Thousands of sparks

Chapter 175 Unite

Chapter 175 Unite
If the fort on the top of the mountain is just a fort made of concrete and steel bars, then you only need to besiege the enemy troops-at worst, evacuate the civilians, and the enemies stuck in the concrete and steel fortress always need to eat and drink.After the food and water in their hands were exhausted, the battle came to an end.

But currently stuck on the top of the mountain are the two main cruisers.

Although the airtightness was lost due to the dismantling of the equipment, the fire compartments of these two cruisers still had a sufficient amount of Ypsilon mines.If the officers in charge of commanding the two cruisers still had the most basic sense, they would definitely leave enough fuel in the fire compartment.

Enough fuel for these two cruisers to jump to other places in Saxony.

Despite not being able to re-enter deep space, and even though they're not even capital ships... they're still the most lethal weapon systems humanity has ever created.It was impossible to destroy it with Rosen's tanks and infantry alone.

After listening to Rosen's report, Duchamp asked, "So, are you sure that using full fire coverage is the only way to achieve tactical goals?"

Rosen was a little confused by this question, he hesitated for a moment and said, "This is the most effective method I can think of so far."

Duchamp did not express his opinion on Rosen's answer right away. He nodded slightly and asked, "Under this tactical background, what stance should we adopt towards the enemy's firepower points?"

"Elimination, negotiation or even capture are all acceptable means. According to your order, in order to seize the time, you should first consider elimination." Rosen replied, "Negotiation or capture requires contact and negotiation with the other party. This process is too long gone."

"If you can reach a consensus on a ceasefire with the other party at the first contact, this is acceptable." Duchamp said after a brief evaluation of the other two plans, "Since you are determined to eliminate, and you are even going to use the fleet to accurately The attack method of firepower coverage... Then, do you have other plans that may destroy the enemy's firepower points?"

"...I don't know." Rosen shook his head and replied, "Tanks and other army weapons can't accomplish the purpose of destroying enemy targets, so I decided to ask the fleet to attack."

"So, your purpose should be to ask the fleet to strike, not to ask the fleet to provide precise and comprehensive fire coverage." Duchamp nodded, "In the future, in fields that you don't understand or are not good at, you should propose a Specific problems and then ask the other party to come up with a solution—instead of coming up with a solution for the other party when making a request or order.”

"To eliminate this kind of target, the fleet's repeated leaps and artillery strikes are the most risky and relatively least efficient plan." Duchamp criticized unceremoniously, "Don't let the entire fleet go for something that can be solved by a few rounds of special ammunition." adventure."

The special ammunition that Duchamp mentioned came from the order of the Newsail Garrison Navy Fleet, and it was also a theory put forward by the University of Newsail based on the Garrison Fleet, and the experts from the Belford Automobile Factory worked on the problem for more than four months. , a batch of experimental shells were produced.

The use environment of these shells is limited to use in the gravity circle of planets with at least one standard gravity (based on the acceleration of gravity of Newsail).There is a device in the shell that can heat the Ypsilon mine to the transition temperature in a very short time, and, after the cannon is ejected, the stable fin design and the internal sliding structure on the shell can ensure that the Ypsilon mine The direction of the geometric transition is always perpendicular to the direction of the gravity of the planet.

After the shell hits the target, the dry ice loaded in the shell in advance will directly hit the heated Ypsilon mine, causing the heating to stop automatically.Considering that the shell may ricochet and other changes, the theoretical armor-piercing damage range of this special ammunition is about five joules.

As a kind of ammunition that utilizes the characteristics of the Ipsilon mine to function, the effect of special shells is not stable enough, and at the same time, the manufacturing cost is ridiculously high.But fortunately, its damage range is large enough, and the damage effect is almost impossible to defend against.

"As the commander of the army unit within the expeditionary force, even if you have no interest in the fleet, you should at least ask the fleet commander and staff first." Dushan said seriously to Rosen, "The size of Newsail's armed forces is originally It's not that big, if you're still thinking 'Army and Navy are sworn to death', how are you going to protect the people on Newsail?"

The purchase of the commercial bank went very smoothly, which Lorraine and Schultz did not expect.

There was no desperate sniping from other banks, or harassment from other Olin administrations.Even in the final quotation session, in the hall reserved by the Marquis de Schwart, there was only one other bank that tried to make a quotation for the purchase.

After seeing Schultz and Lorraine representing the Olin Development Bank, the other party left the hall without hesitation—not even submitting the quotation.

"I think you are the ones who plan to buy a commercial bank." Marquis Schwart was somewhat disappointed with the current scene.After all, only when many buyers are interested in commercial banks can he recover more costs.

Yes, the Marquis of Sowart is also very clear that when he is in a hurry to sell assets... the price is often not too high.His expectations for this are very realistic - as long as the losses are slightly smaller.

"It may be the only buyer." Schultz shook hands with the Marquis, and then handed over the quotation he had prepared, "I hope you will be satisfied with this quotation."

The quotation given by Olin Development Bank is actually quite generous - the quotation of 120 million gold pounds should be the highest in the entire Olin financial circle.

But they had an additional condition, which made Mr. Marquis hesitate.

"I can understand that you, as a newly established bank, are trying to acquire commercial banks to add more credibility to yourself." Mr. Marquis hesitated looking at the quotation in his hand and the additional requirements, "But why do you want to buy? Russel Gear Works?"

"First of all, let me state that it's not that I don't intend to sell this factory." Mr. Marquis quickly added, "I just don't understand why you would want to buy a factory worth only 120 million pounds A factory of one hundred thousand gold pounds."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Of course it's because we are very optimistic about the future of this factory."

"Of course, if you are not willing to sell, we can totally accept it." Schultz coughed lightly, as if trying to smooth things over for his "young and ignorant boss who has no advantages other than good looks" , "After all, although the business of Russel Gear Factory is doing well now, after all, it relies on the low-price strategy to make achievements in Aolin industrial equipment. The production line of Russel Gear Factory can only manufacture relatively large gears, which makes It has no opportunity to branch out into the more lucrative civilian sector."

"Then what is your reason for purchasing the Lussel Gear Factory?" Mr. Marquis was really tricked, and he asked along with Schultz's words, "With all due respect, the value of such a factory itself is very limited, but after all, it is Thousands of my people have provided jobs. If you are going to dismantle and sell this factory, I can't think of selling it. Although the profit is small, this factory at least provides security for my domain. "

"You can rest assured." Schultz showed a smile of "I have a conspiracy", and he said in a low voice, "We plan to reduce the rent of all mine financial leasing businesses, and then let the Lussel Gear Factory become the owner of these machines. The only designated parts supplier - and then increase the ex-factory price of the products of Russel Gear Works."

"If it is convenient, we will increase the rate of defective products in the factory products a little bit." Lorraine said together, "After the workers get busy, we will lower the wages and recruit more employees - this way we can Maximize your profits!"

Mr. Marquis's expression changed from shock to complex to admiration. He patted Schultz on the shoulder and sighed, "If you want to say it's bad, it's you bankers who are bad!"

"The Russel Gear Factory is one of the central points of the next work." At the conference celebrating the successful acquisition of Central Teco, Lorraine said to the members of Central Teco with a serious expression, "We need a group of workers with factory experience. Yes, grassroots leaders with strong organizational skills and charisma at the same time - you are responsible for carrying out the Dusandian propaganda in the Russel Gear Factory and organizing strikes when the time is right."

"At the same time, we also need three members with extensive experience in factory operations." Schultz added, "You need to be responsible for the usual factory management and squeeze the workers-making them a suitable seedbed for the development of Dusandism."

Many members of the Central Special Branch present seemed to be a little hesitant. It was not that they were picky about the work, but that they all felt that there was no need to give up the work they were doing now, and then engage in theoretical development and factory operations.

"This work is very difficult, but for us, its significance may even be more important than the acquisition of commercial banks." Lorraine looked a little cold, so she continued, "I hope that the people involved in this work, You are all ready to die for our cause. Whether you are a grassroots leader or a manager who is brought to the stage as a target, you will put your life in danger in the course of your work."

No one is a fool, but none of the members of the Central Special Branch is a "normal person".After hearing this "danger", they became active instead.

"The Dusandian believers you have developed, these awakened proletarian workers are the foundation of our next development. Only more and more workers have recognized the reality and found that they are being suppressed by the factory. , being exploited layer by layer by factory owners, capitalists, and even by this country, we can successfully let them get rid of the status quo." Lorraine continued, "Comrades, the premise of solving a problem is to admit that the problem exists. If We can’t make people aware of exploitation, and if we can’t make them see the huge gaps that injustice creates across society, then … our work is out of the question.”

"If there is even a possibility that ... when we try to get workers out of the chains, they turn around and blame us," Schultz added. It felt like we were ruining their already difficult life."

"In order to avoid such a situation from happening, we need a few comrades who dare to risk their lives to work in the gear factory for the sake of their career." Schultz's voice lowered, "Comrades who have this willingness, please, at the end of the meeting Then apply directly to me. If there is a vacancy, I will fill it myself.”

"Comrades, our goal has always been one - to liberate all mankind." Lorraine stood up and said, "And the proletariat, what the proletariat loses is only the shackles, and what they gain is the entire universe!"

"Proletarians of the world, unite!"

(End of this chapter)

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