Chapter 426
"The slave knows it! Even if the slave is pestering Liulang to bring the prescription, Liulang will not care!" Yuanbao's eyes were red.

Soon, the maid brought the medicine, Yuanbao blew it and handed it to Xie Yunchu: "Rokuro, drink the medicine."

After drinking the medicine, Xie Yunchu was supported by Yuanbao back to the yard.

After retreating, Xie Yunchu took off his clothes and immersed himself in the medicinal bath. After only a quarter of an hour, he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

This is to clear the poison, Xie Yunchu is not worried.

Over the years, taking the medicine of Doctor Gu and using the medicated bath recipe prescribed by Doctor Gu, Xie Yunchu has become accustomed to vomiting and pain.

The black blood now looks a lot lighter than it was at the beginning...

Doctor Gu said that when the color of the blood becomes normal, Xie Yunchu will recover.

In fact, now Xie Yunchu is not looking forward to recovery, even if he is tortured, as long as he can live...

Especially after seeing Anyang's death, Xie Yunchu became more determined. Even if she was dying, she wanted to live, and she didn't want to leave Ah Ci alone.

She also... didn't want Ah Ci to suffer those tortures for her again.

She wiped away the blood from the corners of her lips, and as long as she was sure that she could continue to live, she would no longer use the medicine of Gu Shenyi, and don't let Ah Ci suffer for her again.

At the end of May, not long after Xie Yunchu received the news from Xie's family, the official document from the imperial court also arrived...

The news sent by Xie's did not disappoint Xie Yunchu.

No matter how dissatisfied the courtiers were that Qin Lvfu used to be a prostitute, the emperor, for the sake of Xiao Wulang and his two grandsons, did not let Xie Yunchu lose his trust in Qin Lvfu and made Qin Lvfu a Marquis of Shuan.

King Yan later appeared in Chengdu House, and it is said that he has also explained it clearly on the table...

In the past few years, King Yan missed Xiao Wulang and wanted to come and see. The matter of his coming to Chengdu Mansion has also been written in the invitation to the emperor, but the emperor hated King Yan and did not read it.

The official document from the imperial court came down after three days, and the punishment for Xie Yunchu was a year's salary. The reward for saving King Huai would not be paid anymore, but the emperor...and sent a reward to Xie Yunchu.'s very subtle.

Everyone can see that Xie Yunchu rescued Xiao Wulang this time, and he was punished in the face, but...the Emperor Guang rewarded him with more than ten years' salary.

Naturally, Xie Yunchu was born in the Xie clan in Chen County, so he was not short of money at all.

The emperor's reward is an attitude.

According to the national law, the emperor punished Xie Yunchu for making decisions without authorization, but as a father and grandfather, the emperor is grateful to Xie Yunchu.

It was this punishment and a reward that made everyone understand that the emperor's punishment to Xie Yunchu was temporary. I am afraid that as long as there is a suitable excuse, the emperor will transfer Xie Yunchu back.

If the emperor dies, the new emperor will also transfer Xie Yunchu back.

Of course, the premise is... this new prince is not the third prince.

And because the emperor reprimanded the third prince in court for being a beast, the seventh prince, who had been unknown for a long time, was caught in the eyes of many people...

One of the princes taught by the future suzerain of the Wang clan of Langya and the future suzerain of the Xie clan of Chen County... is Ji Jingci, who is famous all over the world for his talent and beauty, and the other is Lianzhong Sanyuan, the youngest imperial censor in the world.

No matter how smart people look at it, they feel that the seventh prince also has the possibility of discussing the reserve, so they silently turned the wind behind their backs.

A wise man is naturally still as motionless as a mountain.

If you don't join the party, no matter who becomes the emperor in the future, someone will need to serve.

Since mid-June, the rain in Maozhou has been intermittent and almost uninterrupted.

At the end of June, Xie Yun became anxious and frequently went to inspect the river embankment and the farmland on both sides...

The embankment construction department has already approved it, but the household department has been suppressing it until Xie Yunchu took office. Now he is in the household department with Xie Yunxiao... From Yunshan Academy, the No.10 Jinshi of the same subject as Xie Yunchu Zhou Fubai gave it away It was a private letter that finally approved the money from the Ministry of Accounts.

However, it will take time for the money to be distributed one by one. When the money arrives, it is already the sixth day of the sixth month, and it starts to rain in the middle of the month. It is difficult for the workers to build, and the houses of the existing people are collapsed. Xie Yunchu is even more worried.

Since the beginning of July, the embankment has been flushed twice. Fortunately, Xie Yunchu has been sending people to keep an eye on this matter. With precautions, most of the flooded farmland has not caused any fatalities.

The people who depended on the sky for food knelt in the rain and looked at the flooded farmland, weeping bitterly...

The rain did not stop until the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, and it was still getting bigger and bigger. Even the city river in Maozhou city flooded the houses several times. Although there were no casualties among the people, Xie Yunchu still had a big alarm bell in his heart. .

The wealthy households outside the city could not help but look up at the sky and sigh, they have never seen such a long time in their life... and such heavy rain.

The water in the city has already risen, not to mention the farmland on both sides of the river bank.

Many foresighted farmers have taken their wives and children to the city for refuge.

Xie Yunchu also moved the idea of ​​temporarily moving the people into the city to avoid disaster, but this was not easy to handle.

People always have a fluke mentality. They always feel that according to experience, the rain has been raining for more than a month, and it should stop. Silver tossed.

Xie Yunchu looked at this situation and discussed with the prefect. He built a temporary shed in the city and moved the people in first to avoid danger. The prefect originally did not want to agree, but was afraid that he would not be good and the superior would explain it to him, so he also agreed.

However, the people outside the city were afraid of trouble, and not many moved in.

The guards were wearing scorpions all day long, beating gongs from house to house to urge them, and their feet were soaked, but it still didn't work.

Forcing the people into the city, Xie Yunchu was afraid of provoking resistance from the people.

On the night when Xie Yunchu was thinking about countermeasures, the dike... still broke. The fierce and turbulent current broke through the embankment, and it collapsed one by one. Even the officers who were sent by Xie Yunchu to watch the movement of the embankment were swept away. A few, others hurriedly rang in various villages with gongs in the middle of the night, letting the people flee for their lives while there was still time.

Xie Yunchu was worried about the river bank and didn't sleep well. Before dawn, he received the news that the river bank had collapsed last night, and the granary in Maozhou was also washed away.

The prefect, the prefect, and the governor got news one after another, and the yamen turned on the lights overnight to discuss matters.

"The embankment has collapsed, and the rainstorm is still falling. What will the granary look like? We can't estimate the loss!" Zhizhou looked sad.

"But in the end, we had already sent a report at that time, and the Ministry of Industry also approved the repair of the river embankment, but the Ministry of Household has been pressing and not to do it! When I ask, all places are waiting for the Ministry of Household to allocate money, and there must be a first come, first come! If Xie Tongjing hadn't figured out a way, I'm afraid it would have to be delayed until next year!"

The prefect was sitting in a chair, full of thoughts on how to explain it to him.

 Little cuties, there is a temporary update in the early morning, and come back at noon today!

(End of this chapter)

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