Thousands of sparks

Chapter 119 Why did Your Majesty rebel?

Chapter 119 Why did Your Majesty rebel?

Facts have proved that although Governor Edmond himself is not a qualified intelligence worker, the person who sent him the letter must be a veteran of intelligence.

The letter itself is written in special ink that quickly loses all its writing when it gets wet.But it is probably because of limited time, or Governor Edmond himself is not sure how to destroy it.So he cleverly adopted two methods of destruction - tearing and soaking in water.

There were six sheets of paper in the torn part, and the postmen in red also found the remaining six sheets in the vase beside them.

The water-soaked paper was wrapped by a steam knight with several layers of white silk scarves, and then sent back to the Newsale Heraldry Management Office in advance. It is not known whether the technical department can recognize what is written on it.

But the six pieces of paper exchanged for six thousand gold pounds were enough to shock Dusand.

Judging from the wording and language on the letter, this letter came from a certain "organ" of Olin.And this "organ" can almost be called "full of contempt" for the Governor of Newsale.The letters don't even follow the imperial custom of writing letters, referring to the Governor-General as "Your Excellency" in the letters, but directly as "You".

The longest line on the six pieces of paper reads: [If you don’t want to be hanged by those pariahs in Newsail…]

The latter part was torn off, but Dusand is sure that the words torn off are most likely words such as "street lamp" or "street tree".

Based on other evidence and the testimonies of the steward and servants, it is not difficult to come up with such a "scenario".

In a building in Olin, a middle-aged man who wrote with his left hand held a cigar and wrote such a letter with special ink under a gas lamp.He was a heavy smoker, at least 20 years old, and had bad breath.

This letter was sent from Olin through the channel of the Imperial Mining Federation.And the letter went directly into the highest-grade mail package without any delay or sorting in the Olin postal system.

This e-mail and other documents traveled through the distant star sea to the interstellar landing site in Newsail with the "highest priority" level.Then it was sent to the governor's mansion by the real postmen in green clothes.

Considering that the governor just woke up at [-] o'clock every morning, and he needed to eat and wash for a long time... this mail must have been delivered to the mansion in the early hours of the morning.In other words, the email was written the day before.

Du Sande put down the intelligence analysis report in his hand, frowned and didn't say a word for a long time.After about a quarter of an hour, he raised his head and asked Ms. Tamara, "Who analyzed this information?"

"The analysis authority in the department." Ms. Tamara said in a low voice. "The whole analysis department interrogated the chief eight times and tortured him dozens of times. His confession must be correct, and the analysis department itself has no differences of opinion." .”

"Tell the people in the analysis office to keep their mouths shut." Dusand leaned back on his sofa, his face livid.

There is no doubt that there is an organization called "organ" who planned all this.They had accurately grasped the whereabouts of Bourne and Lafayette the day before, and they were ready for assassination.

The purpose of Berne and Lafayette is to go to Orin together to meet His Majesty the Emperor and prove his loyalty.Therefore, they will always be together after arriving in Olin-at least Bourne will definitely not let Lafayette Hou act alone.Therefore, Bourne and Lafayette Hou must have been together when the "organ" attack occurred.And they killed Bourne first, and dumped his body in the forest not far from the Olin interstellar landing site.

The purpose of killing Bourne and dumping the body in the forest is unknown, but Lafayette should still be alive at the time - if Lafayette died, the shipjacking attack should have happened immediately instead of dying in Bourne After a few hours.

It is impossible for the Marquis to complete the attack on the ship by himself, and there must be a group of dead men to cooperate with him during the entire attack.

The several hours of waiting may be to mobilize the dead to enter the ship that needs to be hijacked, or it may be for other purposes. What is the purpose of this, Du Sande is still unable to analyze it.

But one thing is certain, this organization is either very familiar with the Olin's heraldry management office, or even has a strong influence on Olin Aika... or this "organization" can command the entire Olin's heraldry management big shot.

Dusande, who was sitting alone in the room, was silent for a while. He looked at the ceiling silently, and asked quietly, as if talking to himself, "Your Majesty... why did you rebel?"

When the evidence has ruled out all possibilities, no matter how bizarre the remaining results, it is the final answer.And there is only one possibility for what happened in Aolin—the agency was authorized by the emperor, and even the 19-year-old emperor may be the leader of the agency.

The proof is as follows.

First of all, the agency has no respect for the representative of the imperial power in New Saal.This also means... the agency is either a rebel or a higher-level representative of the imperial power.

Secondly, the agency can easily borrow the channel of the Imperial Mining Consortium to disguise the letter as a regular report of the Mining Consortium.In the documents found in the governor's office, there is no regular report of the mining association that day.In other words, the mining consortium was well aware of this "channel borrowing", and they even cooperated with the agency's actions in order not to attract attention.

This proves that the agency has great influence over the mining complex that is only responsible to His Majesty the Emperor.

Third, Orin's Heraldry Administration is almost dancing around the agency's baton.They completely disregarded Bourne's great contribution to the Heraldry Administration, and the importance of the regional spy chief to the colony.And they also cooperated with the agency to frame a high-ranking noble without any scruples.

In order to complete the framing, they even boarded the headquarters of the Second Guards Fleet of the Imperial Royal Navy.

It is impossible for the agencies to be rebels. If they were rebels... then with their infiltration strength and scope, the young emperor might have died in an assassination long ago.

Therefore, the agencies must have the support of the imperial power, and their actions may even be ordered by His Majesty the Emperor.

Du Sande sighed deeply. He reviewed his inference several times, but he still couldn't find any possible omissions in this inference.

In other words, this inference has a high probability of being true—at least it is the inference that is closest to the truth so far.

Then the problem is coming.

Why did His Majesty the Emperor rebel against himself?
In the long history of rich Chinese culture, there has never been a situation where the emperor rebelled against himself.This in itself goes against logical common sense-the imperial power itself should maintain its stability at all costs and at all costs.It's something that's inscribed in the DNA of ruling classes and power.No matter how stupid the emperor is, the root purpose of his orders should be to stabilize his own rights.

In other words, the purpose of His Majesty the Emperor to kill Bourne and frame Lafayette is to maintain the stability of his rule?The lives of these two nobles, as well as the lives of the Imperial Navy's Royal Second Guard Fleet Command, are definitely not his purpose, but a means.

Using dozens or hundreds of human lives as a means, the purpose is to maintain the stability of the rule.And the specific result of this process is that Olin blocked the permission of all the shuttle ships of Newsaar to jump.The blockade of Newsail was de facto completed.

That is to say, His Majesty the Emperor believed that the blockade of Newsail would be conducive to the stability of his own rule—there must be something on Newsail that threatened the supremacy of the imperial power, and might even shake his rule.

As for what this thing is, Du Sande has no idea at all.In fact, there is no essential difference between Newsail and other colonial stars.This planet mainly relies on the development of the financial industry and tourism industry, and the level of heavy industry is really not very good.Before the Belford Automobile Factory was born, Newsail even had to import the maintenance spare parts of the steam carriage from other colonial planets.

Androni's House of Commons is even less likely to be a threat to the Empire - every colony of the Empire has a House of Commons, even Olin.Moreover, two of these lower houses have already passed the so-called Olin Limitation Acts.Direct orders and regulations from Olin need to be reconsidered and voted on in both Houses of Commons before they can be implemented.

Dusand really couldn't think of anything that Newsaar could threaten Olin—it couldn't be that His Majesty the Emperor felt that the beautiful scenery on the colonial planet would damage his ruling authority, right?
Today's Niusal is like a border city, where Jin Yiwei Qianhu and Hou Ye were lured to Kyoto by His Majesty the Emperor and killed.At the same time, the Ministry of Education also ordered the city to be sealed off, and anyone who left the city could be killed on the spot.

So what's next?Massacre?

Dusande shuddered, he jumped up from his seat, ran towards the door without even taking the windbreaker.

"Mr. Lord? Where are you going?" Ms. Tamara stood up suddenly outside the door, she was a little at a loss.

"I'll go out for a while." Dusande said in a hurry, "I'll be back in about three quarters of an hour. If there is any new information, please send a copy to Speaker Androni."

The gas car was driving fast on the street, and Dusand drove the car directly to the checkpoint outside Knight Street.He got out of the car and showed his ID to the checkpoint.

"Mr. Lord, we haven't found the family of the Marquis." The leading postman in red hurriedly reported the situation, "We need to enter the blocked area to search..."

"Just stay here and check the passing vehicles. Don't do any unnecessary things." Du Sande gave a few hasty instructions, and then walked quickly towards the market.

After a quarter of an hour, Dusande appeared at the gate of the market after bypassing three or four small roads.He took a deep breath, and said his code name to the old man at the door, "I am Yu Gong, please let Miss Petunia come to see me immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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