Chapter 237

After paying half of the order money, Gulan left the wooden workshop with peace of mind after getting the manager's promise.

When the carriage is empty, it must not be left idle. There are a lot of things that are lacking at home, and it happens to be a big purchase.

Now the weather is about ten degrees below zero, which can be said to be very cold. A few days ago, when I didn't move into the new house, there was a light snowfall. Fortunately, it was not big and did not cause any impact.

However, there are several heavy snowfalls here every year, as Gulan heard from the vegetable sellers and aunts when he was rushing to the market.

Once the heavy snow falls, the city is fine, and life is not affected much. The suburbs and surrounding areas are blocked by heavy snow, and they rarely come out.

Therefore, the villagers outside the city almost always stock up the food and vegetables they need at home in advance.

Gu Lan also wanted to take this opportunity to make up for all the needs of the family, especially since the family has more than a dozen mouths from now on, food alone is a big consumption.

Then I went straight to the nearest West Street, and found the largest grain shop. I bought a lot of rice, noodles, and miscellaneous grains, the kind that filled two carriages.

It is no problem to eat so many open until next year's busy season.

Seeing Gulan hoarding food crazily, Li Dali and Li Er were too shocked to complain.

Then I bought quilts and two sets of winter clothes and shoes of the same specification for the servants of the Gu family, and these soon filled a carriage.

Then there are all kinds of condiments, salt, and charcoal that is the most tense in winter. I chose not the silver silk probe sent to Yunjin, but a slightly inferior charcoal, which may be less durable and have more light smoke , but it is cheaper.

However, Gu Lan finally bought some silver charcoal. Winter has just started and it will be cold for two or three months. It is expensive to buy some for the health of the child.

Then I loaded more than half of the carriage, and then bought a few pieces of pork and other parts of the pig with better taste.

The mutton is wrapped in the stalls of several stall owners. In fact, there is not much left from each of them when they came late. Together, it is the amount of three sheep. It is a pity that there is no beef seller, but there are still some like Yunjin in the space. A big chunk of it was delivered.

Then I bought more than a dozen live chickens and ducks. The stall owner said that they were laying eggs. If they went back and continued to lay eggs, Gulan decided to let them live for a while longer.

There are also vegetables, you can't just eat grain and meat.

As a result, the remaining carriage was also fully loaded, leaving only the driving parts.

It’s just that there are still a few vegetables, all of which are radishes, cabbage, wax gourd, and pumpkin, which are in storage.

In addition, there was really not much space in the car, so Gu Lan stopped the urge to buy, and thought about letting Butler Jin come out to do the shopping. These things in the car can last for ten and a half months.

The two brothers Li, Da and Li looked at the full carriage behind them. They expressed that they had already calmed down, and followed Gu Lan back to Li's Village.

When they got home, they looked at the big men who surrounded them and knew that they were not needed for the rest of the work. The two brothers greeted Gu Lan and left.

Gu Lan didn't insist on staying, and sent them out, then went in and gave orders after looking at the smoking stove, and didn't say thank you if they were too familiar, thinking that he would add two dishes to Uncle Li's house later.

Under the command of Butler Jin, Xia Mu and the others quickly unloaded all the things and arranged them in their respective positions.

In the kitchen, Cai Yu and Butler Jin's two sons were cleaning and eating.

One is for the son to eat, and the other is for themselves.

There is only one kitchen right now, so we can only do it together.

The son's Cai Yu prepared it carefully, and their own food was cooked by the two brothers Jin Zhu and Jin Shi.

Although the cooking skills of the two brothers are not as good as their father's, they are still well-instructed and not bad, even better than the cooks in ordinary restaurants.

The two brothers only dared to occupy one stove, and the other three stoves, two large and one small, were filled with food for the young master.

This is the first meal I cook here, and there is almost everything in the kitchen, so Cai Yu cooks it very carefully.

One dish of sweet and sour pork ribs, one dish of braised pork, and two stir-fried vegetables, stir-fried fungus celery and vinegar cabbage.

When the young master came in, several dishes had just been cooked, but the portions were too delicate, and there was no way to send them out.

So Cai Yu re-burned a portion of braised pork and a plate of chicken according to the son's order, and kept it as a gift for the son.

After Gulan took An'an Goudan to eat lunch and rest for a while, the re-prepared dishes in the pot were almost ready.

As for the big ya and erya who have been eating with Gu Lan, they will eat with Butler Jin and the others from today.

Now that there are more people in the family, the rules have to be established.

As the saying goes, if there are no rules, there will be no circles. If everyone does things according to their own ideas, it will not be completely messed up.

As the so-called state-owned state law, family has family rules, no one can be special.

In fact, Da Ya and Er Ya didn't feel much repulsion in their hearts. Since Prince Jin came over yesterday, they were already mentally prepared, although there was a slight sense of loss deep in their hearts.

But this trace of loss was completely buried deep in my heart along with the meal.

They are very contented, compared to before they could only drink pot water, now they seem to be living a fairy life.

The two sisters are not needed for the aftermath of the meal. After the housekeeper said, the two sisters are only responsible for cleaning the master's room, and they don't need to ask about the rest.

The two sisters, who were a little bit lost because of being robbed of their work, immediately cheered up after hearing the news.

In this room, Gu Lan took the food box packed by Butler Jin, and dragged Goudan to Mrs. Li.

An An was sleepy after dinner and had already gone to bed, so she was relieved to have a big girl guarding Gu Lan.

Their family had dinner earlier, and when Gu Lan arrived, everyone Li had just served the bowls, so they came at the right time.

Looking at the two meaty dishes on the table, Old Man Li really didn't know what to say, and looked at Gu Lan helplessly.

The boss and the second child are just doing a favor, it's not worth sending such delicious meat dishes, the aroma is so strong that the grandchildren can't take their eyes off the dishes on the table.

"Gu Lan, look at you and uncle again, right?" Looking at the meat dishes on the table, Old Man Li looked at Gu Lan in disapproval.

"No way, uncle, you have wronged me. If I see outsiders, I won't let elder brother Li and second brother help me with work. It's just because I don't see outsiders. Uncle is not happy that he will bring over the extra cooking at home!" Gu Lan said with a smile.

"How can you be unhappy? You really know how to say, uncle can't say no to you, but next time you can't do that." Old man Li looked at Gu Lan helplessly.

Gu Lan shrugged, "I can't make the decision, it depends on how much food is cooked."

"You!" Although Mr. Li shook his head, his old face was already smiling, and the wrinkled ants in the open flowers would probably get lost on it.

Life is hard, everyone is careful and careful, and which one will cook more, but Old Man Li feels this kind of heart.

"Uncle and aunt, hurry up and eat while it's hot, I'm back!"

"Aren't you going to eat something together?" Aunt Li hurriedly asked to keep it.

"No, I've eaten it, and the dog's egg is full." Afraid that the little guy won't know that he is hungry and full, Gu Lan reminded him.

"Gulan, I'm bothering you again!" Li Si's daughter-in-law was really embarrassed.

"Where is the trouble, the child is very sensible, so I don't need to ask, and there is a dog to play with An An, but I am relieved, the little guy is lively, and can also make An An become lively. Don't worry about my sister-in-law. Both An An and I I really like Goudan, but you can't hold him back."

(End of this chapter)

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