house with gifts to thank Lin Wan for their rescue.

The husband and wife were accompanied by an old man in his fifties, who Lin Wan thought should be the little girl's grandfather.

Sure enough, the old man who was introduced was the little girl's grandfather, surnamed Sun, named Tian Zhong.

Sun Tianzhong bowed to the fourth master and Lin Wan, and said some words of thanks to the fourth master, with a very sincere attitude.

Lin Wan thought that although the old man was old, he looked more imposing than his son.It seems to have a feeling of being old and healthy.

"You are an elder, so you don't need to show such a great gift. Besides, when it comes to matters of life and death, how can you not help when you see it." The fourth master politely helped Sun Tianzhong up.

Sun Tianzhong looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and shook his head in admiration, thinking that if his son had half the qualifications of this person, he would not be so mediocre.

"The so-called kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, not to mention that you saved the old man and everyone in one fell swoop! Although the old man has nothing, a thank you is still indispensable!
If Mr. Yin has any difficulties in the future, as long as the old man can still move, he will not hesitate to go up the knife mountain and down the oil pan! "

After Sun Tianzhong finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the fourth master, and then took out a jade pendant from his cuff and handed it to the fourth master.Let the fourth master bring this thing to him in the future if it is useful.

The fourth master took the jade pendant and looked at it, and then accepted it after saying a few polite words to the old man's family.

After Sun Tianzhong's family left, Lin Wan expressed the doubts hidden in his heart.

"This Sun Tianzhong is probably not an ordinary villager. This jade pendant is not something ordinary people can have."

Fourth master nodded, as if there was no big surprise.

"Could this be the person Grandpa is looking for this time?" Lin Wan asked upon seeing this.

"Well, it seems that Grandpa is lucky."

The fourth master was obviously in a good mood, so he tossed little Gege vigorously at night, Lin Wan kicked him on the calf a few times angrily, this man was celebrating with her!

(End of this chapter)

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