Spirit Beast Pet Shop

Chapter 63 The Power of Money

Chapter 63 The Power of Money

Before leaving, Honghua took a look at the mountain area to be rented out alone.

There should have been a large orchard there before, but looking over it now, the scene in front of me was like a typhoon passing through, and it was the typhoon with the highest level.

Almost none of the fruit trees in the whole garden were intact. Their trunks were broken, trampled and embedded in the soil.The soil of the whole garden was also turned loose and messy, and people walked up and bumped it.

The iron railings around the orchard were also knocked open, leaving only some residential buildings undamaged.It is hard to imagine that this chaos was caused by only a herd of wild boars.

The orchard has a size of 50 mu. Honghua talked with the owner of the orchard and negotiated a price of [-] yuan.

This price includes the remaining equipment of the orchard and the 50-year contract fee. If it is a good orchard, it must be more than that, but this orchard is so damaged that it will cost a lot of money to repair it, which may be better than rebuilding. A new orchard would not be without much.

This damage has decimated the orchard's value.In addition, the damage here was caused by wild boars, and the whole village has deeply experienced the troubles caused by wild boars, which makes the villagers unwilling to take over this mess.

Against this background, Honghua easily negotiated the transfer of the orchard.

However, the other party still has to do some final cleaning up of the orchard, and the orchard is not yet under Honghua's name for the time being, and it will take a while to hand over the orchard.

Although she mentioned to Zhang Ningyu before that she wanted to set up a breeding farm, she did not plan to change this land, and continued to build it as an orchard.

Honghua thought very clearly.Does she need to raise the bird the normal way?No need, not only does it not need to use the normal method, but the parrots she raises are also abnormal.

In short, she doesn't need a closed space, let alone put the birds in cages.Therefore, she can kill two birds with one stone: build an orchard, solve the problem of selling fruit, and raise birds in the orchard by the way.

Entrusting the other party to repair the fence while the orchard was being cleaned up, Honghua ended the trip and returned to his shop.


What greeted her in the store was the sound of Ye Zi patting on the counter with her paws.

Do you still know about opening a shop?Do you remember that you were opening a shop?Where did the waves go again? !
Hong Hua turned his head guiltily.Because in the past, except for the work of talking to customers, she handed over all the accounting, statistics, purchase and other work in the store to the birds such as Ye Zi and Flour. Now when she is questioned, she has no store manager at all The authority, the heart is empty.

Although these jobs are not much, after all, the purchase is basically online shopping for some cages and other products, but she is indeed too hands-off shopkeeper.

By the way, you are a parrot, why are you so interested in making money from opening a store?Little money fan!
She also asked Ye Zi why she was so obsessed with money because of doubts: it stands to reason that money is completely useless to it?
As a result, the answer Ye Zi gave was very convincing, very much in the style of a bird: how beautiful are the shiny coins!

Here, Ye Zi jumped up and down on the counter angrily for a long time, and finally made a final decision: No way!I can't stand it anymore!This store is going down pills like this!If the store manager doesn't do it, he will do it!The store manager takes turns to do it, and he will be the one from now on!
Ye Zi, who had figured it out, jumped onto Honghua's shoulder immediately, and expressed his thoughts in a tweet: it is going to hit the foundation building period now, and then it will open this store!

Honghua was stunned when he heard that, you are going to reverse... No, Ye Zi can advance to the foundation stage?
Take a closer look, indeed, all of them have completed the cultivation of qi refining, and they can be promoted at any time.

It's not surprising when you think about it, Ye Zi was the first batch of parrots in her shop, she had enlightened spirits, ate ling rice and drank ling water, and was one of the smartest parrots in that batch.It is not surprising to be promoted now.

Ye Zi specifically told her that she hoped that she could help protect the dharma and protect it when it was promoted.

There's nothing wrong with that, Hong Hua did the same when he was promoted.It was originally the parrot in her shop, and what she should cover was what she was supposed to do.

But... Honghua looked at Ye Zi who was jumping up and down very excitedly, and he couldn't bear to hit it: "Don't think too much, the monster race can't be transformed into a foundation period."

Ye Zi, who was still alive and kicking, stopped suddenly.

Leaf: ... Huh?

Leaf: eh? !
Hong Hua sympathetically touched the head of the little fool who was left alone, and explained: "The Feng Clan can transform into form during the foundation building period, but the Yao Clan can't do it, so you're probably getting confused."

The whole leaf petrified after hearing these words.why is it like this!


Although it was impossible, Hong Hua thought of something else.

The Phoenix Clan can actually be cultivated the day after tomorrow.

Among the Spirit Clan, the Dragon Clan, which is as famous as the Phoenix Clan, has many legends about transforming dragons.There are even strange legends such as a carp leaping from the dragon's gate and transforming into a dragon, a snake crossing a thunderstorm and transforming into a dragon, and even a cat transforming into a dragon. Almost everything can transform into a dragon.Relatively speaking, there are almost no legends about ordinary animals turning into phoenixes.

But in the inheritance of the Feng Clan, there really is such a method.

This method is only effective for the monster clan of birds, and the method of operation is very simple: when the monster clan breaks through the foundation building stage, give the opponent a phoenix flame, let the opponent use this to reshape the body, and at the same time absorb and grasp this ray A flame from outside, take it for your own use.

The success rate of doing this is not particularly high, but even if it fails, as long as the Phoenix Clan that gives Fengyan withdraws the flame in time, it will not cause too much damage to the advanced Monster Clan. , but the second time can no longer absorb Fengyan.

But this process is a loss to the Feng Clan: if it succeeds, the phoenix flame will not be taken back, and it will be a loss for the Feng Clan who gave it to Feng Yan.

However, the amount of Fengyan needed is not much, it is the amount that can be recovered after three to five days of full training.Honghua, who has at least one space spiritual object that can be burned, can afford it.

In ancient times, the Phoenix clan itself had a large number, and the clan was multiplying normally, and the status of the spirit clan and the monster clan was relatively clear.At that time, there were very few bird monsters who could get the opportunity to transform into a phoenix, and only the best batch could get the opportunity provided by the Phoenix clan.

The situation is different now, Honghua remembers that his ancestor still left behind a main task of rejuvenating the Phoenix Clan.Isn't that just right?Of course, those who have the ability are allowed to try.

This method cannot be achieved overnight.The transformed Phoenix Clan is not directly the orthodox Phoenix Clan, but more like the mixed blood of the Phoenix Clan and other clans, or even worse: there is no feather rune that comes with the Phoenix Clan, and the real body has been missing for a long time. It won't change, it will change into the appearance of the Feng family only after the cultivation base is advanced, and Feng Yan is also pitifully weak at the beginning.

They will be called half-phoenixes or false phoenixes for the time being, and they have to practice on their own, using phoenix flames to temper their bodies slowly and become real phoenixes.

Although all abilities are degraded versions, this kind of Phoenix is ​​enough to transform into a human being during the foundation building period.


As soon as I told Ye Zi about this, Ye Zi immediately nodded her head like pounding garlic, okay, okay, no problem!
I don't know if it's an illusion, but Honghua thinks that the reason why he is so excited is not to become a Phoenix clan at all, but to be able to transform into a form during the foundation building period, and then open a shop...

Alas, the power of money.

 Thank you Shuyouai for your support in Heaven and Love!

(End of this chapter)

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