Thousands of sparks

Chapter 171 Not Happy

Chapter 171 Not Happy
Duchamp and the first foundations of the local Saxon regime were not a very "pleasant" experience.

According to the information revealed by the other party, Saxony is currently in a desperate chaos.Moreover, it seems that this kind of chaos has no possibility of eliminating itself by relying on Saxony's inherent social mechanisms.

The attack on Saxony was similar but not identical to that of Neusaal.The biggest difference between Saxony’s attack and Newsaar’s was the result—headed by the Duke of Saxony, until the 27 barons, all the middle and high-ranking nobles in Saxony died before the first wave of the attack was over.

The attack on Saxony was very targeted. The church priests wearing steam knight armor first killed all the middle and high-ranking nobles, and then began to massacre other members of the control team.From the Governor's Mansion to the Home Affairs Bureau, from the Police Department to the Royal Post Office, their actions seemed to have been carefully planned.From the beginning of the attack to the time when most of the priests were blown to pieces by the garrison navy who rushed back to help, almost all the administrative systems on Saxony collapsed.Numerous civilians were killed and injured, and a large number of mines and equipment were damaged.

What's more terrible is that six huge grain storage warehouses in Saxony were maliciously set on fire.Originally, with the reserves in these six grain silos, the 600 million Saxons who survived could guarantee at least 8 months of uninterrupted food supply.If they can adopt a strict control and rationing system like Newsail, then the food supply can be guaranteed for about 12 months.

The situation in Saxony is ... the total collapse of all government institutions.

Although the sailors of the garrison fleet wiped out the enemy, they had no way to deal with the situation—they had no supplies, no clear orders, no food, no medical ability... nothing.

According to the custom, the Saxon Garrison Fleet made the decision to "ask for help from Newsail". Since the postmen in red and their shuttle ships were almost completely destroyed, it became the large cruiser of the Saxony Garrison Fleet to perform the mission.

However, they never made it to Newsail, and at the regular jump point, the garrison fleet tasked with delivering the message was ambushed by the Imperial Royal Guards.Without any psychological preparation, they were destroyed by a salvo of several imperial battleships.

After the loss of three large cruisers, serious civil unrest broke out within the Saxon garrison.Some of the sailors lost the nerve to set out again for help, while others insisted that at least the news should be sent to Olin.The dispute between the two parties gradually escalated to the point of verbal attacks and even pushing and shoving.

Driven by hunger and panic, the Saxon garrison finally collapsed two weeks after the attack.A fire broke out in the conference room between the fleet commander and the fleet's chief of staff.The commander of the fleet smashed the chief of staff's jaw with one shot, and he was beaten into a hornet's nest by other mid-level officers who were loyal to the chief of staff.

The fire quickly spread on the flagship of the Saxon garrison fleet, and almost every nervous soldier was using all means to attack his former companions.After a cannibalism that lasted for half an hour, the commander's and staff's troops withdrew from the ship respectively, and then began to regroup and prepare for a decisive battle again.

Food is limited, supplies are precarious, guns are few and far between, but the guns on ships and shells in bases are appallingly plentiful.In order to obtain the food and other supplies in the hands of the opponent, and to avenge their chief (His Excellency the Commander or the Chief of Staff), a large-scale massacre concentrated near Redstone, the capital of Saxony, began.

Neither the navy soldiers nor the civilians who joined them in order to survive lacked enough light weapons.At the beginning, there were still some officers' pistols that could be used together, but as the battle lasted, these had no ammunition, and the light weapons that gradually rusted due to lack of maintenance gradually became useless scrap iron.

There is no light weapon, but the fighting cannot stop.Those sailors who were already starving and crazy began to force the poor people they "conscripted" into the army to become their cannon fodder.Everyone will be forcibly injected with a potion before they set off to fight-the potion they found from the Imperial Army's combat readiness warehouse.

People injected with this potion will turn into bloodthirsty monsters. They don't need to eat, and even if they are hungry for six or seven days in a row, they can suddenly burst out with unbelievable strength.

These medicines became the main driving force for the two sides to continue fighting, and those who did not use the medicines wanted to fill their stomachs... then they had to use any means.

Like eating the corpse of an enemy.

For the soldiers in battle, killing each other is not just about destroying the enemy.Their goal is to turn each other into food, or to die outright without being tortured by hunger and the hungry eyes of their comrades.

The person who came into contact with Duchamp was the winner of this hand-to-hand combat.According to the other party, he used to be the chief engineer of the destroyer of the Saxon Garrison Fleet, and he was also a loyal subordinate of Mr. Commander.

When he said this, the chief engineer was still holding a human leg that had been smashed and torn off abruptly.

Duchamp quietly listened to all the chief engineer's narration, and then asked the red-clothed postman who accompanied the team to come over and ask questions again several times.After the red-clothed postman gave him a look of "what he said is the truth, there is no value for further inquiries", Duchamp nodded and began to speak.

"We are here this time, and we have brought a lot of food and supplies, which is enough to help Saxony re-establish order." Duchamp took two pieces of fresh bread from his adjutant and handed them over as he spoke. It used to say, "You eat the real food first."

Seeing the chief engineer drop the human leg in his hand and start to eat the bread whole, Duchamp stepped back a little like the other navy soldiers who were avoiding the human leg, then he took out his pistol, opened the safety, The trigger was pulled towards the chief engineer's forehead.

"Bang!" A large piece of the chief engineer's skull was lifted, and the brains sprayed out and smeared on the leg of the person who was thrown on the floor.

The chief engineer who fell to the ground and twitched did not make any movement, but his hand was still tightly grasping the piece of bread, and he would not let go no matter what.

"Throw him to the side of the road." Dusan retracted his pistol and ordered in a low voice, "Register his personal information and treat him as a deserter."

No one cares that the expeditionary force and the imperial navy are no longer in the same order, and no one cares that the body of this former "comrade" is thrown on the side of the road.In fact, being able to treat him as a "deserter" is already Duchamp showing his mercy.

According to imperial law, cannibalism is an undisputed felony.Whether eating human flesh on purpose, or eating it when there is "no choice", imperial law has special regulations on cannibalism-criminals should be executed in the form of half-cut and mutilated corpses.

According to the classics of the church, beheading and dismembering the body means that the criminal has been completely deprived of all rights and dignity as a "human being".

Being executed as a deserter, at least Mr. Chief Engineer still died as a human being.

"Issuing an order to the fleet, all land on the interstellar landing field." Duchamp's order was very simple and direct, "Order the expeditionary army to set off in a fighting posture after the fleet lands, and wipe out all the troops with more than five people around the interstellar landing field." Assembled group."

The previous orders were all normal, but when it came to the "cleaning and suppressing" section, something was not normal.

"More than five people?" Rosen, who was listening to the order, hesitated, and asked, "All groups with more than five people must be wiped out? There may be ordinary families here..."

"The two factions have been fighting around the landing site for at least three months. They not only forcibly conscript the surrounding civilians into the army, they even eat people." Dushan said with a glance at the young man who was about the same age as his son. , "In this case, a group of more than five people who can survive around the landing site cannot be an ordinary family."

A few months ago, Duchamp would never have explained this to others—an order is an order, and you can have doubts about the order, but you can’t have any hesitation in executing it.Even if a junior officer wants to question an order, he can only ask questions after the order has been executed.

The army is such an organization. This kind of habits and regulations that seem unreasonable to outsiders and even a little too "rigid" are the foundation of maintaining the army as an efficient and violent organization.

But the current explanation... Duchamp did not feel inconsistent.He knew very well that the young man in front of him was one of Dusand's most trusted confidants.He is old, Lieutenant General Horn is at least 20 years older than himself.Even Brigadier General Philip is 44 years old this year... Among the younger generation of soldiers, there are not many who have shown commanding talents and have won the high trust of Dusand at the same time.

There is no doubt that Rosen is the supreme commander of the military field selected by Du Sande.Perhaps in a few years or more than ten years, he will become the person who represents Dusand to command the entire military force in Newsail.

However, Rosen's knowledge base and experience are not enough to make him a competent person for this position.Although in the few years after the establishment of Rosen Metal Industry and Comprehensive Security Company, Rosen crazily tutored a lot of knowledge, and was also taught by Dusandra to study with Lorraine.But he is still not good enough to be a qualified senior commander.

Duchamp decided to do his son a favor by taking Rosen, a young man, with him whenever he had the chance.Those in the flagship command cabin are all senior officers, and of course they can understand Duchamp's meaning-this will not cause any adverse consequences for the execution of subsequent orders.

"Let your tank troops out too - be careful when choosing your attack target." Duchamp's direct order to Rosen was more like teaching, "Although the other party only has some Small and medium-caliber artillery, and the charge is not very sufficient... But these small and medium-caliber artillery are enough to kill people. When attacking, you must pay attention to the direction of attack. They use dismantled and temporarily installed artillery, which is difficult to transfer and also It is difficult to quickly adjust the shooting elements. If you can attack from the flank or behind, the effect will be much better..."

While nodding, Rosen took out a small notebook and started recording. His father hadn't communicated with him like this since he was a child, and there were even fewer opportunities for hand-to-hand education.Although he still had some incomprehension and resentment about Dusan's dismissal of Dusande's duties at that time, he was still used to treating this unsmiling middle-aged man as a "father".

This is probably the reason why he often secretly visited the black tower in the manor even after Duchamp was placed under house arrest.

For him, Dusande is a benefactor, a brother, a relative and an object of allegiance.But Duchamp's identity was much simpler for him.

Duchamp is a clumsy father who is not good at expressing his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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