Chapter 658
Putting on a black tights that melted into the night, Gu Lan quietly left the tent, then disappeared into the garrison, and appeared a few miles away in Xiaobei Village a few moments later.

As for how to know, thanks to the fact that the tent between them is too close, and her hearing is amazing, she can't even listen.

She was already asleep, but she was woken up by the sound of discussions in Xiang Yunjin's tent, and she finally returned to the space to sleep peacefully.

The night is still pretty good tonight. There is a half moon hanging high in the night sky. Although the surrounding scene is not very clear, it can still be vaguely seen.

Gu Lan stopped on a tree and observed the situation in Xiaobei Village.

In just one cup of tea, two rounds of patrols have passed in front of Xiaobei Village. Everyone is energetic and serious. It seems that the barbarians are very afraid of the Yuling Army!
But this can't be difficult for Gulan, who made her fast enough.

In an instant, a figure so fast that even the human eye could not figure it out flashed behind the patrolling barbarians and entered Xiaobei Village.

Then the barbarian at the end suddenly stopped, looked back, doubts flashed across his face, and then a gust of cold wind blew, and relief flashed across the barbarian's face.

It turned out that the wind was strong, so I immediately followed the team.

This side of Gulan has already entered Xiaobei Village, and there are also patrolling soldiers, but there are fewer people than the previous village. After avoiding these soldiers, Gulan searched in the village, and finally focused on the two largest houses in the village. There were a few barbarians guarding it, and suppressed cries could be heard faintly from inside.

Gulan's expression darkened, and it was no accident that the place where the people were detained was heard by the voice.

Seeing the soldiers who were already struggling, Gulan moved.

They only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them, and they fell asleep completely before they woke up. Gulan twisted their necks one by one and sat on the ground back to back. Even if they were found, they would only think they were dozing off.

Then it was further confirmed that although the room was very dark, the scene in the room could still be vaguely seen through the window without window paper under the moonlight.

The room was large and empty, and there were no unnecessary things. There were shivering common people curled up inside, and some couldn't help moaning.

Gu Lan didn't hesitate anymore, before the people in the house could react, he appeared among them at an extremely fast speed, and then all the people appeared in the space and fell asleep.

This is the most time-saving, labor-saving and safest method.

The person was saved. Just in case, he did not leave in a hurry but searched again, and finally stopped on the roof of the house in the village with the best door and the most guarded house.

But the next moment his face turned green, and the desperate cries of women and the voices of men venting could be heard from several rooms in the courtyard.

Not only that, there were more than a dozen anxious men waiting outside two of the rooms, constantly urging them in a language that Gulan was not familiar with.

There was no line in the direction of the main room, but the sound inside was not much better, and the women in the room were also suffering.

Gu Lan's eyes shone coldly, and a group of beasts disappeared on the roof in an instant.

A puff of green smoke cleared away, and when the dozen or so barbarians outside the room realized something was wrong, they had already fallen to the ground one after another, and Gulan twisted their heads and leaned against the wall.

It's a pity that the people inside the house were all excited, and they didn't notice any abnormalities outside the house at all.

It was too late when they felt their necks being cold and hot and instinctively grasped them. They stared so wide that they didn't even see the murderer and fell to the ground at the same time.

As for the four naked women on the bed, Gu Lan also knocked unconscious as quickly as possible, pulled the quilt from the bed and covered them, then went to another room to do the same, and finished the three beasts.

The main room was the last to pass, and the bearded people in the room were more alert, and they noticed it the moment Gulan appeared behind him.

It's just that it was still too late. After dodging one move but not the second one, he was punched on the chest by Gu Lan, and the blurted shout stopped abruptly, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. There is no breath in the air, but even so, a pair of eyes are still staring at the man in black who suddenly appeared. Unfortunately, at this moment, he can do nothing but feel the passing of life.

Then, Gu Lan pulled the quilt aside and covered the woman who was already petrified.

Just when Gulan was about to stun her, the woman lifted the quilt and moved, not even caring about putting on the clothes to cover her body, picked up a machete placed beside the bed, and slashed at the panting beard. .

Knife after knife, did not stop until the blood was bloody, did not make a sound the whole time, and then sat on the bed silently crying, Gulan's eye sockets also became sore.

Sideways threw the quilt on the woman.

"Put on your clothes, I'm here to save you." After whispering, Gulan stepped back a few steps and turned her back, not forgetting that she was a man now.

Not much else to say, under such circumstances, she dared to stomp people into meat paste with a knife, and didn't say a word. This woman made Gulan look at her differently, and Gulan knew that women would understand her words.

Sure enough, after a rustling sound of dressing, the woman put on her shoes and got off the bed, then knelt down on the ground with a plop, kowtowing to Gu Lan.

"Also ask benefactor to save my family and the people in the village."

"Family? You mean the people locked up in the house in the middle of the village."

If she didn't ask, Gulan was going to ask, so as not to miss the rescue.

But this is a kind woman, and she can still think of others at such a time.

"It's over there." The woman nodded with tears and looked at her body in disgust. If she didn't still miss her parents in her heart, she...wouldn't want to live a long time ago.

"Relax, they are safe now, besides them, is there anyone else?"

"It's all there." Hearing that it was safe, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground.

Gu Lan nodded to show that she knew, Ye Changmeng would stop talking more and signal the woman to follow.

After a while, he pointed to the unconscious woman on the bed.

"You help them put on their clothes."

The woman nodded, but the tears that had just stopped when she looked at the girls in the same village who had suffered the same abuse as her could not be stopped like a river breaking its embankment.

Anyway, Gu Lan couldn't see him, so he quickly avoided the room until the woman came out after a while.

Then there was another room. Gulan took the opportunity to put the three girls in the clothes into the space, and then took her and the other four girls into the space when the girls were not paying attention, and disappeared into the space without a sound. Little North Village.

The next one is a good time to catch everything in one go, and it must not be wasted.

After a few miles away, Gulan chose a conspicuous place and released everyone in the space, then disappeared here like a ghost, turned around and entered the station, and appeared outside Xiang Yunjin's tent.

"Brother Jin..."

If it wasn't for this guy already knowing her identity, he would have gone in directly at such an emergency.

With just one sound, he heard movement in the tent, and then Xiang Yunjin and Gao Xing followed him out.

"What's wrong?" He looked at Gu Lan, then paused.

...this outfit.

(End of this chapter)

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