Chapter 543 543. Story
"But as the general's prestige became more and more popular, he was still suspected after all, so the general's daughter was forced to marry, and the general and his son worked hard to protect the safety of the frontier in order to make their daughter's life comfortable. , the general received news that his daughter died of illness, but her only son has disappeared."

Speaking of this, Qin Lv, who looked at Kangkang, had tears in his eyes.

"Then what happened?" Kangkang asked, obviously interested in this story.

An An looked at his younger brother thoughtfully, but didn't speak.

"...The general and his son naturally didn't believe that their daughter and sister were in good health all the time. How could they suddenly fall ill? But it was too late when they found out, and almost a year had passed. Although many people were sent to investigate, after all There are still limited clues, but it is certain that the general's daughter definitely did not die of a sudden illness, but even though they knew it, they had no choice but because they couldn't beat the high-ranking person with high authority, so they could only choose to endure.

The only consolation is that their only grandson and nephew were found to be alive according to the unique codes of their family. The clues showed that they had been hunted down all the time. So according to these clues, the son led people to search for this child for several months. ...Finally one day Huang Tian paid off, and the child was found. "

"Huh...that's great." Kangkang, who was fascinated by the sound, let out a nervous sigh of relief, and couldn't help but ask, "What about the child? Did the child follow his son?"

Qin Lu took a deep look at Kangkang and shook his head.

"The son came too late. The child who was fleeing in his infancy has integrated into his current family after more than two years, and he doesn't recognize his son at all."

"Oh, my son seems a bit pitiful." Kang Kang looked at Qin Lv with bright eyes and said, at the moment he was just a child listening to stories, he didn't think much about it, and he forgot his awkwardness towards Qin Lv.

"Really? Does Kangkang think so too?" Qin Lu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Kangkang happily.

Kangkang: "..."

I always feel that Uncle Qin is a bit strange at this moment, but he still nods, after all, he really feels a little pitiful.

"Kangkang, if my uncle said that the son in the story is my uncle, would you feel sorry for my son?"

When Kangkang opened his eyes, he finally realized this.

An An: "..."

His hunch was still right.

Qin Lv continued while the iron was hot: "Uncle Kangkang is that son. Uncle is very, very happy to find you. Uncle knows that it will be difficult for you to accept it for a while, but uncle can wait until you can accept it. Uncle also knows that you can't do without your brothers and sisters, and he won't force you, so don't hide from uncle anymore, okay?"

Qin Lv was pitiful at the end, and looked at him with eyes somewhat similar to those of Kang Kang.

Kangkang: "..."

Although he is young, Uncle Qin can still understand these words, especially the most important thing is that he will not force him, so at this moment the little guy believes that what his father said is true, he will not leave, deep down in his heart The worries finally dissipated.

Since he won't take him away, and won't lose sight of his father and brother, Kangkang naturally won't be afraid, and if he's not afraid, there's nothing to hide from.

So it's that simple for kids.

Immediately, the little guy also looked at Qin Lv, and confirmed: "What you said is true, won't I lose my father and brother?"

"Really" Qin Lu nodded seriously.

It doesn't matter if you are not serious. In terms of the ability that Gu Lan has shown, if he takes it away by force, the possibility of success is almost zero.

Hearing what Qin Lu said in person, Kangkang immediately showed a bright smile, and then nodded to him, looking easy to talk to.

"Well, as long as you don't take me away, I won't avoid you."

A crisp voice sounded, and the little guy looked at him seriously.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when he heard Kangkang express that he did not want to follow him, Qin Lv still felt a little bit disappointed and uncomfortable.

He still said: "Kangkang is such a good boy." He boasted.

Hearing that he was praised, Kangkang couldn't help puffing out his small chest.

"Kangkang is a good boy."

The feeling of awkwardness was greatly reduced, and it seemed that Uncle Qin, who called himself his uncle, was not so difficult to accept.

"Then...Kangkang...can you call me...uncle..."

Qin Lv was very nervous at this moment.

Even when the war was on the verge of breaking out, he was still calm and composed, but at this moment, he was nervous and divided into several times before finishing the short sentence, looking at Kangkang expectantly.

Kangkang's clear eyes saw the anticipation in Uncle Qin's eyes, and his heart was still a little soft-hearted.

But don't know what's wrong?Usually, uncles, grandparents, and grandparents can be called out almost by opening their mouths, but this uncle still can't be called out after opening their mouths a few times.

Although Qin Lu couldn't hide his disappointment, he still smiled and said, "It's okay, Kangkang and I don't know each other too well after all, uncle will definitely work hard to get acquainted with Kangkang as soon as possible."

That's right, that's right, Kangkang nodded quickly, and waited until he got familiar with it.

These words also changed An An's perception of Qin Lv.

In any case, Kangkang's uncle treated Kangkang with patience and thoughtfulness. He could feel that this person really wanted to integrate into Kangkang's world seriously, and he really loved Kangkang.

The feelings shown did not seem to be fake, and because of this, An An sat quietly by the side without making any noise.

Then in the following time, Qin Lv kept showing his presence and favor in front of Kangkang.

Of course, the effect is also good. Kangkang's attitude towards him is getting better day by day, and he will take the initiative to talk to him.

Finally, one day after five days, Qin Lu, who was waiting at the gate of the school again to pick up Kangkang and the others from school, finally heard the long-awaited "uncle".

Children's hearts are the most peaceful, and they can feel who is good and who is not, who is sincere and who is false.

Feeling this, the awkwardness in his heart disappeared, and the little guy naturally called out his uncle. Of course, the premise is that this uncle will not take him away from his father.

This sound made Qin Lv very happy. He has been hugging Kangkang all day long, showing off to everyone in the old house, especially his brothers.

These days the general's hard work finally paid off, the young master finally recognized the general, they were really happy from the bottom of their hearts.

The only fly in the ointment is that the young master is unwilling to leave with them.

But they also believed that as long as time passed, the young master would be willing to go back to Bingzhou with them.


To the palace.

After half a month outside, Xiang Yunjin returned to the mansion a few days ago.

As soon as I came back, I noticed the difference. I thought I would face the violent storm from my father, but I didn't expect that not only did I not, but I also rarely heard a word of concern from my father.

Although it was just a simple sentence of hard work, and he already had no expectations in his heart, it is undeniable that Xiang Yunjin's mood at this moment is really indescribable.

He knew, it must be during his absence, what did side concubine Hua and the others do?Otherwise, how could his father, the king, have such a big change.

Although he still had a cold face towards Prince Xiang, but finally he was no longer confronting Maimang, and he was so angry with Prince Xiang as soon as he met.

(End of this chapter)

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