Thousands of sparks

Chapter 128 The Great Mass

Chapter 128 The Great Mass

Du Sande's persuasion logic is not too "rigorous", and it also fails to immediately show "tension" and "urgency".He was already bewildered from lack of sleep.

However, Du Sande still persisted, finished all his "discoveries", and solemnly said to his parents, "There is no other way - even if we give up everything right now, and then flee to the Star Sea The Federation...the Empire will not stop. We must resist, and we can only resist."

"Mother, you should leave Newsail." At this point, Dusande suddenly changed the subject, leaning on the table, and said vaguely as if drunk, "Your current state is not suitable for staying in Here, it is better to go to the Federation to wait for delivery..."

"Clang!" With the crisp sound of ceramic plates being knocked over, Dusande fell headfirst onto the dining table.

Androni was startled, and wanted to hurry over to see what was going on, but Duchamp blocked his wife silently.He glanced at Dusand's expression, judged his breathing, and said, "He's fine... just fell asleep."

Duchamp had seen this happen to some staff officers who had just joined the army.Those good boys in their teens and twenties, after calculating or contacting with high-load combat plans for a long time, although they can still bear it physically, they have reached their mental limit.

Such a person may even suddenly collapse in a seemingly normal state, and then fall asleep.

"Take him back to the room." Duchamp called the servants and told them to take Dusande back to his bedroom, "You watch the time and wake him up in an hour—whether he wants to If you don’t want to, wake him up. Give him a glass of warm milk with more sugar. Let him continue to sleep after drinking.”

After making arrangements, Duchamp looked at his wife again.After hesitating for a while, he asked, "What do you think?"

"Our son is a very good chief private secretary, and also a very good postman in red." Androni replied in a low voice with a gloomy expression, "Although the 'evidence' he listed lacks enough aspects proof, but logically correct."

"I just received a notice from Olin's Admiralty Department five days ago." Dusan said in a low voice, "Olin decided to strengthen the defense force of the Newsail Garrison Navy. They allocated four additional battleships to me, and Eight large cruisers."

One day before, Duchamp would still think that this was the result of his average two crying letters a month and the fifty gold pounds he gave to the director of the logistics department.But now it looks like... this is probably part of that El Salvador plan.

"Since you think Dusand's judgment is correct, then I think you should follow his advice." Dusan lowered his head and began to cut the beef in front of him.Pastrami is eaten for breakfast, which is a custom peculiar to the Navy.But he was so busy cutting meat that he had chopped a whole piece of pastrami into pieces in half a day without eating a single bite in his mouth.

Androni frowned and didn't answer.

In all fairness, she also knows that staying in Newsale is risky now.It was good for her to leave Newsale, and it was good for Duchamp and Dusande.

But people don't always act according to their own reason, and Androni doesn't want to do it-her relatives are in Newsail, here are her friends, her relatives, her husband and children.More importantly, she believes that staying in Newsail will be more beneficial to the subsequent series of actions.

Rebelling against the Empire, at least overthrowing it on Newsail and a few other colonial planets, is not an easy task.It doesn't mean that after killing all the officials and governors of the Colonial Office on these colonial planets, you can declare that "we have left the empire".

After the armed forces broke away from the empire, how did they obtain their equipment?How are their weapons and ammunition supplied?How are they paid?

After breaking away from the empire, how were the policies of each colony determined?Do you want to change the government and country name?Do you need to issue a new currency?Do you want to replicate some of the favorable policies that have been promoted in New Zealand in other colonies?
If you want to gain a firm foothold against the empire, you must have a trustworthy person with rich experience in internal affairs to assist Dusande and Duchamp in dealing with these issues.Androni is very convinced that in the entire empire, only she is the most suitable for this job.

"I'll think about it again." She drank the milk in her glass, then wiped the corners of her mouth with an elegant dining cloth.Going around the table, Androni walked up to Duchamp, kissed her husband's forehead lightly, "I still have work today, if you're okay later, go and see little Duchamp—he The recent pressure may have been a little too much."

On the steam carriage, Androni stretched back with some difficulty.After more than five months of pregnancy, she has gradually developed some pregnancy symptoms such as waist and leg pain.Although the morning sickness is much lighter than when I was pregnant with Dusand, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

She lowered her head and touched her growing belly, then smiled wryly, "You, it's really not a good time for you to come."

When she just found out that she was pregnant, Androni's heart was full of surprises and accidents.Like women in this era, Androni not only has no resistance to having offspring, but even looks forward to it.

And Androni's expectations go one step further. She hopes that her newborn child will be able to participate in government affairs in ten years, just like Dusande.

In this way, Dusande, who is only 14 years old, can at least share some work pressure.

Although Dusande will be 24 years old by the time the kid can share the work with his older brother, it's better to have a helper than none at all.

It is a pity that the boy did not bring the family as much luck as Dusand had brought to Duchamp the post of admiral of the garrison of Newsail.Before he or she is born, a sea change may be coming to Newsail...

She stroked the child in her womb, and smiled wryly again.

"Squeak!" There was a screeching sound of brakes, and Androni leaned forward suddenly. The three-point seat belt that Dusande invented and strongly required her to wear at all times played some role - Androni was not caught The seat was thrown out, but was firmly fixed on the seat.

A few guards rushed down from the steam carriage at the rear, they rushed around Androni, and without hesitation drew their pistols from their clothes and pointed them forward.

A tall man in a black robe, with a beard and a skull censer in his hand, stood straight in the middle of the road.

Blue-white smoke emerged from the two eye sockets of the skeleton, and gradually floated into the air.

"Mr. Bishop." Androni poked her head out to take a look, and recognized the clergyman who had a close relationship with the family.Confused, she asked the guards to put away their weapons first, and then asked, "Why are you standing here?"

"Madam Speaker." The bishop nodded slightly towards Androni, "I have something to discuss with you."

Androni got out of the car and wanted to go forward, but her guard directly stopped Androni in her footsteps.

"You can ask him to meet you in the office, or you can invite him to meet you in the manor..." Androni's chief guard said in a low voice, "This is not a suitable meeting place, and that person doesn't feel too good about it. Right."

The head of the guard is an old man who has worked beside Androni for 15 years. He usually doesn't stop the hostess' actions very much.But this time, the head of the guard firmly stopped Androni.

Moreover, the gun in his hand was pointed at the opponent's chest all the time, without moving at all.

"Your Excellency, although the environment is not suitable, let's communicate like this." He raised his voice to Androni, "The archbishop plans to hold a high mass this afternoon, and all the cathedrals in Newsail will At the same time I began to pray for the dead citizens of the Empire on Bomir. I have come to ask for your blessing and permission."

"Mr. Governor is not in Newsale, I'm not sure I have such power." Androni's answer was very careful, and she also saw that something was wrong.

In the empire, the church's large-scale religious activities required the permission of the imperial power.Every time Olin held a large-scale mass or worship, His Majesty the Emperor had to issue an order and permission in person.In other colonies, it needs to be authorized by the imperial representatives of the colonies, that is, the governors.

But now...Neusail is tightly blocked, and the Governor-General has long since slipped away—this "representative of imperial power" has nowhere to go.

"Your Excellency the archbishop said that you only need your blessing and permission, and no written consent is required." The bishop shook his beard and said loudly, "The high mass was decided a week ago, and the governor has already given permission."

"Then, I wish you well." Androni hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "It is our responsibility and obligation to pray for our compatriots."

"Thank you for your blessing." The bishop nodded, then shook the skull in his hand a few times.Two curls of green smoke drew some strange shapes in the air.

Then, he turned around and left.

Androni frowned and looked at the bishop's back, then asked the chief guard who put away his gun, "You think there's something wrong with him?"

"His eyes are not right." The chief guard said in a low voice, "Mr. Bishop will appear in such a place, which is not right in itself-if he needs your permission and blessing, why doesn't he go directly to the office or visit the manor Woolen cloth?"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe...he wasn't waiting for us." Androni thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "There's no point in thinking about this now, let's go—there are two more meetings in the morning Woolen cloth."

"Are you going to attend the high mass in the afternoon?" The chief guard advised after hesitating for a while, "The bishop's expression is indeed not quite right, I feel like I saw an alliance agent on a suicide mission again... I suggest you not to attend the high mass in the afternoon."

Androni thought for a while and shook her head, "The high mass is a public event. As a political official, if you don't attend, it will make others think about it. Newsail lacks everything now, except that there is no lack of turmoil—I You must attend." She looked at the chief guard and said gently, "If you think it is necessary to strengthen security, then act according to your ideas. Now is a special period, and I can only work hard for you."

(End of this chapter)

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