Take space to raise cubs on the road to escape

Chapter 548 548. Don't be surprised

Chapter 548 548. Don't be surprised

Although the old man Su is a carpenter, in addition to farming, he does woodwork on weekdays, and the farthest place he goes to is going to the city. He doesn't have much experience, but he still has a little bit of vision.

Although the two messengers in front of them seemed to be servants, there was an aura faintly exuding from their bodies, and they were definitely not ordinary servants.

Moreover, both of them rode horses, and considering the bank note sent back by their daughter earlier, 200 taels is not a small amount of money, so it can be inferred that the family where the daughter lives should be living a good life.

The old man Su sighed in his heart, it is useless to think about it now, it is a fact that cannot be changed, I just hope that this child will not regret it in the future.

Knowing that she is serving as a concubine for a scholar, the old wife should feel better in her heart.

On the other side, Brother Su who was returning to his room called his wife up from the bed.

Su Qinshi was not asleep at first, but Brother Su immediately sat up when he called out, "What's wrong?"

Big Brother Su: "Get up, someone is coming to the house, it's from the little sister's side, the mother has to work hard for you to get up and make two bowls of noodles."

Upon hearing this, Su Qinshi quickly took the clothes, "Come and help me." He quickly put on the clothes while talking.

"En." Brother Su nodded, originally he didn't intend to let his wife work in the kitchen by herself.

Nothing else, he is still good at washing dishes and lighting a fire.

While talking, the two carefully closed the door, lest they wake up the sleeping children.

Glancing at the light emitting from the main room, the two went to the kitchen.

Su Qinshi quickly grabbed a handful of good noodles and mixed some black noodles into it quickly, and of course his mouth was not idle.

"Father, pick and wash the vegetables in the basket for later use, and you said the person came from your sister's side, what's going on?"

Su Qin couldn't hold back any longer, and while telling her man what to do, she also asked questions from the bottom of her heart.

Brother Su picked up the vegetables and said, "My little sister is worried about the family, so I sent someone home to take a look."

"Send?" Su Qin's gestures paused, the word, and looked at his man strangely, "What is little sister doing now? Can you still send someone over?"

Brother Su pursed his lips, thinking of the matter and couldn't hide it, he sighed and said: "Little sister didn't do anything, she just married herself."

"Married?" Su Qinshi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the child's father, seeing that the child's father looked normal, Su Qinshi was slightly relieved.

In fact, last year, when the younger sister got 200 taels of silver, she already had this suspicion.

Except for the little girl who can do embroidery with one hand, she can't do anything else at all.

How could a girl earn 200 taels of silver in a short period of time when she was not familiar with her family? Anyway, she didn't believe it.

I have always had doubts about this in my heart, but I just saw that everyone was happy when they heard the news about my little sister, and my parents' spirits improved day by day.

If this is the case, it seems that the younger sister has found a rich husband's family, Su Qinshi thought to herself.

Su Qinshi: "Do you know who you married?"

Brother Su shook his head, "I don't know, actually it shouldn't be called marriage, but... it's becoming an aunt."

After speaking, Big Brother Su glanced at the child's mother, knowing that the child's mother had a little disdain for her younger sister before, and she just tolerated her sister for the sake of his face and the face of her parents.

It's not appropriate for a good lady to be a concubine, and the child's mother will look down on her even more.

Who knows that the child's mother didn't look too surprised after he said this.

"Mother, you...?"

Su Qin glanced at Big Brother Su, "It's nothing to be surprised about. In fact, I've thought of this a long time ago. With my little sister's ability, do you think she can earn at least 200 taels of silver in a short period of time?"

Brother Su choked at what the child's mother said. Although the words were not pleasant, it was true.

Not to mention his younger sister, even he and his second brother would probably not be able to earn 200 taels of silver in their lifetime.

In fact, he also has doubts in this regard, but he just doesn't want to believe it.

Brother Su didn't speak, but quickly washed the vegetables for use, and then lit the stove.

Knowing that her man was feeling uncomfortable, Su Qinshi shut up and quickly rolled the noodles in his hands into noodles.

When putting the oil in the pot, I thought about it and said, "Don't think too much, actually thinking about it is already very good, at least my little girl is safe."

You must know that when the little sister disappeared, they were all prepared for the worst.

Brother Su nodded, maybe it was because of despair that he could accept it so easily at this moment.

While the couple were talking, two large bowls of noodles were ready, and Su Qinshi also nested four poached eggs. There is no meat but adding these eggs is not too shabby, and then Su Qinshi quickly accompanied them with two side dishes.

"I'm going to deliver the noodles. Mother, please work harder to clean up the third brother's room. It's already such an hour that you can't let people spend the night outside."

"Well, I know, you go." Su Qinshi nodded, turned and walked to the third brother's room.

That is to say, the third brother has gone to the academy, otherwise there would be no extra room for guests at home.

In the main room, after chatting with the two younger brothers for a while, old man Su felt more at ease, but the other two younger brothers kept silent.

Seeing the boss come in with a tray, the old man Su didn't need to say anything, Second Brother Su quickly pulled out the smaller table under the Eight Immortals' table, which they usually use for eating.

"There are no good things, so don't dislike them." Old man Su said while looking at him.

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, thank you Master Su." The two of Chen Lie Micang got up and said hastily.

Aunt Su's family would not dare to dislike them, and it is already pretty good to be able to eat two bowls of noodles at this hour.

The noodles were ready, and the two of them didn't show any hypocrisy. They quickly ate a clean meal, and they were indeed really hungry.

Old Man Su: "It's getting late, you two can rest at home if you don't mind."

The two of them nodded.

Then, Brother Su brought the two of them to the third brother's room.

The Su family is very hardworking. Although the house is a bit shabby, it is very clean and there is no peculiar smell, except for a slight smell of ink.

"This is my third brother's room, but the bed is a little too small for the two of you to squeeze."

"It's already very good, thank you Mr. Su."

"I'm not a young master, just call me Su Ren."

Chen Lie Micang smiled and didn't answer.

"Then I won't bother you two. If you need anything, I will live in the east wing across the street. You can call me at any time." Brother Su nodded and left.

Instead of going back to his own room, he went to the main room again.

Old Man Su and Second Brother Su were sitting in the main room, and Second Brother Su was carefully reading the letter that Brother Su had read at the moment.

"What did the letter say?"

When Big Brother Su came in, old man Su was anxiously asking this question.

Second Brother Su folded the letter again, and helped Dad, "Don't worry, Dad, it's not much different from what you just learned. In the letter, the younger sister said that she had a good life, found support, and..."

"What else? Hurry up and say it." Old man Su patted his second son anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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