Great Ye Empress

Chapter 501 Murder Case

Xie Yunzhi didn't finish speaking, but... he felt that with the new emperor's temperament, he would not sit back and watch the Xie family grow bigger and threaten the imperial power!

And now the Xie family is big enough to threaten the imperial power.

Although this is during the reform period, even the appointment and dismissal of officials is the final decision of the Xie family. Which emperor can tolerate it?
"Our new emperor's ambition is not only about Da Ye..." Xie Yunchu picked up the teacup in his hand and said, "Don't worry, I know it."

The reason why Xiao Zhiyan let Mr. Xie sit on the throne is indeed to facilitate Xie Yunchu to implement the new policy as soon as possible, and also to... In the future, the two countries will merge and let Mrs. Xie go to fight with the powerful ministers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, so that he can... fisherman profit.

Xiao Zhiyan's plan is long-term...

Moreover, Xie Yunchu's eyes fell on the list, and this list... not necessarily all of Xie's people, people's hearts are separated!
Who knows, which of these are secret chess that Xiao Zhiyan laid in advance?

Xiao Zhiyan really wanted to implement the New Deal to strengthen the country, and now holding Xie up like this is also to show others, and to reduce the resistance of the implementation of the New Deal in the DPRK.

Xie Yunchu believed that Xiao Zhiyan was already quietly supporting another force dormant in the dark, and was ready to contain Xie after the implementation of the New Deal.

Xie Yunzhi turned to look at Xie Yunchu: "Not just Da Ye?"

Xie Yunchu just smiled and said nothing.

As soon as Xie Yunzhi left, Yuanbao came to report to Xie Yunchu, saying that Doctor Gu was in trouble and insisted on seeing her.

Since she rescued Doctor Gu and the seventh prince from the palace, Xie Yunchu had never seen Doctor Gu again, and she was afraid that she could not hold back the hatred in her heart.

Xie Yunchu didn't move his eyebrows, turned a page of the book, and said coldly: "No, it's the same sentence, no matter how much he struggles, as long as his life is still alive."

On the eighth day of the first lunar month in the first lunar year of Shengping, Chen Wenjia's mother beat the drum and sued the Grand Fu Shangshu for ordering Xie Yunchu to accept bribes to buy and sell official positions.

The emperor asked Song Shaozhong, the doctor of the censor, to read out the list of gift-giving officials who handed over the Xie residence to the censor's desk. Only then did the officials know that the heavy gifts of these gift-giving officials were all at the censor's desk. After the person who gave the gift was correct, it was turned over to the state treasury.

Xie Yunchu didn't touch a single penny.

The emperor ordered that officials who bribed officials were unworthy of their ingenuity, and they were all dismissed and no longer hired.

The courtiers who have given gifts to the Xie Mansion in the court hall, or the courtiers who have given gifts for their children and relatives, are all big men and dare not beg for mercy.

Mrs. Chen brought the family members of officials who had bribed Xie Yunchu and failed to pass the assessment to beat the drums. She failed to shake Xie Yunchu in the slightest, but set off a huge wave in the court.

The Censor Desk, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment obtained the list and gift list at a lightning speed, and went through them one by one.

The first fire of the Great Ye reform finally ignited in the Great Ye Emperor.

In just six days, countless officials were dismissed.

The Ministry of Personnel integrates the functions of officials, readjusts the responsibilities of officials, the abolition of the official positions that should be abolished, and the transfer orders assigned to the guards for the election are sent out like snowflakes...

The people who gave gifts to Xie Yunchu at the beginning, many of them from poor families, but because they saw that others were giving them gifts, they came to burn Xie Yunchu's hot stove, smashed the pot and sold iron to borrow money to give gifts to Xie Yunchu.

Unexpectedly, the silver was confiscated from the state treasury, and the official position was not retained after passing the assessment.

Those who have the courage to come to Xie's house to cry and ask Xie Yunchu to give him another chance.

The man said... It was the first time that he had given gifts, and he only gave gifts after seeing others giving them. He was afraid that he would be dismissed from office if he did not give gifts. His widowed mother worked hard to support him in his studies, and now he is still in bed. are gone.

Xie Yunchu only gave four words: "National laws are difficult to tolerate."

The person who came to ask Xie Yunchu's kindness for a moment couldn't think of it for a while and threw himself into the lake. The bedridden mother heard the news of her son's death and fell from the bed, and no one was left.

Xie Yunchu's iron-blooded efforts to reform the bureaucracy were met with mixed praise.

Some people praised Xie Yunchu's determination to reform, and took this opportunity to strip away a large number of useless official positions that were useless in Daye, but attached to Daye's finances and became a burden.

Some people also scolded Xie Yunchu for being unfriendly and sinister. He deliberately set up a bureau to attract other sellers to sell property and borrow money to give gifts. He turned around and turned over these heavy gifts to the national treasury to please the emperor, which made many people feel uneasy, and quickly followed the flow to give gifts. Knowing that in the end, it was a chicken-and-egg fight, and the family was destroyed.

After more and more officials were dismissed, the emperor showed more trust in Xie Yunchu, and after giving Xie Yunchu more power, Xie Yunchu scolded more and more.

Xie Yunwang couldn't help but feel angry in their hearts, but Xie Yunchu made them hold back again and again, saying that the most important thing now is the implementation of the new law, and she doesn't care about her reputation.

Xie Yunzhi looked at Xie Yunchu who was sitting under the lamp, she seemed to have lost the vigor that a young man should have, and with the wisdom and calmness above all living beings, Danbo calmly accepted any dirty name.

Just as he was talking, Yuanbao came in through the curtain, respectfully saluted with the three of them, and said, "Dali Temple Minister Li, ask to see you."

Xie Yunwang's anger has not subsided, but he calmed down a little. He stretched out his hand to bake on the brazier beside him, looked at Xie Yunchu and asked, "It's so late, why is Mr. Li here?"

"Is something wrong?" Xie Yunzhi raised her spirits.

"Please come in..." Xie Yunchu said.

Soon, snow fell on the cloak, and Li Shaoqing, who was cold, stepped into Xie Yunchu's study.

Master Li took off his cloak and handed the hand stove that was no longer hot in his hand to the servants. He saluted with the three of them: "Master Xie, the two adults..."

Xie Yunwang and Xie Yunzhi got up and returned the salute.

Xie Yunchu did not stop writing, and pointed to the sitting couch beside him: "Master Li doesn't need to be polite, sit down, ingot... Bring a cup of ginger chicken soup simmering in the small kitchen to Master Li."

Master Li stretched out his hand to bake on the brazier, and rubbed his hands together: "Taifu, there was a murder case a year ago. If it makes a big case, it will be detrimental to the New Deal!"

"What murder case?" Xie Yunchu looked up.

Master Li took out the official document from his sleeve, got up and handed it to Xie Yunchu, and sat back again.

Seeing Xie Yunchu holding the official document and approaching the candlelight to read the contents of the official document, he also said slowly to Xie Yunzhi and Xie Yunwang: "The clan chief Yun Wang's eldest grandson has taken a fancy to the daughter of a rich local businessman in Yan'an Prefecture and wants to take a concubine, but this woman Already engaged."

Yuan Bao lightly placed the chicken soup in front of Mr. Li, Mr. Li nodded to Yuan Bao lightly, and then said, "This King Yun's eldest grandson grabbed the bride on the day this girl got married, and stabbed the groom to death in the street!"

Xie Yunzhi didn't look surprised when she heard this, she just stretched out her hand to bake the fire, her expression became solemn...

Before the implementation of the New Deal, most of the way to deal with this kind of thing was that the rich and powerful took the money up and down.

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