Take space to raise cubs on the road to escape

Chapter 458. 458. Sweet Potato Harvest

Chapter 458. 458. Sweet Potato Harvest

When more and more sweet potatoes were pulled out of the field, Xiang Yunjin, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't hide his excitement. He just stood on the ground and watched the farmers below.

The hard-working farmers in the field were also shocked, watching the sweet potatoes being picked out one by one by them, the plump and solid size, and the faint sweet smell, if there were no supervisors in the field, the prince would have come in person Now, they really want to be brave enough to break a piece and taste what it is?
An hour later, about one mu of sweet potatoes were picked out and piled up into a mountain of sweet potatoes.

Except for the farmers who were working in the fields, everyone on this hill was silent, staring at the hill in a daze.

It's unbelievable that so many can be picked up from an acre of land.

The same is true for Xiang Yunjin. He thought that the yield of sweet potatoes would be high, but he really didn't expect it to be so high.

Although the specific weight of such a pile is unknown, it is obviously incomparable to other grain production, and this alone is enough to make people excited.

After the excitement is over, it is weighing. After a shot of incense, the weight of one mu of sweet potatoes is calculated.

Two thousand eight hundred catties, when this figure was calculated, all the people involved in the weighing took a deep breath.

Even in a dream, I dare not think so!

What kind of concept is this, that is to say, the harvest of this mu of land can almost feed a whole family for a year.

With it, ordinary people don't have to worry about going hungry.

"Shizi" looked at Shizi happily and excitedly.

This should be the best news I've heard this year. It's because the son is so good that he has found such a food that is out of the sky.

This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people. If it is promoted and planted in large quantities, not only will the common people have enough to eat, but even the military will not have to worry about food supplies.

Gao Xing thought of these almost naturally.

Xiang Yunjin didn't have the time to be happy, her mind was all on the baskets of sweet potatoes being carried into the car, and she felt relieved after seeing everyone's careful movements.

Then, for the first time, the perennially cold face showed a smile in front of so many people. The upward arc of the corner of the mouth made this peerless fairy face that people dare not look directly at seemed to suddenly fall into the mortal world. A man like a god.

Xiang Yunjin was very excited in his heart. No one knew better than him what it meant to successfully plant sweet potatoes, especially when he saw the refugees suffering from hunger on the way to flee famine, he knew the importance of this thing.

It is precisely because of this that I feel that these things are more precious than treasures, and I must be more careful.

Except for a very small part, the rest will be kept in his plan, and will be distributed to farmers in Yunzhou for free.

Only when the common people are not hungry and live well with surplus food in their hands, will people's hearts be less impetuous, their Yunzhou will be better, and he, the son of Yunzhou, will feel more at ease.

Looking at the hills one after another, Xiang Yunjin's mouth never let go of the arc.

The same is true for Gulan. During the harvesting process, everyone was smiling. It took three days to harvest all the dozens of acres of wasteland.

It took another two days to filter and sieve, and it was confirmed that there was no sweet potato left in the field, and this labor was really over.

When cartloads of sweet potatoes were pulled into the village, there was an instant sensation.

And Gulan is also generous. After harvesting and counting the weight, each household gave a few catties of the generous and how to eat sweet potatoes.

After that, Lijia Village was filled with the sweetness of sweet potatoes for two consecutive days.

Looking at the sweet potatoes piled higher than the hills in the front yard and the back yard, I get a headache after the excitement.

Can you not have a headache?
10,000+ catties of sweet potatoes are piled together in such piles that almost all the open space in the house is occupied, leaving only the trails necessary for walking.

This is the cellar where some of them were sent.

Inspired by the wine cellar, she then asked someone to build a large grain storage cellar, thinking about the storage of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Although the cellar has been made as large as possible, only part of it can be put down, and most of it is placed outside in the open air.

This is not counting the few acres planted in the backyard that have not been dug.

Don't worry about these gulans. It will be fine ten and a half months later. The first problem now is to solve the storage problem of these sweet potatoes.

Next, she took the initiative to find the village chief before anyone in the village came to inquire about the purchase.

It was enough to shock everyone to see this cart of grain pulled back two days ago. When the village chief heard about the production of sweet potatoes, he jumped up from his chair in shock. This neat movement can be compared with his The ages did not match, and Gu Lan was so frightened that he hurriedly protected him.

"Gu boy, what you said is true?" Even though he knew it was true, the village chief couldn't help asking.

"Uncle heard it right, it's true. If people in the village are interested, they can come to me to get the seeds for free. Of course, they can also buy them if they eat them themselves."

"Yes, yes, of course I'm interested." The village chief nodded repeatedly.

Such a good thing, unless you have a brain problem, you will not be interested.

And the taste is really good. It is sweet and soft when cooked in a pot with other foods. For an old man like him, it doesn't take much effort to eat.

Gu Lan: "That's fine, I'll trouble the village chief to inform you."

Then, everyone who heard the news rushed to Gu Lan's house behind the village.

The least family bought hundreds of catties at one time, not counting the sweet potato seeds as a gift.

It was the sweet potato seeds as a gift, and everyone almost unanimously thought that Master Gu should not suffer anymore.

Now everyone's good life is thanks to Master Gu, and how many good things they have done for you, everyone is counting in their hearts, and they are all very grateful, so how dare they take advantage of Master Gu.

The most important thing is that everyone's life is prosperous and there is no shortage of money to buy sweet potatoes, so everyone almost secretly keeps the money for seeds while buying sweet potatoes.

In this way, only one-third of the sweet potatoes in the yard went to the village, and there was finally some space in the yard.

Next, another part was separated for easy storage, washed and sliced, and dried directly into dried sweet potatoes.

It can be cooked and eaten, or it can be directly ground into flour or slag. In short, after this treatment, the sweet potato will not be afraid of being damaged by the low temperature in winter.

Of course, in order to prevent sweet potatoes from freezing, it is the best way to store them in the cellar. Jin Guanjia also specially reminded everyone when purchasing.

In fact, due to environmental factors in Yunzhou, almost every household likes to build a cellar. The outlet is either in the woodshed or under the kitchen, just to store vegetables in winter.

Although it is troublesome to take the dishes up and down every time, there is no need to worry that the dishes will be damaged by freezing, and there is no need to worry that the dishes will be hard and difficult to handle.

Except for the sun-dried sweet potatoes, the people from Xiangyunjin arrived just as Gulan was considering whether to build another cellar, and helped her solve this problem, and all of them were taken away at a high price.

If it weren't for the fear of ruining Xiang Yunjin's plan for sweet potatoes, why would she have thought too much about it, and would have sold them long ago.

Presumably, as long as you taste the deliciousness of sweet potatoes, no one should refuse it.

It was considered that Xiang Yunjin was thoughtful, knowing to come and have a look, saved her a lot of money in the cellar, and bought a lot of money at the same time.

Although she is not short of money at all now.

Several workshops work together to produce and work, except for the distillery, which can only go in and out for the time being, and the tofu workshop's income is a little less, and the others are making money every day, especially the glass workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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