Chapter 541 Burning
Everyone wants to be a hero with special abilities, especially those young children who love fantasy.

However, children's imaginations are not boundless, limited by their vision and knowledge, and the same young fantasies as children are quite simple.

This innocence also makes the children imagine themselves as heroes, and the special abilities they possess are the most common things around them.

Such as ice, such as fire.

Children will not think about how horrible the stinking chilblains after frostbite are, nor can they imagine how hideous the scorched corpses left by the fire are. They will only argue about which is cooler and which is more powerful, ice or fire.

This naive debate goes on and on, and even adults occasionally join in the battle group when they are bored, but the conclusions they reach are always inconsistent, like ice and fire.

Then, as the children grow up a little bit, they will learn a word called "absolute zero" in the junior high school class, and everything seems to be conclusive-absolute zero is minus 273.15 degrees, which is accurate and irrefutable.

This is the limit of "ice", it doesn't sound too great, even the numbers are only three digits, not cool at all.

In comparison, the upper limit of "fire" seems to be infinitely high!Tens of thousands of degrees, hundreds of thousands of degrees, can add endless zeros after the number, isn't it much more powerful than the miserable minus 273.15?
Just like Indian mythology, although its content is full of beast-like desires and barbarism, it is always carried by some unreasonably large numbers.

There is also the game that was tampered with by the ring, making this world almost a playground for players. It is said that some players like to play some self-made mods, in which they often use a simple and rough number to fight against various fleets. To represent.

Then, the number of combat power became more and more inflated with the update of the module, and finally even reached the point where the computer screen could not fully display it.

However, players are happy to see this, and even some modders can't stand the confusion caused by the super long numbers. They want to remove some "zeros" and modify it to a reasonable range, and they have encountered constant protests from many players.

In any case, a fondness for large numbers is probably etched on the nerves of many.It was also because of this that in the eyes of the grown-up children, the ability of the ice element began to retreat steadily in the face of the seemingly unlimited temperature flame.


When everyone's experience is higher, you will find that the ice-fire competition has reversed again,

The number of absolute zero seems small, but in theory it means the disappearance of space and the severance of time.As we all know, the style of things that can be related to time and space cannot be low.

And the number of flames also has an upper limit. The essence of temperature is the intensity of molecular motion, and no matter how violent it is, the speed of molecular motion cannot exceed the speed of light. This is the upper limit of flame.

Zuo Wu's vision is stuck here, because he fell in love with Bing again and felt that Huo Feila was unbearable.

And the scientific research team of Xindilian will not have the opportunity to correct the fallacy in this fantasy for him as the emperor. If there is no accident, Zuo Wu will carry this impression with him for a long time.

But today is when the so-called "accident" happens.

just now.

When Zuo Wu felt that his pupils were stung by the flames that suddenly lit up from all directions, he still didn't care.

Isn't it just a bigger fire?His scientific research team is a recidivist arsonist, and the accidents caused by their research are too numerous to enumerate.

The big guys in Xindilian should have been used to dealing with sudden fires long ago, shouldn't it be easy to extinguish the fire in the starship?

As long as everyone evacuates, open the cabin that isolates the interior of the ship from space; then, the oxygen inside the starship will escape into the universe at an astonishing speed, and the flames will lose their living soil, and will naturally dissipate without a trace .

So, even if Jingfu's fire attack is ignited by gravity, so what?Shouldn't it be easy to solve the crisis?
Everyone should be so calm.

The premise is that the flame doesn't really burn himself.

At this time, Zuo Wu was still calm, but he found that even though all the fire hatches of the starship cabin he was in had been opened, the fire did not decrease in the slightest.Even brighter, the stinging pain in the eyes became more and more intense.

Strange, how could the flame hurt the eyes so much?Zuo Wu is still puzzled, with the vision adjustment, he should be able to look directly at the brightest star in the universe without being glaring. Could it be that the creation in his eyes is malfunctioning?

Also, why can't I see everything around me anymore?

There was indeed a malfunction, but the cause of the malfunction was not what Zuo Wu instinctively thought.

It wasn't until Zuo Wu saw the glow of flames igniting from his fingertips, and the stinging pain in his eyes getting stronger and stronger, that Zuo Wu realized a fact——

It's my own body that is spontaneously combusting!Even though all the oxygen around has dissipated, spontaneous combustion is still unstoppable.

Even the brightness I "see" at close range is probably the warning and imagination given to me after the flames burning in my eyes destroyed part of my retina!
The flame originally opened up human civilization, and even opened up human wisdom by bringing cooked food to human beings.Afterwards, he also helped humans drive away the herds of beasts and maintain peace.

But only when the burning pain started to wail involuntarily, did human beings realize the fact——

It turns out that he is also an animal in essence, and he should be one of the people who was dispelled by this blazing heat.Civilization and sanity are given by fire, and will be taken back by it as it is.

Realizing that he was spontaneously combusting, Zuo Wu felt no less panic than anyone else, but he always had one more hole card than others.The absorption subconsciously turns on, like restoring the factory settings of the computer, absorbing all the abnormalities suffered by the body.

Including the flames, and the irrepressible flames in my heart.It was only when he came back to his senses that Zuo Wu realized that he had instinctively rolled out of control during the spontaneous combustion and fell to the ground, with almost no good flesh on his body, and was still being tortured by the suffocation caused by the escape of all the surrounding air.

At this time, Zuo Wu didn't dare to change the state to release rashly to release the healing power accumulated in daily life. He was worried that once the absorption stopped, the unknown flame would ignite again. He could only absorb the pain and lie down. thinking on the ground—

Damn, it's weird, why can't this fire be extinguished?
And what about the big guys from Xindilian?Even I was tricked in an instant, how is everyone doing now?

Anticipating the worst possible situation, Zuo Wu still gritted his teeth and switched to the public frequency band of Xindilian. Then, a feeling more painful than his body lingered in his heart.

The public channel was full of wailing, Zuo Wu did not dare to listen to the wailing.

But amidst the wailing there was a glimmer of hope.

It was the scientific research team. These research madmen were laughing wildly. The moment the unknown attack came, they injected themselves with an overdose of anesthesia.The pain, which even anesthesia couldn't resist, gave birth to their excitement. They were studying the nature of the attack, and went on and on.

The wild laughter seemed to light up a beacon of hope for everyone in Xindilian, and those who could still move began to struggle and resist.Spiritual skills, various creations, everyone has used them at the moment, and they have achieved some results in the struggle against the flames, regained a little bit of success, and even have the motivation to cheer each other on.

And the scientific research team also came to the results at this time. Their vocal cords were burnt, but they still tried their best to give everyone a warning: "Everyone, check it out! Gravity is the fuse, as long as everyone is still in the range affected by gravity The inner body will spontaneously combust!"

"As for why it can't be extinguished... Siha hurts... It's Jingfu who used gravity to stir up the abnormal movement of the molecules in our body! So the way to extinguish the fire is very simple, or find a way to make the molecules that make up our body static Come down, or go to a zero-gravity environment!"

Zuo Wu came to a sudden, no wonder the scientific research team can still carry out research under such circumstances.The zero-gravity laboratory was originally the infrastructure of many research projects. As long as they drilled into it, they could prevent the spread of damage to the greatest extent.

It's a pity that the zero-gravity laboratory is a laboratory after all, and it is impossible to transform every inch of space in the starship like this.More people can only figure out their own way.

At this time, Zuo Wu had already touched the oxygen mask that had been burnt out with several holes, and put it on his face, finally calming down the brain that was already hot from suffocation and burns.

Not calm enough, Zuo Wu still needs some time to find the trick to absorb the excess momentum of the body molecules, instead of letting himself fall into absolute zero and then directly disintegrate. At this time, he can only try his best and struggle to sit up.

Starships are of course more resistant to fire than humans.

The surrounding holographic windows were barely functioning normally, Zuo Wu saw the scene in space through them, and saw that many of his citizens had already struggled to get out of the cabin.


Of course, space should be a low-gravity environment. After entering it, not to mention completely extinguishing the flames on everyone, it should be able to greatly reduce its intensity.

But today is different, because those huge space whales and the ether dragon on the other side of the sun have changed the gravity environment in the galaxy countless times; the gravity system originally used to maintain each other has become a reminder to bind everyone.

Zuo Wu only felt that countless suns were lit up in today's space.

The spontaneous combustion of the space whales at this time makes even the stars appear dim.

Especially the space whales are not lacking in prairie breeding, and their bodies are full of void energy.Spontaneous combustion caused their bodies to be damaged, and the stored energy escaped unstoppably, which in turn fueled the fire in their bodies, which became more and more intense.

The wailing of the giant beast even shook hyperspace.

Zuo Wu didn't have time to care about these beasts, he was only anxious about what to do with the citizens who found out that going into space would not help extinguish the flames.

...First of all, even if I don't dare to switch back and release it rashly to let the wounds on my body heal, I have to...stand up!

After absorbing all the sensations, Zuo Wu's body didn't hurt, but looking at the liquid oozing from the wound, he felt a little nauseous, and his body was a little disobedient, and he finally raised a hand with all his strength.

In the next second, Zuo Wu only felt a blur in front of his eyes—the more heat-resistant vision replaced all the functions of Zuo Wu's damaged retina, allowing him to see what was in front of him.

It was Xiao Hui who emerged from the air, and thanks to her most delicate manipulation of her machine cluster, the nanomachine clusters that make up her body, which are much smaller than molecules, have all returned to normal at this moment.

Zuo Wu watched her stretch out her hand towards him, the incomparably white hand was so different from his burnt ugliness.

As long as I hold this hand, I will be able to stand up easily, definitely.

But Xiao Hui's expression froze suddenly.

Zuo Wu was puzzled, and then realized that he subconsciously waved away the hand she extended to him. Even though his vocal cords were burned out, even if he could only rely on a stiff mouth, he was still saying to Xiao Hui:

"Leave me alone, go save everyone in Xindilian! Mimic a zero-gravity laboratory for everyone, go! Use all your fleets, and don't leave a single one with me!"

Little Gray shook his head numbly: "But..."

"No, but, I can't die. One more aircraft fleet can save others, and one more person will have the hope of surviving!" Zuo Wu gritted his teeth, wondering if his actually blind eyes could convey his gaze:
"Go, this is... an order! Xiao Hui, as Zuo Wu, I value you, but as the emperor...damn, I still have so many citizens, each of them... deserves to live more than me!"


Xiao Hui slowly withdrew his hand, his body melted in the air, and smiled dismally: "You are finally willing to give me an order. Also, for me, no one deserves to die more than you. But if I can, I really I don't want to hear the first order you gave me was this."

After speaking, she disappeared without a trace.And outside the holographic window, those Xindilian people in space were covered with square boxes one after another, this is the zero-gravity laboratory that Xiaohui gave them a simulation.

It will take a while to get everyone covered.

Zuo Wu finally climbed up at this time, trying not to fall down, and the annoyance of the scientific researchers who took refuge in the zero-gravity laboratory can still be heard in the field of vision——

"Damn it, the principle isn't complicated. We've all reached the edge! But their technology is just a little bit ahead of us, and it's just so hard to guard against..."

"It's so fucking frustrating..."

Really frustrated.

But only by surviving and preserving more vitality can there be the possibility of revenge.

Zuo Wu could barely control the muscles in his scorched hands, but he managed to open them, wondering if he could pick up a starship and beat up his subordinates.When the starship comes into contact with them, it absorbs the gravitational influence on everyone through it.

...Some are too difficult to achieve, but you have to try.

Leaning over, Zuo Wu touched the wall of the starship, adjusted his feeling, and looked for the state.

But at this moment, at this second, he saw the space in front of him being cut open by a knife light.

The space knife in the ancient painting Clear Sky?

Indeed, through the rift in space, Zuo Wu could see that beautiful creation in the void, presumably it was being driven by Ai Shanshan.

But even in the void, the ancient painting Qingkong was still doing all kinds of difficult evasive actions, and he didn't even have time to connect Zuo Wu into the void.

Zuo Wu understood in an instant that the ancient painting Qingkong was avoiding gravity in space!Gravity is a force that runs through all dimensions and certainly exists in the void.If affected by it, it will spontaneously combust even in the void.

But in the void, gravity will collapse into something like a "line". The "line of karma" used by Bai Aisi before is a linear expression of gravity.And since it is a line, it also gives the ancient painting Qingkong and Aishanshan the possibility to avoid it.

Guhua Qingkong only had time to throw something at Zuo Wu, and that thing was burning as soon as it entered reality.

Zuo Wu almost cried out in shock, the thing thrown towards him turned out to be a person.

And it's Levina!

Levina burned into a ball of fire, but stood up as if nothing happened, and patted her body. Even in the spontaneous combustion, her graceful figure was not deformed. The firelight became her cover, adding a dangerous charm.

It seems to be aware of Zuo Wu's gaze.

Levina came to a sudden: "Wow, don't worry about me. I am becoming more and more like an angel of Chudan now. This burning point can heal after just a little damage to my body! Burning is fine, no problem!"

Zuo Wu was speechless.

All she saw was Levina holding her hand, like a maid putting on a bright bracelet for herself.She is saying:

"The proprietress is mad, she wants to fight back now. Coincidentally, through Bai Aisi's inheritance, what we see in the void is linear gravity. Since Jingfu uses gravity to stir up our body molecules to move abnormally, Then we can follow this line of gravity to trace the source of the attack!"

"The proprietress said that our Xindilian has to add a rule that we can no longer have overnight feuds!"

"Boss, are you coming?"

(End of this chapter)

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