Chapter 289 289. Save Your Life
This man is quite transparent, and she does have concerns about it. She knows medicine, but after all, she is self-taught and has no practice. She can't compare with an old doctor who has been practicing medicine for many years.

And this is a person from another village, unlike the elders of the clan, if something goes wrong and the patient dies, who knows what will happen to the patient's family.

Although it may not be able to do anything to her, but it is really disgusting, Gu Lan has to be careful.

Immediately asked this person to wait, left An'an with Butler Jin, and returned to the room.

The hemostatic medicine, gauze, alcohol and simple surgical equipment taken from the space were packed into the medicine box that she specially made with Uncle Li Shan.

Then he bent over his desk and quickly wrote out the non-responsible documents, and took these things to the courtyard.

Looking at the man indifferently, Gulan said, "What's your name? Can you write?"

"My name is Chen Xi, and I can't read." The man said quickly.

Gulan: "Which stream?"

"A brook like a stream of a brook"

Gu Lan nodded, and neatly signed the person's name at the bottom of the note, followed by the date, and finally the stamp.

It wasn't until the man finished painting that he picked up the medicine box and walked towards the village chief's house at high speed.

Such skill wasted almost half a cup of tea, I hope the man can persevere.

Before reaching the village chief's house, he saw people standing in the courtyard, including people from Li's village and other villages.

"Rang Rang... Rang Rang..." Li Youzhi quickly dispersed the crowd, looking at the wounded who were surrounded by water.

When the people of Lijia Village saw that it was Gu Lan, they quickly moved away. Although Shanxia Village didn't know who the doctor was, the wooden box on Gu Lan's body was still quite conspicuous, so they quickly dispersed when they knew it was the doctor.

As soon as the crowd dispersed, the person lying in the wooden frame was exposed, lying there covered in blood, and a young man tightly covered the wound on the injured man's head with his hands.

Even so, there was still blood slowly overflowing, and the man's entire face was almost covered with blood.

The bleeding situation is quite dangerous, no wonder the people from Shanxia Village rushed here when they heard that there was a doctor here.

The amount of bleeding was so large that the usual hemostatic medicine she kept in the medicine box would be difficult to stop it. Even with special medicine, Gu Lan was not sure if it could stop the bleeding.

In fact, these days, she is also studying the methods of acupuncture and moxibustion in medical books, and she has memorized all the acupuncture points in her body by heart.

For the experiment, I bought a set of silver needles in the medical center, and tried it on myself, but I haven't tried acupuncture to stop bleeding.

To be honest, she doesn't have much information, but if the current situation doesn't take care of both, I'm afraid this man really won't be able to hold on.

Looking at the blood oozing from the wounded forehead, the amount of blood would be washed away before the medicine started to take effect, Gulan hesitated for a moment, and then decided to do both.

Having made up his mind, Gulan squatted beside the wounded person and quickly opened the medicine box without further delay, taking out the needle pack for use.

Then loosen the wounded person's hair, measure and find the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head by hand (do not sit in the opposite direction), take out the cotton wool and wipe it carefully, keep the cotton wool in the hair to make a mark, and give the silver needle disinfect.

Closing her eyes, Gulan took a deep breath, and when she opened them again, her gaze became firm.

At the same time, all the onlookers watched nervously, especially the men from Shanxia Village.

Identify the acupuncture point again, make sure it is correct, quickly and accurately submerge the silver needle in his hand, and gently push it.

I don't know if it was the illusion of the onlookers, but with the movement of the silver needle, the bleeding speed of the man's wound seemed to slow down a lot.

Gu Lan was also paying attention to the condition of the wounded, and after realizing that it was effective, he let go of the needle with a sigh of relief.

The medical books these days are always not for nothing.

Then he took out the hemostatic powder and looked at the man who had been covering his wound, "When I say let go, you should let go immediately, understand?"

The man nodded again and again, sweating from nervousness.

Gu Lan also nodded, and then "let go", the man quickly let go of the hand covering the wound, and at the same time, the hemostatic powder in Gu Lan's hand was also sprinkled on the wound.

The wound was too big, nearly one-third of a bottle of medicine was poured in at once, but at this moment, he couldn't care less about Gu Lan.

It was not until the medicine powder had completely covered the wound and no more blood broke through Gulan that he stopped spraying the medicine, and then cleaned the blood stains around the wound with cotton wool.

Then take out the gauze with scissors, fold the gauze into a square of about [-] cm in length and width, place it on the wound, and then bandage it.

After a while, although there were some bloodstains on the gauze, the printing did not continue. Seeing this, not only Gu Lan was relieved, but everyone was also relieved.

As long as the bleeding stops, half of the life is saved.

Seeing this, Chen Xi sat slumped on the ground, weeping with joy, the eldest brother was finally saved.

Then Gulan continued to check, it was impossible for him to fall so hard that there was only this wound on his forehead.

Sure enough, a rib above the sternum was fractured, the left arm was fractured, and the left leg was fractured. The only luck is that these fractures were not comminuted, otherwise in ancient times when medical equipment was so backward, such injuries could be said to be catastrophic.

Bone setting is not difficult for Gu Lan. She was injured and dislocated in her previous occupation, and fractures are not uncommon. In order to avoid pain, she paid a special fee to learn techniques from bone setting experts.

Especially if you are dislocated and you can't fight criminals, go to the doctor.

"Brother Dazhi, please help me find a few pieces of wood that are as wide as a child's palm and half a foot long." Gu Lan glanced at Li Youzhi, and then at the people in the village, "Take off his clothes and come two people." Hold him down."

"Okay..." Li Youzhi, who was a little slower, quickly agreed, and ran to the firewood room.

Hearing this, Chen Xi hurriedly gathered around, and a man also walked out of the crowd, together with the man covering the wound before, the three of them fixed the injured together, the head, shoulders, and crotch were all pressed down.

Although the injured man was already in a coma, it was hard to tell whether the man would wake up from the pain during the bone setting, so he pressed it in advance just in case.

First of all, the ribs of the chest were straightened. The condition was not bad, as long as they were slightly sunken, Gulan wrapped the ribs tightly with gauze after the bone setting was completed.

Then there was the arm, the fracture was a few inches below the joint. Gu Lan felt the wound and carefully fitted the broken bone. Unlike dislocation, this was a delicate job, and it was not completed until after half a cup of tea.

At the same time, although the pain during the bone setting did not wake up the injured person, he struggled involuntarily. If he hadn't been pressed all the time, Gulan might have to set the bone again.

Wrapped in a bandage, he took the wooden board from Li Youzhi's hand, glanced at the obviously polished and smooth wooden board, and Gu Lan raised his eyes.

I didn't expect it to be quite meticulous, even the small details were considered.

After placing the wooden plank before and after the fracture and fixing it, the left leg was bone-set, and the same was fixed with a wooden half and wrapped with a bandage.

Gulan had already used the fastest speed for the whole journey, but even so, it took nearly [-] minutes. The family members hurriedly helped the man get dressed and wrapped him in a quilt.

At this moment, the kung fu man's lips were already purple from the cold.

But after all, it is in someone else's territory, so I am very grateful to let them enter the yard under the eaves, and the houses in Lijia Village are all new houses at first glance, and it is not an auspicious thing for a new house to see blood.

Then, he gave the man his pulse. Although the pulse was a little weak due to excessive blood loss, it did not endanger his life for the time being.

Facing the expectant eyes of several people in the upper and lower villages, Gu Lan slowly said: "It's okay for now, but it doesn't mean that the dangerous period has passed. Such a large wound on the forehead is easy to be infected. I'm afraid it will have a high fever at night. It’s better to take it to a hospital in the city to stay overnight, it’s safer, as long as you can wake up tomorrow morning, the problem shouldn’t be a big deal.”

(End of this chapter)

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