Spirit Beast Pet Shop

Chapter 2 Space

Chapter 2 Space
When he was thrown on the grass and woke up, Honghua was very dazed.

who is she?Where is she?What's for breakfast?
After thinking about the three major problems in life, she restrained her drowsiness, opened her eyes reluctantly, looked at everything in front of her, and then became even more dazed.

There was a wilderness scene in front of her, which had no resemblance to the small attic she had stayed in before.How could she suddenly come to such a place?
She looked down first, and there was a fertile-looking piece of soil on the ground, and some grass stalks with no discernable species on it had completely withered.

She looked further into the distance, and there was a small lake a little far ahead, with an island in the center of the lake, and a giant tree with lush branches and leaves on the island.A circle of bamboo grows along the outer circle of the lake.These plants are all lush and green, full of vitality.

When observing this scene, she suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked up to the sky: there was no cloud or fog in the place where she could see, but there was also a lack of the sun, moon and stars that should be there, and the white light that came from nowhere evenly illuminated the sky. Looking at this space, the light source is too scattered, and it doesn't even produce obvious shadows.

She felt the surrounding environment again, there was no wind, and there was no buzzing of insects, everything was too quiet.

Probably still dreaming... With such thoughts in mind, Honghua didn't get too nervous, but continued to look around.Soon, she found a trace of man-made buildings in this wilderness: a stone monument stood in a clump of dry grass not far away near the lake.

She walked to the stele, pushed aside the weeds in front of the stele, and saw clearly what was engraved on the stele: it was a picture of a hundred birds facing a phoenix, and the carving technique was astonishingly exquisite.Countless rare birds and birds of different shapes fluttered in different postures, crowding around and worshiping the phoenix standing on the top of the stele.

While looking at the picture, she naturally shifted her gaze to the phoenix as the center of the picture.And the stone-carved phoenix seemed to have sensed something, as if it also lowered its head and met her gaze.

A clear and bright bird song rang in her ears.

Accompanied by this sound, Honghua was stunned as if struck by lightning, and it took him a while to recover, looking at the phoenix bird in surprise.But the Phoenix with its head held high seemed to be tired, lowered its head, buried it in the middle of the back, and stopped looking at her.

In that instant, countless information flooded into Honghua's mind.

She rubbed her head and was confused for a while before finally waking up.

This is not a dream.At the first moment, her heart was blank, only this thought was floating around.Slowly, she finally came to her senses and sorted out the information that had flooded into her mind before.

She was still a little dizzy from the amount of information, but she was able to summarize the main content in simple words.

To put it simply, her ancestors were descendants of Phoenix.

After sorting out this conclusion that made people want to complain, Honghua himself fell into a state of silence.

After digging through the information carefully, Honghua finally figured out the cause and effect of the incident.

In ancient times, all kinds of rare birds and beasts, fairies, ghosts and monsters were real, but after a catastrophe, the aura disappeared in the world, and these races that depended on aura to survive naturally became extinct.

But the Feng clan is a big clan after all, before the catastrophe, they had foreseen all of this, and also predicted that in the distant future, the spiritual energy would recover again.In order to leave a glimmer of life for the ethnic group, they chose a human race that could survive the catastrophe, married them, and left some blood descendants to restore the vitality of the race in the future.

After all, it was a cross-racial marriage, and this group of descendants was not many. Even if the bloodline was diluted in each generation, there were still few offspring. It is unknown how many are left. Anyway, Honghua confirmed that there are no close relatives in his family.

The method of confirmation is also very simple: even if the bloodline is thin, the descendants of the Phoenix clan mixed with human bloodlines still need to rely on spiritual energy to survive.After the cataclysm, these individuals barely survived 50 years.From this point of view, there should be no other descendants in her family.

As for this jade tablet, it was also used by the Feng clan to wait for the right time to provide resources for these descendants.And Honghua also understood, probably now is the "opportunity" for the recovery of the spiritual energy.

The expectation of the Feng Clan is also very simple, that is, they hope that they can revive the Feng Clan.

Thinking of this, Honghua has a headache. It is hard to say whether this group of descendants, including her, can have double digits. This number is considered functionally extinct.She felt that this matter was probably useless... Anyway, no one was staring at her to do this task, so she did whatever she wanted.

Along with these messages, there are also some spells and ways of cultivation, but she is still dizzy now, and has no extra thoughts to sort out these complicated contents, so she can only simply read them and they are classified as spell-related information The introduction of the jade card.

The function of this jade card is also simple, in addition to its own space, it can provide spiritual energy, Honghua's ancestors also relied on this jade card to survive.

However, although the aura in the jade card is abundant, it is still a drop in the bucket in the era of barren aura, so the ancestors of the Feng clan set a limit so that the jade card can only be opened after the aura is revived.

The jade brand water that Honghua learned before is actually an additional effect of aura, not a separate function.

The lake in the center of the jade tablet has its own aura, and the trees in the lake are sycamore trees, the habitat of phoenixes.The bamboos by the lake are solid, and they are all special species.

Suddenly being hit by a big pie, the whole person may have to change even the race, which is really a big change in life.Honghua pondered for a while, planned a life plan, and then took the first step.

Go back to the store first and feed the parrot.


She left the space in the jade tablet, saw that it was already morning, and acted as if nothing had happened, washed, changed, and went downstairs.

Then I was greeted by the chirping of a flock of birds.

so spirited?Honghua looked at the group of parrots jumping up and down in the cage to her side, and was taken aback for a moment, the spirit water is really useful.

Seeing her coming, the group of parrots screamed even more happily.A few of the more clever ones actually clung to the door of the cage, opened the door three or two times, flew out and jumped on Honghua.

Stretching out his hand to catch the budgerigars flying over, Honghua was surprised to find that these parrots were very obedient, obediently stopped on her hands, and let her hold them up and dangle.

its not right?Didn't it mean that parrots only bite hands, cages and wires, and those who are a little bit more obedient are other people's parrots?Why are these dogs so cute?The blood of the Phoenix clan manifested?
Although she was quite popular with birds in the past, but living in the city, she has never tried to get close to birds like this, and she doesn't know if this is the talent of the Feng Clan.

She tried to reach out and scratched the face of a green budgie.She didn't run away, but the other party stretched her neck and leaned over, fluffy and rubbed against her hand, which was very good.

Honghua, who has only experienced bird breeding in the cloud for more than 20 years, happily touched all the parrots around him, and was almost in a furry paradise.At this moment, she immediately made a plan for her future: what is the goal of the Feng Clan?Is it important to have parrots?

Honghua: Nothing compares, the parrot is so cute.

With the thought that the ancestors knew that they might want to strangle her in advance, Honghua cleaned the parrot's cage in a happy mood, and then reluctantly sent back the few fluffy ones that escaped from the prison—this process was a bit difficult, After all, these parrots are too clever, and they are also first-class and tough in acting like a baby. They clung to Honghua's hand and refused to leave. It took Honghua a lot of determination to put them back into the cage.

Moreover, during the process of putting the parrots back into the cage, those parrots that did not catch the opportunity to escape pitifully squeezed at the mouth of the cage, scrambling to stretch out their mouths and gently bite Honghua's fingers, which added obstacles to Honghua's actions. At the same time, it also melted her heart.

Parrots are so cute, how can we not raise parrots?

Originally, her plan today was to end the lease of the store directly with Uncle Zhang, but now it seems that it should be changed. Anyway, she is not working now, so it is good for the store to continue to open.

And... these birds seem to be quite obedient.Hong Hua looked at the big birdcage thoughtfully, maybe she could try to see if these parrots could listen to her more.


It was almost ten o'clock when Uncle Zhang arrived at the shop.Part of it was things at home, and part of it... He didn't want to see those sick birds.

This is not to say that he is cold-blooded, on the contrary, he has been raising birds for so many years, and he still has a very affectionate relationship with these little birds.But these parrots had a sudden attack, and he did everything he could about it, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, he is not a very educated person, and it is very strenuous for him to even look up some information on the Internet.After he couldn't find a doctor and couldn't find a solution after asking other bird owners, the only thing he could do was to leave the birds and let them die.

Although he said before that he asked Honghua to help take care of these birds, he also knew that this was just talk.And after talking about it, he also regretted it a little: he didn't want to see these birds die, so he wanted to let the little girl watch them?
After thinking about it, he still made up his mind to take these birds away today so as not to cause trouble to others.Alas, several parrots died every day before, I don't know what will happen today.

Thinking of this, he pushed open the store door and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, Honghua raised his head, saw the person coming, and greeted with a smile: "Uncle Zhang, good morning."

"Oh, good morning... No, Xiaohua, what are you...?"

Uncle Zhang stared dumbfounded at Honghua holding a handful of millet to tease the parrots. A small group of parrots stood neatly in front of her like a phalanx, and they came to Honghua in order one by one. eating millet on the palm of your hand.

"Ah, this one, I'm training parrots." Honghua replied, not forgetting to lightly tap the head of a parrot that wanted to take the opportunity to eat millet, "You, go back, don't jump in line."

The parrot that was spotted shrank its head, took a few steps back in frustration, and returned to the place where it was standing.

The reason why Honghua can train the parrot in this way is because the millet in her hand is special, soaked in spiritual water.On the other hand, it was also these parrots that did get smarter.Otherwise, a large parrot may have this IQ, but a small parrot like a budgerigar really can't understand this kind of command.

Moreover, Honghua found that the words she spoke seemed to be understood by the parrot.Another Phoenix talent?
But Uncle Zhang didn't understand the difference. He just watched those parrots obediently under Honghua's hands. are you sick?"

"Ah, oh, this." Honghua got stuck for a moment, and immediately came up with a reason, "I checked the information yesterday and made up some medicine, and it's ready. You know, Uncle Zhang, I'm not a biology student. Well, I am familiar with these."

I'm sorry, she just made up this reason, the Department of Biology really doesn't do this...

Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhang accepted this reason well.If the parrot is sick, if the right medicine can be prescribed, it will indeed recover quickly, and Honghua's status as a college student makes this explanation extremely convincing to him.

"Sure enough, I still have to go to college. You college students are really amazing."

No, this has nothing to do with college students... Honghua smiled on the surface and maintained this white lie.

At this time, only the last two cockatiels were left without feeding Xiaomi. Because these two were relatively large, she fed them a little more, and as a result, these two poor eggs suffered from other budgerigars glaring at each other.

She spent a few more minutes persuading the fight, making sure that the tiger skins would not hit Xuanfeng—at least not in front of her—and then she drove the birds back to their cages, wiped their hands, and turned to Uncle Zhang, ready to talk to Uncle Zhang. He discusses today's issues.

Uncle Zhang watched with interest the parrots obediently jumping back into the cage one by one. Then he looked at Honghua and took out the documents he had prepared: "Then let's hand over the matter."

The matter of renting out was not complicated in the first place, and the two of them had no disagreements, so they resolved these matters in a few clicks.

"By the way, Uncle Zhang, can the qualifications of this shop be transferred?"

"Should it be possible? I haven't asked about this either. Why, Xiao Hua, do you want to continue to open a pet shop?"

Hong Hua nodded.The threshold for running a pet shop is not high, but it still requires some qualifications. If you can transfer it directly, you can save a lot of things.

Uncle Zhang looked at the parrots who were staring curiously at the cages, and nodded thoughtfully: "That's right, with your skills, you can open a pet shop without worrying about selling pets. Okay, if you can help." I will definitely help you."

(End of this chapter)

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