Take space to raise cubs on the road to escape

Chapter 510 510. Not Like a Good Man

Chapter 510 510. Not Like a Good Man
"The master is still amazing, what he said is too correct, it's my apprentice who is acting." Gulan flattered him casually, with admiration shining in his eyes just right.

"If you care about it, it will cause chaos." Divine doctor Ling happily enjoyed the worship of his disciples.

"Let's go, since we're not going up the mountain, help me sort out the medicinal materials."

Seeing that the apprentice wanted to leave, Master Ling ordered him to leave again.

Gu Lan stood up resignedly, this is the disadvantage of having an extra master.

On the other side, a group of people divided into several groups and continued to inquire along the villages around the barren mountains where clues were left.

One of the teams left from Lijia Village.

"General, General Mo always thinks that Li Family Village is a bit suspicious." A man with a scar on his forehead caught up with the general he was talking about, and expressed his doubts.

When they asked the villagers whether they had seen the stranger holding the child in winter two years ago, they thought for a while before answering.

This is a normal reaction.

When they asked if anyone in the village had picked up the child, the people in Lijia Village shook their heads and said no without even thinking about it.

It's so neat that you don't even think about it, which is a bit strange.

The general on horseback nodded. It's not like he didn't feel the abnormality in Lijia Village, but they obviously didn't want to say more. Even if they asked, they couldn't ask anything?
Unless the threat of force is used, this kind of thing cannot be done unless it is a last resort.

And they are soldiers, not robbers.

Qin Lu searched for the Qin family's secret code left by his sister's cronies and guards. After several months, he even climbed over countless mountains, and only lost his clues on the few mountains behind Li's village.

No wonder they got the news of their sister's sudden illness and death too late. By the time they found the clues and found the clues left by her sister's cronies and knew that her sister and child were still there, a year had passed, and the difficulty of finding it could be imagined.

During the period, they were ordered to return to Shengjing. If they hadn't known about their sister first, they would have gone back.

Being rejected by my father because of the war, after all, I will not accept the order of the king outside.

He and his father tried their best to protect the frontiers to the death for the great Jin country and the current emperor, but the emperor thought about how he would treat the Qin family in peacetime.

The Qin family had few descendants, only him and his younger sister were left in his father's life, and his mother had long since passed away.

Although the younger sister is a noble concubine, it was accepted by the emperor in order to restrain their father and son. Otherwise, why would the younger sister lose her life in the harem at a young age.

Thinking of this, he and his father wanted to go back to Shengjing, but reason told them that they couldn't do this, and now they should find the younger sister's child and his nephew first.

"General, if you let the last general go again like this, you will definitely be able to find out the truth." The dark-faced man said immediately.

It is not easy to ask the truth, just arrest two villagers and scare them.

"Bian Qiong, this is Yunzhou, not Bingzhou. You can't act recklessly, let alone reveal your identity." Qin Lu glanced over coldly.

"I will know my mistake at the end." Bian Qiong's heart tightened, "But what if there is a clue?"

Qin Lu narrowed his eyes and looked at the faintly visible village in the distance, "No hurry, I've been looking for it for several months, and I'm not in a hurry for two days, just ask first before talking."

As long as he didn't find the body of the child's bodyguard for a day, he would not believe that the child was gone.

Even if this hope is really very slim, after all, the clue shows that the guard with the child was seriously injured.

One day passed quickly, and they asked all the villages within a dozen miles around the mountain range, whether they picked up children, and saw a lot of children who were discarded.

After inquiring, I learned that these children were all sent to the sales home in Yunzhou City after no one adopted them, and only four children were known.

Of course, it is not without useful information, as long as the money is in place.

It was the village they met when they first went down the mountain—Lijia Village.

The time was correct. Someone in Lijia Village did pick up a child in the winter of last year, and sent people to look for the child’s relatives during the winter, but the specific whereabouts of the child in the end was unclear to the questioner, after all, they were not from Lijia Village. People from this village.

However, it is enough to know this. Based on the reaction of the people in Lijia Village in the early morning, it is almost certain that the child has not been sent out and is still in Lijia Village.

If everyone in Lijia Village knew that they spoke too quickly and aroused suspicion from others, they would definitely think more about it.

Unfortunately, they don't know.

Bian Qiong: "General, what should we do next? Should we continue or..."

Looking at the already dark sky, Qin Lu looked at his brothers with tired faces and frowned: "Find a place to camp, let's rest first."

These days, almost none of the brothers who accompanied him had a good rest.

Now that we have gone down the mountain, we don't need to be wary of wild animals in the mountain anymore. Let everyone have a good rest this night.


Just like that, he walked for less than two miles, and soon saw a forest, and a team of more than ten people camped in the forest.

Soon a fire was lit, and a pot was set up on it. After a while, the smell of meat came out of the pot.

Taking out the fine-grain pancakes bought at noon, the group couldn't wait to sit around the fire, waiting for the meat to be soaked in pancakes.

After staying in the mountains for nearly a month, the food I brought with me was quickly eaten up, and the rest was full of all kinds of game.

If it weren't for this experience, they really wouldn't know that meat can be eaten and hurt.

Of course, it's not disgusting, they still want to eat meat compared to being hungry.

"General, do you want to go to the nursery or Lijiacun first tomorrow?" Bian Qiong asked after passing a bowl of soup made of biscuits to the general.

"It's close to the city, so go to the Salesian Home first."

After replying, Qin Lv stopped talking and moved his chopsticks.

As the lieutenant next to the general, Bian Qiong knew the general's habits and didn't like to talk while eating.

Even if there was still something to say in his mouth, he silently closed it and started eating his own.

That night, except for the watchmen, the forest was full of snoring.

After a month, everyone finally had a good night's rest for the first time.

The next day.

When Gu Lan sent the child to the school, apart from those who stayed in the forest, Qin Lv, who had left behind his weapon, and several people had already found out the location of the Salesian House, and appeared at the gate of the Salesian House.

"Who are you looking for?" Magu nervously looked at the burly men outside the door.

No matter how she looked at these people with cold faces, they didn't look like good people, but they seemed to come here to find trouble.

As if seeing Magu's nervousness, Qin Lv looked at Bian Qiong.

The understanding Bian Qiong immediately opened her mouth wide, showing her white teeth, and faced Magu with what he thought was the most amiable smile, and at the same time the scar on her forehead also became ferocious.

Little did he know that what he thought was amiable, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was a ferocious bloody mouth, or a gloomy, ferocious bloody mouth.

"Girl..." Before the word "mother" came out, the door closed with a "snap", if he hadn't reacted quickly and took a step back, his handsome nose would have suffered.

Inside the door, Magu patted her chest to calm herself down, scaring her to death, but fortunately she reacted quickly.

"What's the matter, Magu? Why don't you open the door?"

The dean who heard the movement came over and looked at Magu strangely.

Isn't someone knocking on the door?The child looked like he was frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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