Chapter 113 Musk
After the doctor went in, Geng Gege took the medicine, and the bleeding stopped quickly. He took two more ginseng tablets, and finally gained some strength. After more than an hour, Geng Gege finally gave birth to the fourth father in the afternoon. My third elder brother!Although the child is small, fortunately, he is still healthy.

"Congratulations, Master, congratulations to Fujin." Everyone saluted and congratulated Fourth Master and Fujin.

"The Geng family has made great achievements in childbearing, reward it!" Fourth Master said with a smile.

Wen Po held the third elder brother in her arms, and kept saying congratulations, no matter what Fujin thought in his heart, he looked happy on his face, and followed fourth master to reward Geng.

"Master, this concubine is also tired from seeing Sister Geng, let's go back to each other first, and we will see each other after a few days." Fujin said thoughtfully.

"What Fujin said is true, but the concubine is curious. I heard that Sister Geng's bosom has always been very good. I don't know why she has a miscarriage?" Li asked with a concerned expression.

"The concubine is also worried about Sister Geng. After all, we are both mothers. Knowing the pain of being pregnant for ten months and giving birth, I can't help but ask a few more questions. Don't take offense, master!" Seeing the look in the eyes of the fourth master, Mrs. Li , hurriedly explained.

"My sister also has some truths, master and son, do you want to call the doctor to ask the concubine?" Fujin asked tentatively.

Although I don't know what Li Shi's plan is, since she has already asked this point, she will definitely not refuse, otherwise it seems that she is deliberately hiding something.

"If that's the case, let's all go to the main courtyard." The fourth master also had doubts in his heart, the competition for favor in the backyard would never stop, but heirs were the bottom line of the fourth master.

In the main courtyard, Fourth Master looked at the government doctor and asked in a deep voice: "You have always been in charge of Geng's fetal appearance, and I have always heard that it is fine before, why is there a sudden miscarriage now?"

The doctor said in a flustered expression: "The old man has been seeing Geng Gege once every half a month. Geng Gege has a good foundation and a stable fetal phase. The servant did not expect to give birth suddenly!"

"Master asked why you gave birth prematurely? What are you doing with all this nonsense? Could it be that Geng Gege had a problem with his fetal appearance, but you deliberately concealed it?" Wu Gege suddenly asked sharply.

The government doctor said nervously: "The situation was urgent just now, the old man felt the pulse and felt that Geng Gege might be stained with unclean things before giving birth prematurely."

"Could it be poisoning?" Nian Fang Fujin asked in fear.

"It should be something like musk that hurts the breath of the fetus, but Geng Gege shouldn't take it for a long time, and it's just a premature birth, but I'm not sure." The doctor shook his head and said.

"It's musk!" Fujin said in shock.

Musk has always been a forbidden product in the palace. If it is exposed to it for a long time, it will be difficult for women to have children. It is an extremely cruel thing for women in this era!
"Su Peisheng, go search." Nothing could be seen under the calm expression of Fourth Master.

"Eunuch Su, it's best to speak slowly so as not to frighten Geng Shi. After all, something like this happened." Nian Shi said worriedly.

"Sister is really kind-hearted, but it seems that we people are not thoughtful!" Li Shi covered her mouth and said.

Nian didn't speak, but forced a smile at Li, then sat down and stopped talking.

In the eyes of others, Nian Fujin gave way to Li Shi, but Lin Wan felt that Nian Shi was just doing it for the fourth master, and the next moment the fourth master frowned at Li Shi.

For some reason, no matter how gentle and virtuous this Nian Fujin behaved, Lin Wan just felt that he couldn't like her, and even felt that she was fake when she did these things, just pretending!Maybe it's because she thinks too much because of the opposite relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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