Spirit Beast Pet Shop

Chapter 81 Battle

Chapter 81 Battle

The club president's quick retreat seemed to be a signal.In an instant, the group of wild dogs moved into action. They lowered their ears and bodies one by one, and walked slowly towards the crowd.

They don't make any noise, but that's not a good signal: growls are for a threatening opponent, but growls and growls are unnecessary for food.

Honghua and Fang Qiuyue beside her immediately realized the intention of the wild dogs group: this is treating them as prey that can be caught!
In the crowd behind, some young students might not have understood the meaning of the movement of the wild dogs, but the obvious hostile movement made them feel chills in their hearts, and they unconsciously began to take small steps back.

"Wait... those dogs? What are they trying to do?"

"Is there something wrong...?"

"Run first! Run!"

A commotion broke out in the crowd. A few students with poor endurance failed to withstand the pressure, turned around and ran, and the teammates had no time to stop it.

The behavior of these people gave a signal to the wild dogs.Immediately, the wild dogs gave up their slow movement and ran wildly, pounced on the crowd, opened their mouths, trying to bite the fresh prey in front of them.

Fang Qiuyue reached into her bag instantly, took out a pistol, aimed at the dogs several times, and shouted at the same time: "Find cover! Protect your vitals! You can't outrun the dogs in the forest!"

But her words did not reach the ears of those already panicking.Fortunately, it wasn't just these young students with no combat effectiveness in the team. The five or six bodyguards pulled out their sticks in time and beat the wild dogs that were jumping at them.

When the stick hit the wild dog, there was the sound of electric current hitting the flesh.It's an electric shock baton. These people are quite well prepared.

The wild dogs in the Qi refining period seem to be unable to resist the damage caused by technological products: the wild dogs hit by the gun lie on the ground, curled up in a ball and howled.The few remaining wild dogs that were only scratched by bullets seemed to have fighting power, but their movements also hesitated, as if hesitating whether it was necessary to take risks for the food.

The wild dogs hit by the electric baton were obviously in pain, but there was no visible injury.They didn't seem to want to be beaten in vain, and immediately changed their strategy, surrounded the bodyguards, and looked at them in circles, looking for opportunities to break through.

Honghua backed away from the beginning, seeing that most of the wild dogs were attracted by Fang Qiuyue and the bodyguards, he left quietly and quickly, catching up with the wild dogs that ran away to chase the fleeing students. One pressed and fell directly to the ground.

There were only four or five such wild dogs, and it didn't take her much time.When she finished packing and came back, the confrontation here was not over yet.

Seeing that the situation was tense but not critical, Honghua didn't take action directly, but hid behind a tree and observed the situation.

Over there, Fang Qiuyue had already changed the bullets, but instead of continuing to shoot, she held up her gun to deter the pack of wild dogs.She didn't seem eager to end the battle, but was stalling for time, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

Gun... Honghua glanced at the pistol.Practitioners in the qi refining stage do not have any good means to fight against the enemy. The spells available at this time may not be as good as a gun.

Can you resist the gun yourself?Honghua doesn't know the answer to this question.After all, there were no guns in ancient times, and there were no cases for her to analyze.

Although the body of the Phoenix Clan in the foundation building period can completely defend against ordinary swords, it is the defensive effect brought by the natural runes of the pure-blooded Phoenix Clan. She does not know how much defense ability the incomplete runes on her body have. How much more can be left.

And not to mention ordinary pistols, there are still things like sniper rifles and RPGs in this world.The age of technology is really dangerous, but she doesn't want to try whether she can use her body to receive sniper bullets or RPG...

Even after she formed the alchemy, she didn't want to try this if she had spiritual protection.


Over there, the wild dogs surrounding the crowd have gradually retreated.

Most of these wild dogs have been cultivated in the middle stage of Qi refining. Their cultivation has given them strength comparable to that of tigers and leopards. However, although their physical bodies have improved, they are still fragile compared to technological weapons.

Bullets and strong electric currents put their morale at a disadvantage from the very beginning.In a real fight, they would probably win, but for a meal, it's not worth suffering so much.

Some wild dogs have already started to retreat gradually, but they have reached the meat of their mouths, so they are still a little unwilling to let them give up like this.

Even if they retreated, the wild dogs kept barking, as if expecting that this threat would make the hard-shelled prey vulnerable, or bring them some new opportunities.

After yelling and threatening in vain for a while, the group of wild dogs finally confirmed that the piece of meat was pricking their mouths, and one by one began to have obvious intentions to leave.

Fang Qiuyue also seemed relieved.Cold sweat dripped from her forehead, and her hands were tired from holding the gun for a long time, and now they were slightly lowered, showing a little slack.

Before her spiritual energy revived, she was just an ordinary college student.Now, it has only been more than half a year since the spiritual energy has recovered, and she is only doing some work related to practitioners after class, and she doesn't have much contact with actual combat.

Moreover, there is no teammate by her side at present, such a dangerous situation is really a challenge for her.


However, in a moment, the situation suddenly changed.

In the dense forest not far away, there was a sudden barking of dogs.

This voice is deeper and more powerful than the wild dogs that have appeared so far, and it can be speculated that it has a stronger body than the individuals present.

Hearing this sound, the group of wild dogs who had already started to retreat suddenly stopped in their tracks, their ears pricked up, trying to catch the source of the sound.Then, as if they were inspired by something, they bared their teeth again, showing their ferocity.

"What's going on?! Why are those dogs here again?"

Among the bodyguards, the person who looked like the team leader turned to Fang Qiuyue, asking for the judgment of this person who seemed to know more about animals.

"I'm not sure, but it's very likely...the leader of this group of wild dogs is not here! It's just coming here now!"

Responding to her words was a giant yellow-haired dog that jumped out of the woods.

The dog's head can reach the height of the shoulders of ordinary people, which is not far behind the height record of the world's tallest dog.

Its long hair, which is different from ordinary wild dogs, flutters slightly. Combined with its body shape and knotted muscles, for a moment, it makes people feel that what they are facing is not a wild dog, but a liger-like beast.

Remarkably, one of its forelimbs was broken, and it could only stand on three legs.But this feature does not reduce the sense of fear it brings, but makes it more aggressive and difficult to deal with.

The characteristic of the broken leg of that giant dog was too obvious, even after a few months, Hong Hua still easily recognized its identity—isn't this the dog that attacked her when she built her foundation and was beaten away by her?
I didn't expect to meet again, what a coincidence, the world is so small.

(End of this chapter)

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