Zhan Zhumen

Chapter 97

Chapter 97
After a few people wandered around for a while, Huo Xi said: "Go back, we have to move out the cloth from the boats in a while. Let's come out early tomorrow."

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

"I'll come out with you tomorrow. You have to call me when you come out." Qian Xiaoxia became interested in walking around.

Zou Sheng and Ma Xiang also nodded.

"Aren't you going to change your brother?"

Qian Xiaoxia choked: "I, my brother will change him after the delivery of the food."

Huo Xi smiled, his brother shouldn't worry about him watching the food.

The few people walked back all the way, discussing what they saw today, what they planned to buy and transported back, chattering lively.

When Huo Xi and his party returned to the mooring place, the family breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Huo Erhuai stretching his neck on tiptoes and looking towards the road, he was greatly relieved to see them come back.Huo Xi got on the boat and shook his hand: "Father, it's all right."

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. If something happens to you, will your mother have to fight hard with dad?"

Huo Xi raised her head and smiled at him, Huo Erhuai relaxed, and stroked her head and Yang Fu's head each.My children are sensible and considerate.

"You're hungry, dad made dinner."

"Brother-in-law, we are not hungry. We ate a lot on the shore. Brother-in-law, you don't know that Xi'er sold all three hundred pieces of cotton cloth from our family!"

"All, sold?" Huo Erhuai's eyes widened in disbelief, how long has he been here, and they've all been sold?
Yang Fu nodded again and again, and leaned into Huo Erhuai's ear: "Sold for six dollars!"

"Sold..." Six dollars!Huo Erhuai pursed his lips tightly, looked left and right, looked at Huo Xi, "Really?"

Huo Xi nodded at him, "I want to sell it at a higher price, but that person disagrees." She pouted.

"It's already a high price. Let's ask all the way, and there are even lower prices." Yang Fu felt that this price was already very good.

Huo Erhuai also nodded repeatedly, this price has exceeded his psychological expectation.

Sell ​​it for two cents more than their purchase price!This is cotton cloth!They sell it on the river, and everyone cuts it by several feet, and they can't make much money for each piece. Everyone is reluctant to buy cotton cloth.

Two coins and silver, pure profit!How much is three hundred horses?

Huo Xi gestured at him.

Sixty taels!Huo Erhuai looked around nervously.Pretend to be calm.

"Okay, okay, okay." The corners of his mouth were raised high.

Huo Xi and Yang Fu looked at each other, laughed too, and pulled him to sit down, "Father, is there any supervisor on board to collect grain samples?"

"No. They said it's our turn tomorrow."

"Can we deliver it tomorrow?"

"I didn't say anything. I just said that we will collect grain samples tomorrow. But Dad, I saw that those porters moved bag by bag and boat by boat. It was hard work. There are more than a hundred boats ahead of us. When will it be?"

"Then when can we go back?" Yang Fu was a little worried.

Huo Xi glanced at him, "Do you want to go back?"

Yang Fu lowered his head.

"Did you miss your sister?" Huo Erhuai asked him softly.

Yang Fu lowered his head and nodded.

Huo Erhuai reached out and touched his head, this child has never left his sister since he was born.Since I was a child, I have relied on my sister like a mother.

Huo Xi squeezed his fist, pinching his fingertips in the flesh.She didn't have a mother anymore, and her mother died so badly.

Huo Erhuai had just finished comforting Yang Fu when he saw Huo Xi's eyes were red and his heart was shocked.

He hurriedly gave Yang Fu a wink.

Yang Fu reacted immediately, "Oh, Xi'er, it's getting dark, let's hurry up and tell everyone to move out the cotton cloth. Shopkeeper He will come to collect the cloth in a while."

Huo Xi came back to his senses, and nodded to them, "Uncle, you go on the boat of everyone and tell them to bring the cloth and gather them on the boat of our family, Yu's family, Zou family and Qian Xiaoxia."

Yang Fu responded and left.

Huo Erhuai also got into the bilge with Huo Xi, and moved out the dozens of cotton cloths in the bilge of his own house.

After everyone moved the cloth to the deck, Lu Shun brought a few carts over with his staff.

"Boy Huo, is everything packed?"

"Shopkeeper Lu", and introduced Huo Erhuai to him, "This is my father".

Lu Shun and Huo Erhuai bowed their hands to each other.Lu Shun looked at Huo Erhuai, then at Huo Xi, these two are father and son?

How did this dull father raise such a smooth and sophisticated kid?

He shook his head and smiled, and asked the guys to help move the cotton cloth.

Qian Xiaoxia, Yujiang and others helped build the springboard, and helped move the cotton cloth to the cart on the shore.Along the way, the boatmen stood on the bow of the boat to watch the excitement.

There is envy in the eyes.

Did you bring so much cloth to sell?How much does it cost.Why didn't they expect to sell the cloth transported south of the Yangtze River?

Look at others, let's not talk about earning back the money spent on fishing delays and throwing fees along the way, I'm afraid I made a lot of money.

The people from Taoyedu were also watching.

Although I was envious in my heart, everyone agreed when I came here, and I was prepared in my heart.At this time, they were all trying to save energy, and only wanted to borrow some money from the Huo family as capital, buy some good goods from the north and bring them back, and then earn some money like the Huo family.

Lu Shun, taking advantage of others not paying attention, went to a shelter with Huo Xi and Huo Erhuai, and handed Huo Erhuai a box.

Huo Erhuai held it over, swallowed, and tried to count, but his hands kept shaking.

Lu Shun couldn't help laughing.

Huo Xi opened it openly and counted, "It's just right. Thank you, shopkeeper Lu."

He clasped his fists at him again, "The canal will not change, Huai'an is always here, shopkeeper Lu, we will meet again by fate."

"Hahaha." Lu Shun laughed loudly. Where did this kid come from? It's really interesting.

He also clasped his fists at her, "Okay, we will see you again." I hope to see this funny and smart kid again.He nodded at Huo Erhuai, turned around and left.

Huo Xi watched him and the guys push the cart away, dragged Huo Erhuai back to the boat, and asked Yang Fu to take back the springboard on the shore.

Huo Xi said to the crowd watching the excitement: "Most of you went ashore to see it today. According to our agreement, you can come to the boat to find us after you discuss it."

Everyone understands, it means to let them discuss the amount of money to be borrowed.They all ran back to the boat to discuss with their family members.

Huo Xi gave Huo Erhuai the five taels of silver in his purse. Huo Erhuai stared at the ingot of silver and the box. The box was so heavy that his hands trembled.

After a long time, I poured the gold and silver in the box on the board of the ship, counted and counted, and was very happy.

"One hundred and eighty taels! Dad has never seen so much money in his life! Excluding the capital, we made a full sixty taels this trip!"

Huo Erhuai caressed the gold and silver carefully, like treating some precious treasure.

"Except for the eighty taels to be returned to Guanshi Huo, we have one hundred taels left, plus the food and drink money we earned on this trip, plus the money left on me and your mother, our family can finally build a house !"

"We can build a house now! Brother-in-law, we don't need to rent a house, we can have our own house!" Yang Fu was so excited, his eyes were shining.

 Good morning, thank you all for your support, Basho is very, very grateful
(End of this chapter)

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