Chapter 182
After a long journey, the Newsea Expeditionary Force finally arrived at Bomir.

This colonial planet, which was once an important agricultural town of the empire, is full of ruins, and there are ossified corpses everywhere.Since all the clothing and identification documents on the corpses were gone, it was difficult for the expeditionary force to distinguish whether they were the compatriots who died here or the allies who died here.

According to the intelligence received by the empire, after the allies forced their landing, Bomir's Imperial Army and other Bomir citizens fought fiercely with the allies.Before the allies occupied Bomir's interstellar landing field and finally blocked the communication between the empire and Bomir, the soldiers and civilians of the empire wiped out more than hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers, and they paid a price several times that of the enemy.

These skeletons have no clothing, but have different fatal wounds.It looked more like a man engaged in a war—rather than a countryman being systematically slaughtered by his allies.

The expeditionary force searched Bomir for five full days. They visited many ruins that should have been towns, and shouted for survivors wherever there might be survivors.

In order to let as many survivors as possible know that the expeditionary force had arrived, Duchamp also specially ordered the soldiers to repair several printing machines in Bomir's largest printing factory, and urgently printed a batch of red leaflets , which states the information of the Newsail Expeditionary Force and the way to get in touch with the Expeditionary Force.

The Newsail Expeditionary Force will stay in Bomir for 20 days. During these 20 days, the survivors can contact the soldiers or officers of the expeditionary force at any time, and receive food, water, emergency medical care, energy supplies and even All help with the evacuation to Newsail.

Dushan dared to pull the entire fleet to stay in Bomir for 20 days, not only because he sympathized with the suffering of the Bomir people.He dared to allow the Newsail Expeditionary Force to stay in Bomir for 20 days after the long journey, mainly because of the huge amount of supplies in the warehouse here.

The alliance attacked and slaughtered the residents of Bomir, not just to plunder the colonial planet.Their purpose is to make this agricultural star an important transit point and springboard for the alliance to attack the hinterland of the empire.

In order to achieve this goal, the alliance transported a large amount of supplies to Bomir.Including construction materials, industrial raw materials and a large amount of food, weapons and ammunition.

It can be seen from these materials piled up with hundreds of newly built warehouses that the purpose of the allies is definitely not as simple as genocide.They intend to turn Bomir into a fortress all their own, armed to the teeth.

Attacking the empire is not an easy job. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the attack, the smug alliance army built a large number of large facilities on Bomir in the process of massacring the Bomir people for maintenance and even manufacturing large-scale battleship.

In the vicinity of these "repair factories", the Newsail Expeditionary Force found a large number of bones.Obviously, when the Allies built these industrial facilities, a large number of imperial residents were used as labor force.And after these modern slaves worked to death, they were thrown into huge "pit holes".

According to the inspection of the chaplains accompanying the army, it can be seen that the Allies have accumulated a lot of "experience" in the field of "systematic massacres".At least the dozens of corpses randomly sampled by the military chaplains from tens of thousands of remains were all adult males, and they should have been in good health before their death.

During these 20 days, the expeditionary force has a lot of work to do.One of the most important items is to entrust the remains of these Bomir residents who were abandoned in the wild potholes... to be covered with at least one layer of loess.

After such work is completed, the expeditionary force can begin to receive and transform these maintenance bases-the facilities here are very large, even far exceeding the existing maintenance equipment in Newsail.In Duchamp's view, even without the huge amount of materials piled up in hundreds of large warehouses, these maintenance bases alone would make Bomir worth a visit.

After dispatching manpower to receive and maintain the base, the expeditionary force entered a rare half-vacation state.

The work of collecting the remains of compatriots who died as much as possible every day is still in progress, but it is obvious... this is not something that can be completed in a short period of time.The soldiers of the expeditionary force carried out this work basically for the purpose of "guaranteeing a hygienic environment around the camp", not for other reasons.

Some soldiers of the People’s Army who came from poor backgrounds are more enthusiastic about confiscating the remains of the victims, but those soldiers in the navy are not the same-more than [-]% of the current navy soldiers and officers are still Old Newsail Garrison Navy, and later supplemented by soldiers of the Royal Second Guards Fleet.They still see themselves as nobles in the army, and have absolutely no incentive to collect the remains of their compatriots.

As the fleet arrived at Bomir's army, even on the fifth day that the whole expeditionary force entered a "vacation state", serious conflicts occurred with the naval soldiers.

The result of the conflict was very serious, two army soldiers and seven sailors, plus two junior officers of the navy were seriously injured.The soldiers' bodies were covered with wounds caused by sharp instruments, and they lost a lot of blood.The soldiers and officers of the Navy suffered multiple fractures, and according to the examination of the chaplain, two of them may be permanently discharged from service.

Dushan, who heard the conflict between the two sides, turned pale, and he gave an order to his adjutant without hesitation—no matter what the reason for this incident was, all nine people involved in the navy were locked in the confinement room.No one could release the expeditionary force until they had returned to Newsail and had brought them before a court-martial.

The setting of confinement rooms on naval warships is an ancient tradition from the age of sail, and it is also the second strictest means for the navy to punish soldiers in wartime.Above the confinement, there is only execution on the spot.

Confinement is not as simple as "locking someone up in a small room".The confinement room is generally designed at the position closest to the bow of the warship, without any lighting and lighting devices, and the ventilation conditions are extremely poor, so there is almost no heat preservation effect in the room.

Most of the human jump ships are made of metal shells, and the airtightness of the ships is ensured with ramie silk mixed with pitch and brass gaskets connected by rivets.The metal itself has excellent thermal conductivity, and there is no air circulation in space to dissipate heat. Therefore, in deep space, the sun-shining side of the ship may have a high temperature of several hundred degrees.On the side without sunlight, the temperature may be only one hundred or even two hundred degrees below zero.

Such extreme temperatures can undoubtedly be fatal to the occupants of the ship.The huge temperature difference may also cause huge stress to accumulate in the metal shell of the hull, causing the hull to crack or deform.

In order to cope with such extreme situations, humans have designed a large number of air ducts inside the ship's armor for ventilation and temperature balance, and on the basis of the air ducts, two sets of air ducts filled with (some kind of extremely low freezing point) have been added to the hull. liquid) soaking device.

As the core of the heat equalization device, the heat source that ensures their temperature is always maintained at an acceptable level is the Ypsilon mine.

The low temperature and constant temperature characteristic of the Ipsilon Mine can effectively ensure that the ships traveling in the deep space will not become moving ice coffins, and its extremely high transition temperature can also ensure that the ships will not suddenly be affected by the thermal insulation. An unexpected jump occurs in the Pusilon Mine.

The position of the bow is the place where the insulation of the entire ship is the worst.The air here is blocked and dirty, the temperature is extremely low, and the space is small... and there is no light.

If the captain intends to execute a marine who has made a blunder in some bloodless way, the brig is the place to do it.The captain doesn't even need to give special instructions, just let the logistics department supply food and drinking water normally. After about five to eight days, the soldiers in the confinement room will die due to the high consumption caused by the low temperature.
Although almost all the ships of the expeditionary force are now anchored on the ground, the confinement room does not have the low temperature that can freeze people to death.But Duchamp's punishment was still very heavy and severe.

When several other captains came to intercede together, Dushan not only failed to show face to these old friends, but furiously scolded the group of "old bastards".

"You idiots still have the nerve to intercede?!" Dusan's face was ashen, he kicked the chair behind him, and then began to attack his old friends with obscene language, cursing for a full moment An hour later, Duchamp made a concluding speech to his subordinates and old friends-"If you get excited, demand that these little bastards be shot on the spot, or even go directly to the confinement room and drag them out for a few shots If you beat me to death, not only will I not scold you, but I will also praise you for being kind and responsible! As a result, you gang of eggless guys actually want to fucking ask for love?"

"Commander, it was just a fight." Several captains were a little confused by the scolding, but they still wanted to save them, "It's normal for young boys to fight. People from the army were injured. But our people were also seriously injured. From the result, the army took advantage, so there is no need to impose such severe punishment on our own sailors, right?"

Dusan of the Black Iron Tower narrowed his eyes, and he said in a very dangerous low voice, "These nine beasts used construction machinery to crush the remains of the compatriots who died, and then pushed them into the river. Facing the obstruction and reprimand of the army comrades, Afterwards, not only did they fail to realize their own problems, but they even fought with their comrades. After the seven were beaten to the ground by two army soldiers, two naval officers attacked the two army soldiers with their sabers—and In the end, his arm was broken."

"They have four charges. First, destroying the remains of the victims; second, attacking their comrades; third, using weapons when attacking their comrades; fourth, nine-on-two when holding weapons and still not fucking winning!" Duchamp slapped the pistol on his waist directly on the table, "These bastards are inhuman, bastards who use knives on their own people, shameful things... I wish I could kill them now!"

In all fairness, it is quite normal for naval soldiers to be unable to beat the army on the ground.After all, the Newsail Navy has been maintaining high-intensity combat readiness cruises during this period, and the ships have to sail for more than 20 days a month.In low-gravity environments, marine soldiers suffer from severe muscle atrophy.

Not to mention nine people fighting two, if it was just an empty-handed fight, two strong army soldiers might be able to fight thirteen or four navy soldiers.

Although the navy also has physical training content, its combat capability is of course inferior to that of the army.Of course Duchamp knew this, and so did the other captains.

To put it bluntly, the last sentence of "nine hits two, and I haven't even hit a knife" is just to ease the atmosphere.These sailors had really "fighted" at that time, so I am afraid that Duchamp would not have given these captains a chance to intercede - just shoot them on the spot.

The atmosphere in the office froze, and the other captains began to ponder Duchamp's intentions.Duchamp was not a man who was good at city government and scheming. He was a typical, out-and-out professional soldier.If Duchamp followed his usual style, he would probably have shot these "scumbags among the soldiers" first, and then said something else.

This method of imprisoning people and then beating other captains is not new to Duchamp, but this idea had to be proposed by Duchamp's political adviser Androni before Duchamp put it into practice.

Everyone was silently thinking about Duchamp's decision when there was a sudden knock on the office door.

"Commander, I just put those two guys who fought with the navy comrades into confinement..." Rosen's voice came into the room with him, and then Rosen, who was sweating all over his head, saw a room full of silent people. , Navy captains with serious expressions.

After a few seconds, Rosen said seriously, "Commander, I will deal with the issue of those two soldiers seriously, please rest assured - the People's Army is the people's armed force, we will never aim our guns at our own people. "

(End of this chapter)

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