Spirit Beast Pet Shop

Chapter 54 Beast Taming

Chapter 54 Beast Taming
Re-covered the tiger... No, after re-covering the tiger's room, Honghua continued to explore the ventilation duct, trying to find a suitable exit.

She didn't forget that she was here to find the parrot. Although she could also leave the tiger's room, doing so would most likely lead to a fight and a commotion.There is no need to cause trouble until the goal is not achieved.

But are all pet cats so advanced now?She knew that rich people in some countries like to raise this kind of big cat, but she didn't expect to see one here.

She thought back to the impression she had glimpsed earlier.Roughly judging from its appearance and size, it should be a Siberian tiger.

As the largest of the tiger species, it is the undisputed king of beasts—at least among common animals.Even practitioners in the Qi refining stage, if they don't have enough fighting skills and experience, they dare not say they have the ability to fight it.

The foundation building period is another matter, after all, the foundation building period can master some spells that are practical for combat, and no longer fear the minions and power of ordinary beasts.

Moreover, I don't know if it was a mistake in her perception, but there were traces of aura on the tiger's body.

It doesn't look like the result of its own cultivation, but it is indeed the trace left by the spiritual energy.

This weird phenomenon reminded her of the mastiff that the boy brought last time.The dog had a similar situation, and thinking about it, the animals in this place were probably taken care of by that boy. It seemed that the strangeness was not caused by the dog and the tiger itself, but by the boy.

After she went back that day, she looked through her memory out of doubt, trying to find out the cause of this vision. She found several possible explanations, but the current clues were not enough for her to draw a conclusion.

These thoughts didn't last long, and she threw them to the back of her mind, and went to find the parrot first, which was her purpose.


During nearly half an hour of searching, Honghua felt like he had visited a zoo and saw all kinds of animals.

Just when she was almost going crazy because of the narrowness of the ventilation duct and the strange smell in the air, the familiar parrot cry finally appeared in her ears.

found it!There was an air vent right in front of Honghua, and just as she was about to tear down the iron fence and stick her head out, she heard human footsteps, so she had to stop.

It just so happens that this vent is on the side of the wall, through which you can observe the outside situation.

Honghua carefully stood next to the vent, adjusted to a position where she was not easy to see from the outside, and tried hard to identify the situation of the visitor.

It's that boy.He was also leading a tiger, which seemed to be the one she had just seen.

The boy led it, opened the cage door opposite the vent, pulled the chain in his hand, and signaled the tiger to follow him in.

The tiger who was tied by the iron chain let out a low growl. It didn't particularly cooperate with the boy's movements, but it didn't dare to be uncooperative too much.It stayed there for a while, until the other party pulled the chain impatiently several times, then it reluctantly walked in.

The "rooms" here are almost all places where animals are kept. The iron railings connecting the ceiling and the floor replace the walls, and there are only solid walls between different cages as barriers.

While the boy walked into the cage, Honghua partially controlled the sound with spells, slowly removed the iron grille of the vent, and gliding soundlessly, landed on the edge of the cage, looking inside quietly.

She could hear the low roars of tigers faintly coming from the cage, and it sounded like there was more than one tiger.

Looking over at this time, sure enough, counting the tiger that was just brought in, a total of three adult tigers were tied to the wall by chains, and there was a small carrying cage next to it, with a young tiger inside.

Eh?Honghua looked over carefully.

Although the shadow cast by the railing on the top of the moving cage made her judgment of color a little blurred.But that color is so rare and unique—isn't that the little golden tiger she saw in the zoo back then?

When she first saw this little tiger, she thought it might have the blood of the Eldar.Now feel carefully, that's right, it's this one, there are only a few golden tigers in the world, it's impossible for another one to jump out so soon.

What is that zoo doing?Want to change your job to sell animals?Honghua vomited in his heart.

However, thinking about this matter, there were signs early on. The phone call she heard back then might have been arguing about this matter.

On the other side, after the tiger was tied up, the boy pulled aside the curtain in the middle of the room.Accompanied by this movement, nine bird stands are exposed behind the curtain, each with a parrot standing on them.

Chains were tied to each parrot's feet. As soon as the curtain was lifted and the light came into view, they immediately started chattering angrily.

It was the parrots she had trained, Honghua sensed it and confirmed this fact.

Eight of the nine parrots possess spiritual energy, but due to the extremely short training time, their cultivation can only be described as insignificant.The remaining one was just an ordinary parrot, and it must have been caught temporarily to make up for the lack of cabbage.

"Shut up!" The boy slammed the whip to the ground over there, and complained in a low voice, "Why do rich people like this kind of thing, a few noisy birds..."

Honghua saw that this boy was in the Qi refining period, and guessed that he might not have discovered that these parrots have cultivation.

Practitioners can indeed judge the cultivation of other practitioners. Generally, those with high cultivation can recognize those with low cultivation, but there is one thing that is counterintuitive: if they are both in the Qi refining period, and they don't know each other is a practitioner, Then the lower the cultivation level, the easier it is to be mistaken for a mortal.

The reason is also very simple. The perception ability during the Qi refining period is not much different from that before the cultivation. It is very difficult to sense the spiritual energy of others.At this time, of course, the higher the cultivation base, the easier it is to be induced.

It's like asking ordinary people to judge whether a person has exercised or not. Of course, people who exercise a lot are more obvious in appearance.

Over there, the boy who had taught the parrot a lesson walked towards the tied tiger with a whip in his hand.Seeing him approaching, the tigers started to stir up one by one, but they didn't dare to make too much movement. They just looked at him and took a few steps back.

The boy hit the ground with a whip, making a loud sound to attract the tiger's attention: "Sit down!"

The two tigers quickly obeyed the order and squatted down obediently.The remaining Siberian tiger, which was the largest, still refused to obey the order, and wandered around for a while, but refused to sit down.

A whip hit it: "Sit down!"

The strength of the whip is not strong, at least judging from the sound of hitting the ground, it should not cause much pain to the tiger.But the tiger seemed to be stung by a poisonous thorn, and let out a deafening roar, and its body was swinging, as if it was suffering from great pain.

"sit down!"

This time, the tiger stood for a while, but still obeyed the command and squatted down.

Just like last time, the lash of the whip was not the key point, but the aura that flowed to the tiger along the whip.

That aura activated the original aura in the tiger's body, forming an internal explosion-like effect.Harmless, but effective at inducing pain.

Seeing this, Honghua can also be sure: this person should be the inheritance of the beast taming school.

In ancient times, there were quite a few human cultivators who were good at taming animals, and some related cases were also recorded in the memories of the Feng clan.

Among them, some sects have a cruel way of taming animals: they infuse their aura into the taming beasts to form some nodes, and stimulate the aura of these nodes to create pain for the taming animals, so as to subdue the taming animals.

There is no such thing as signing a spiritual contract. It will only exist in the spiritual formation stage, and it will not grow to the extent of practical use until the Nascent Soul stage. It is not something that can be signed casually.

This method of taming animals is simple and straightforward, and its relative efficiency is actually good, but it is easy to be disgusted or even hunted down by the monster race.

In ancient times, the monster clan was prosperous, and this method of animal taming was suppressed by the monster clan. It was not a mainstream practice. I didn't expect to see examples in this kind of place.

Over there, after the boy trained the tiger once, he turned around and walked to the place where the parrot was.

Can't let him do it!It would be troublesome if he was asked to implant spiritual energy into the parrot and control it!
Honghua got up and flew up without hesitation, opened his mouth, and a phoenix flame flew towards the boy.

(End of this chapter)

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