Thousands of sparks

Chapter 163 Blockade

Chapter 163 Blockade
Newsail, which is currently under blockade, is now undergoing a blockade on a smaller scale, but tens of thousands of times stricter than the empire.

After the Palmer train station terrorist attack, Aika has been trying to find the culprit leading the terrorist attack.At the same time, they are also very cautiously looking for the source of chlorine gas according to Dusand's order.

In the sewers of the Palmer train station, heavily armed Aika agents found more than 300 abandoned high-pressure gas cylinders.These gas cylinders are all brand new high-pressure gas cylinders without markings—from this point of view alone, the cost of this terrorist attack is outrageously high.

The cost of brand new high-pressure gas cylinders is quite high. For example, the oversized high-pressure gas tanks found in the sewers by Eka agents cost an average of 25 gold pounds each, and it was before the empire began to blockade Newsail. price.

Now...Under the tight seal of the empire, Newsail has already begun to list the special metals used to manufacture high-pressure gas storage tanks as strategic control materials for control.These three hundred high-pressure gas cylinders can explain the problem in itself.

If the other party hadn't already been prepared in this regard, it would have a very strong production capacity and a very sufficient reserve that is not under the control of the Newsea authorities.

This kind of organization has a huge negative impact on the stability of Newsale, and of course we must do our best to deal with it.

But what Dusande didn't expect was that this "organization" seemed to have more than that.

According to Ms. Tamara's findings, Royal Bank of Newsale's bonds are mainly concentrated in three parts.

The high-ranking nobles of Newsail, represented by the Duke and the Marquis, hold a total of 14% of the Royal Bank's creditor's rights.Together, Newsale's five largest companies own 12 percent of Royal Bank's claims.

The remaining 74% of the creditor's rights are concentrated in the hands of six individuals labeled as "unemployed".

It is unusual in itself for unemployed individuals to hold claims worth tens of millions of gold pounds.What is even more unusual is that these claims have only been transferred from the great nobles and companies to these few "unemployed individuals" in the past ten years.

It is worth noting that these "unemployable individuals" all held low titles, and without exception, they were not natives of Newsale.They are all "outsiders" who have only settled in Newsail from Orin in the last ten years.

It is relatively rare for nobles to relocate. Even the non-hereditary nobles, no matter how low their titles are and have no fiefs, are obliged to be loyal to their lords and pay tribute every year.Under the constraints of this obligation, very few nobles are able to leave their planet and live in other places.

Newsail Aika went up this path and found something even more "surprising".

The titles of these six "unemployed" lords and knights come from different sources, but in the end they can all be traced back to a great nobleman whom Dusande had never seen but heard of, and who had taught him—Huo Grand Duke Er.

Fifteen years ago, Grand Duke Hall suddenly conferred a group of servants who were very close to him.Among them are the six people who came to Newsail-they were once the valet, groom and gardener of Grand Duke Hall.

Most of these canonized servants have one thing in common—they have served Grand Duke Hall for many years, and their families have always served the Norton family to whom Grand Duke Hall belongs.In the words of the earth, these people are like the "coated minions" of the Norton family, completely attached to the Norton family politically and economically.

Where did the other enshrined low-level nobles go? Newsail Aika is temporarily unable to grasp.But obviously, six of them came to Newsail, and shortly after arriving in Newsail, they began to buy up the claims of the Royal Bank of Newsail held by other nobles and companies.

For more than ten years, these six people received a large amount of gold pounds repaid by the Royal Bank of Newsail.In addition to sending these gold pounds back to Olin, about one-third of the remaining gold pounds were used by them to acquire many factories in key areas in Newsail.These include two high-pressure vessel manufacturing plants in Palmer.And a mineral import company that originally belonged to the mining complex.

They have money, manufacturing capabilities, and the ability to import and store strategic materials without being controlled by general administrative officials and Aika agents.

Based on these existing evidence alone, it was enough for Dusand to take decisive measures to conduct a thorough screening of the entire Palmer City, and capture all the servants controlled by Grand Duke Hall remotely.

Morse's contact was the root cause of Dusand's decision to completely blockade Palmer City.

After leaving Palmer City Railway Station, Morse made a very risky decision.He returned to a branch of the Ayr Party in Palmer and reported the attack he had "discovered" about.

Apparently, whatever the orders of those who attacked him, the Ayer party in Palmer had not all gotten the message that Morse was a traitor.At least that is not clear to the leaders in charge of the Ayer party in Palmer for now.

Morse was right.

The leaders of the Ayr party gave Morse high praise for his reporting, and then gave the poor widower a more important but lesser job.

The Ayer Party ordered Morse to assist in the "clean-up work" at the Palmer High Pressure Vessel Works.And clearly told him that the specific content of these clean-up tasks will be known after he arrives at the factory.

In the factory, Morse found dozens of huge circular reaction vessels, as well as the remaining liquid in the reaction vessels that hadn't had time to be cleaned up.

Among the workers who came to clean up the reaction vessels, one fell directly into the reaction vessels at work due to lack of relevant experience.By the time Morse directed the others to rescue the unlucky ghost, he had already shown the same symptoms as those who were attacked in the train station square.

The skin of this unlucky ghost seemed to have been scalded by boiling water, and the cause of his death was the large amount of secretions gushing from his mouth and nasal cavity.

He was suffocated to death by his own secretions, just like other people who encountered poison gas attacks.

Undoubtedly, those six low-ranking nobles who obeyed the orders of Duke Hall had a close relationship with the Ayr Party.And their cooperation with the Ayer Party is the source of instigating this terrorist attack.

After receiving Morse's report, Dusand immediately made a decision to completely blockade the entire Palmer City, evacuate all the existing 35 residents of Palmer City and decentralize their control.Aika and the Internal Affairs Committee will work together to wipe out the terrorists and the Ayre Party hidden among these residents.

(End of this chapter)

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