Chapter 749 749. Launch
No one in the village noticed any abnormalities. Of course, it was mainly because after the heavy snowfall, Gulan seldom left the house unless it was necessary.

After settling here for a few days, Gulan activated.

Fortunately, Xiang Yunjin had relatively complete preparations, not to mention the heartfelt girls and mothers-in-law, just the experienced Wen mother-in-law who invited two of them over in advance.

Fearing that Gulan's birth would be cold, he specially asked someone to install an earth dragon in the room. It had been burning a few days ago, and it just came in handy now.

The delivery went smoothly, and it was just enough time for the incense to be injected. The four men, two, one, two, and one, who were waiting anxiously outside the door, heard the sound of a baby crying full of anger.

"I gave birth..." The old man raised his beard in joy.

The crying made An An happy for a moment. After a few months, An An was also full of expectations for the younger brother or sister in her mother's belly. Hearing the crying, An An was relieved, but she was even more worried. How's it going?Standing straight outside the door waiting.

After all, Kangkang is young and doesn't know much. Hearing the child's cry is a little strange, but seeing everyone relax and relax.

Xiang Yunjin's eyes turned red with excitement, and with the cry of the child, the blood in his body seemed to boil like a galloping horse, as if he had fallen into the clouds and mist, and he felt unbelievable.

The whole person was stunned for a moment before reacting. After the ecstasy, worry followed. Even with the old man around, he couldn't restrain himself. Thinking of the pain that Gulan had to endure during childbirth, Xiang Yunjin felt very distressed, like An An. The man stood upright at the door and waited anxiously, wanting to be the first to know about Gulan's situation when the door was opened.

And the people waiting outside the door were already waiting extremely anxiously, An An's little face was almost lying on the door, her eyes were fixed on the crack of the door, as if she could see through it.

However, the physique of the mother is really good. After delivering so many children, there are not many who are still so energetic after giving birth and are able to thank them in person.

"What's the trouble, ma'am, cover it tighter, then we'll go out." The stable women said happily.

The scene of pots of blood being brought out kept appearing in my mind, as soon as I thought of this An An's face turned pale immediately, the little guy who hadn't known what he was afraid of for a long time had fear in his eyes, but he still restrained himself firmly, stubbornly Stay at the door.

What they said was also true. They had never seen such a worry-free mother who gave birth to the child with almost no effort. It was incredible.

She was also afraid that the mother would not like the girl, so she was relieved now, and she didn't have to worry about Xiqian.

There are accidental risks in childbirth, but as long as the fetal position is stable and the woman is experienced, generally there will be no major problems.

As the saying goes, confinement disease confinement mend is not unreasonable.

"Trouble aunts, Mama Sun" said politely to Granny Wen, and Gu Lan looked at Granny Sun, beckoning her to hold the child.

I can feel that my physical condition is not bad, but this is also a good opportunity to make up for the remaining deficiencies in my previous body during the confinement period.

Although Kangkang was young and didn't understand what was going on, the scene where his father had a stomachache and he and his brother were driven out of the room still left a little shadow in the little guy's heart. He knew that his father was sick, and the bloody little boy he saw The guy was also very scared and anxious, if it wasn't for his brother holding his hand tightly, or for fear of disturbing his father, he would have yelled loudly.

Soon, with the help of the girl and woman, Gulan's side was also tidied up, and even the bedding was replaced with clean ones. If the air outside was not too cold, even the air would have been changed.

To say that the ones who were most shocked should be Gao Xing and Wang Yun who were guarding the yard together.

Don't say Xiang Yunjin's reaction is the same as An An's. The two people, one big and one small, completely occupied the position at the door, but they are no longer as calm as before. Staring at the door.

Inside the house, the lady Wen put the child in front of Gulan, who had been cleaned and wrapped tightly, "Congratulations, madam, she is a daughter, and she looks very handsome after her." Seeing the smile on Gulan's face, the lady Wen also said with a smile on her face.

"Ma'am, you're being polite, we really didn't help much." The stable women hurriedly said.

"Yes." Grandma Sun hurriedly put the red envelopes prepared in advance into the hands of the two Wenpos, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

While everyone was waiting anxiously, footsteps came from the room, especially the ears of one big and two small at the door suddenly pricked up, and their eyes were fixed on the door. Wang Yun was so happy and moved forward nervously.

Looking at the ten taels of silver in their hands, the Wen women were so happy that they couldn't stop talking from ear to ear. They kept pouring out good words and cleaned up Gu Lan more meticulously.

To say that the most relaxed person here is the old man. No one knows Gulan's physical condition better than him. In addition, he likes to practice martial arts on weekdays. Although some losses have not been fully made up, his physical fitness has surpassed most people. up.

"Ma'am, it's all right for you, let's go out to announce the good news." One of the women said.

Only then did I understand why the previous son asked them to find the best stable woman, and transferred a reliable girl woman from the building.

Gu Lan smiled, glanced at the woman who was serving at the same side, and said with a smile: "Mother Sun rewards you."

Gu Lan nodded slightly and lay down to rest. Although the time of labor was not long, she was indeed suffering, and she was still a little tired.

"Aunts, you've worked hard." Letting the waiter girl wipe the sweat off her face, Gu Lan glanced at the bright red monkey and smiled softly, not because her eyes were sore, but her heart seemed to be filled with something for a moment, and then said Thanks.

In fact, the same is true. Gu Lan didn't even have time to inject incense into the delivery room, and the baby cried loudly, which showed that the delivery was very smooth. People are much more relaxed.

The two of them still haven't figured out the situation, especially the loud cry of the child, which stunned the two of them and stared at each other in surprise.

But isn't the person in the room Gu Ye?So what's up with this kid?
Their minds were full of questions, but it was a pity that no one answered them for them. At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the people in the room.

After everything was done here, Ms. Wang went out with her mother-in-law Wen holding her tightly covered child.

Then the door opened, and the Wens came out first, and when they came out with a smile on their faces, they spoke pleasant words. Just seeing their expressions made everyone relax.

Afterwards, Mrs. Sun, who was holding the quilt, was also smiling all over her face, and walked straight to the people at the door.

"My mother, is she okay?" An'an's crisp voice sounded anxiously before Mrs. Sun could speak.

A pair of eyes looked at Grandma Sun nervously, and Xiang Yunjin did the same. Her eyes signaled Grandma Sun to speak quickly, and she was so nervous that she didn't even glance at the quilt in Grandma Sun's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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