Thousands of sparks

Chapter 138 Thoughts

Chapter 138 Thoughts
On Newsail, an unprecedented mechanized forced march is underway.

It was Rosen and Colonel Philip who carried out this forced march mission.And their goal is simple-to cross a total distance of 87 miles in the shortest time, through a variety of terrain including ordinary hardened roads, dirt roads, farmland and wilderness.And try to save the combat units as much as possible, and try to put them into urban anti-armor operations immediately after arriving in Upper Albin.

This is the first time this kind of combat mission has appeared in the human kingdom—after all, even a steam knight cannot complete such a long-distance crossing mission in one go.

This team was put together by Du Sande's Belford Automobile Factory with all its efforts, and it completely fits the team of "mechanized troops" in Du Sande's mind.Although it is still very imperfect in terms of configuration, the convoy of at least 42 tanks, 94 heavy ten-wheel trucks and fourteen "anti-armor flat-firing guns" modified from three-inch naval guns is indeed a force that cannot be ignored. powerful force.

After receiving Dusand's letter, Rosen ordered all the armed security guards under him to turn around and prepare to support Dusande at full speed without hesitation.

As the supreme commander of the army to receive equipment, Colonel Philip was very opposed to such behavior at the beginning.After all, for an imperial soldier, it is absolutely impossible to return the equipment received by the army to the manufacturer—not to mention that the manufacturer still has to use these valuable equipment to fight!
Although the pioneering nobles have certain military power, they are not so bullying!
Colonel Philip was determined to stop this lawless crime. He stepped forward and angrily denounced the actions of Rosen and others as "lawless rebellion activities", and such actions "will definitely bring great harm to their masters." disaster".

Philip's righteous actions prevented the damage to the empire's assets, and after learning that Upper Albin was subjected to a heinous terrorist attack, Colonel Philip decisively issued an order, asking everyone to immediately turn to Upper Albin, "to assist the authorities to restore order" .

With a bruised and hematomatous right eye, the righteous Colonel Philip led the team to Upper Albin, and accurately found Dusand who was still in Syntagma Square.

"The matter is serious." After dismissing the righteous Colonel Philip, Du Sande found Rosen and said seriously, "Do you have the guts to rebel?"

"I thought we were defending His Majesty the Emperor." Rosen looked at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood on Constitution Square, and asked in a low voice, "You killed these people, my lord?"

"The church, under the order of Alfred, carried out an indiscriminate massacre of all the poor in Newsail—see for yourself, these unarmed people are just ordinary people...they were killed by the church's steam knights dead."

Rosen glanced at the corpses, then nodded - of course, it was impossible to cause such a tragedy with dozens of armed security guards and tanks alone.

"So to sum it up... His Majesty the Emperor has finally gone crazy." Rosen sighed, "Although I have never felt any respect for the Emperor, this... this scene is really too exciting."

"Stimulation" can be used to describe such corpses strewn all over the field, and Rosen himself has a strong ability to bear it.At least a little stronger than Dusand - when he saw such a situation just now, Dusand's first reaction was to fly into a rage instead of "well, this is very exciting".

Rosen also realized that Dusand's views seemed "different" from his own, he thought for a while and explained, "Master, you are a very remarkable nobleman, I should have told you this many times. "

"Let's talk about the flattery later..." Du Sande wanted to focus on the current "dilemma", but Rosen insisted on continuing, "I may not have expressed it clearly before, sir, you actually know us well The Imperial nobles are all different—not even the Imperials."

"We have long been used to being full of 'stimuli' from birth to death. Death is as natural as birth." Rosen said seriously to Dusand, "We can't stop death from coming, so we just You can not care much about it. If the civilians themselves are like this, the nobles are even worse...Master, before you, I have never seen any nobleman who would care about the life and death of civilians who have no direct relationship with him."

"You are different from other nobles, and you are also different from us commoners." Rosen put down the rifle on his shoulder, and said to Dusand, "I was in the court back then, I just wanted to find someone who looked better. An easy buyer, just bought the steam lathe at home. But I met a gentleman with a noble heart, he would help me without hesitation, and even saved my family."

"Master, if you want me to kill my family, I will definitely resist. Under your order, I may only choose to shoot myself in the head." Rosen showed a smile to Dusand. Smiling, "But if it's just a rebellion, I don't have any objections. Anyway, something like the emperor..."

Rosen spat on the ground, "What does it have to do with us Newsears?"

The first order issued by the newly appointed Archbishop Gutierrez went wrong during the execution process.

Feuerbach ran away.

Strictly speaking, Feuerbach did not act together with the people of the church from the very beginning. He left the church with his people on the grounds that "I need to command other senior managers to open up the landing field".

What made Gutierrez most angry was another piece of news.

"What are you all doing?!" Archbishop Gutierrez patted his steam knight breastplate angrily, "27 people, can't even look at a woman who has been knocked out?!"

"Your Majesty, Director Feuerbach came here with your handbook." The two bishops bowed their heads and said, "It has your seal on it, asking to take Ms. Androni away..."

"He only took Androni away?" At this point, no amount of anger would be in vain.Gutierrez suppressed his fury and asked instead, "Where are the other prisoners?"

"The others are still there," said the skinny bishop. "The director only took Ms. Androni away."

After sending away several bishops, Gutierrez sat back with a sullen face.There is no doubt that Feuerbach's actions were premeditated.Whether it was capturing Androni, or handing her over to him, or defrauding her away... From the beginning to the end, Feuerbach's actions had nothing to do with "cooperation".

This seemingly obese and imbecile director has always had his own plans.

That Lord Dusand, although he doesn't come to the church very often, but whenever he comes to the church, he must attend with Duchamp and Androni.

He values ​​family very much.This is Gutierrez's first impression of Dusand.He is serious in his work and kind to people, but in the face of the procrastination and mistakes of colonial officials, Du Sande is furious like an old landlord who has been owed rent by his tenants.

This is a person who attaches great importance to family and is not easy to fool - or doesn't care much about "politics".Before the lord took charge of Newsail Aika, he put on a rampant posture.And after the emperor issued the purification order... His rampage would probably be more direct.

If there were any accidents with Androni, Gutierrez believed that the lord would directly turn the whole of Newsail into a complete slaughterhouse-this was not in line with his goal.

Gutierrez firmly believes in the core values ​​of the church. Of course, His Majesty the Emperor is supreme, but... the one sitting in the Imperial City of Olin is not the real His Majesty the Emperor.

According to the scriptures and teachings of the church, people are born in this world to repay the "hard work" of the gods in creating human beings through suffering.But because "God loves the world", he sent his most beloved son for mankind, and this "Son of God" became the imperial family.

The gods rule, protect and guide all mankind through the emperor.

Gutierrez does not have much opinion on the core values ​​of the church, he just has some unique understandings of his own.

The role of the emperor is to rule, protect and guide all mankind.Then, the person who issued a purification order to his own people is naturally not a qualified emperor.

The world is already full of pain, but God's most beloved son has not changed this situation.But the gods can't make mistakes, so the one who makes mistakes can only be the son of the gods—perhaps the royal family is something that shouldn't exist at all.

God sent his beloved son to the world to experience the suffering of the world with other people. This is more like a theological and symbolic move.By sending the Son of God into the crowd to share the suffering with ordinary people, God forgave the "debt" that human beings should have paid to themselves.What the pardoned people should do is no longer to suffer, but to let go of their burdens and live freely and happily.It is only right to be grateful for the forgiveness of the gods.

This kind of theological concept cannot be said to shock the world, but can only be said to be "deviant".And Gutierrez is well aware of how much trouble his theological concepts will cause him.Therefore, he chose a more "safe" way of dealing with it—except for conveying his theological views to those who he trusted and who would never tell the truth, he never revealed his thoughts to anyone.

After smashing his teacher's head through with his fist, Gutierrez decided to turn his theological views into practical ideas.He believes that the meaning of the church should be to bring a better life for all, rather than blindly singing the praises of the royal family.But to implement his idea on Nusaar, first of all, he needs to get Dusand's approval.

After a long silence, Gutierrez called his cronies.

"I need you to find Dusand, and then give him my letter." Gutierrez told his good friend, the deacon who also has the same theological concept, "No matter how the other party insults you, don't Angry. You must tell him that his mother was kidnapped by Feuerbach, and we are working hard to find and rescue His Excellency the Speaker."

(End of this chapter)

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