Thousands of sparks

Chapter 111 The first knife

Chapter 111 The Second Knife
Lorraine is a smart girl.She is not only good at learning, but also good at thinking.Probably because Dusand's "education policy" is relatively unique, Lorraine herself has a high sensitivity to abnormal situations.

She is very smart, but she is not good at turning her judgment into action.

But the current situation really does not allow Lorraine to hesitate anymore - she must respond as soon as possible.

Her parents hadn't been out to see anyone at all since they came to Orin.Instead, the two mobilized together and began to buy real estate and shops in Aolin.

In addition to real estate and shops, they also signed up Lorraine for the Imperial University Entrance Examination, which will start a month later-the subject she is going to take is economics.

There are no correspondence courses in economics at Imperial University, and all courses need to be completed in Olin.And looking at the posture of the parents, it is obviously not a preparation to turn around and leave after seeing the patient in a short time.

Visiting patients, no matter what, you can't buy a house and start renovating the house, right?
Since coming to Olin, Lorraine has been grounded in the hotel by her parents on the grounds that "you just came to Olin, and you are not familiar with the environment here".And this hotel that provides lodging services for nobles and wealthy merchants is indeed very high-level - there are not even any ordinary shops around it.

Without the store, Lorraine would have no major reason to go out.After living in Olin for three days, Lorraine was sure for the first time that her parents were definitely not just "visiting sick".

She decided to get into action.

Under Dusand's "education", Lorraine developed the habit of preparing "emergency bags".She picked up her emergency bag, which contained three hundred gold pounds, and sneaked out of her room after making sure that the action certificate issued by the Newsale Arms Administration, the revolver, and the ammunition in the bag were safe.

For Lorraine, there was only one destination—no matter why her parents decided to let her leave Newsail, she had to go back.Not only because she has feelings for the land, but more importantly, Dusand is still in Newsail.

If one's own hometown faced a disaster that could only be avoided by fleeing to Orin, at least, at least, Dusand should also escape.

With such thoughts in mind, Lorraine went out with a letter.She made up her mind that if she couldn't take the shuttle back to Newsail for various reasons, she would hand over the letter to Olin's Heraldry Management Office with the certificate issued by Dusande. .Surely they had a way of getting the letter to Dusande in time.

No matter which city in the empire, the streets at night are not suitable for women to walk alone.After leaving the hotel, within 15 minutes of looking for the steam carriage, Lorraine was asked about the price four times by "gentlemen" on the road, and a drunken "gentleman" among them tried to drag her directly into a side alley inside.

A loaded revolver brought the "gentleman" back to his senses, and Lorraine kicked the damn guy between the legs after the other party woke up, and then ran out of the black alley.

Although in the "women's self-defense technique" taught by Dusande to Lorraine, kicking the opponent's crotch with all his strength should be used at the beginning, but now it seems that it can be used after the order is reversed, then Go on in a daze.

After finally boarding a steam carriage, Lorraine took out a half-gold note and handed it over, "Take me to the interstellar landing site."

"Miss, you may have to wait until tomorrow." The coachman driving the carriage is an honest man - of course, it is also possible that he saw the movement of Lorraine stuffing the revolver into her bag when getting into the carriage.In short, he explained very honestly, "All the departures from the Olin interstellar landing site are over tonight. If you want to leave Olin, you can only wait until tomorrow morning."

"Take me to the interstellar landing site." Lorraine was unmoved by the driver's explanation, she insisted, "Send me there, other things have nothing to do with you."

The steam from the nostrils of the steam horses, the white steam was tinged with a shaking yellow by the gas lamps on the side of the road.

About two quarters of an hour later, the steam carriage slowly stopped by the side of the road. The coachman jumped under the carriage, took off his hat and said to Lorraine, "Miss, the landing site is here."

Lorraine jumped out of the car and began to look into the distance - there was no one outside, and there was nothing around the interstellar landing field except for the towering brick walls and the completely locked entrance.

Looking at the scenery, Lorraine vaguely felt that her actions might be a bit inappropriate.She wanted to get on the carriage and go back to the city to find the Office of the Coat of Arms, but when she turned around, she realized that the carriage driver had already driven away.

A 16-year-old girl, staying alone outside the interstellar landing field.Although there is a pistol in the bag, Lorraine still feels a little panicked.But the scare comes mostly from "Dusand may not be able to get my notification in time" rather than "I'm stuck in this ghost place alone."

She was still worried about her fiancé.

The weather in Olin is much warmer than in Newsail, but it's still a bit cold for Lorraine.

Lorraine, who was wearing a dress, walked to the entrance of the interstellar landing field.She sat down against the pillar at the door, and was going to wait here until the interstellar landing field reopened.

Time passed slowly, and the night and fog became deeper and deeper.She began to worry that the letter she left in the hotel might not be clear enough. What if her parents thought she was being coerced?
I hope that after reading the letter, the two of them will not start to quarrel immediately—in a place like Olin, where they are unfamiliar, they should try their best to unite.

Lorraine, who was thinking wildly in her mind, had no idea of ​​sleepiness at all.It may be because the ground is too cold and the walls are too hard, or it may be because there are too many things on his mind, because he is too worried about Du Sande.

What would happen to Newsail to convince the parents that the Barons could not protect their family and had to flee to Orin to be safe?
Lorraine sat on the ground with her head in her hands, thinking hard.

The night was getting darker, and the only moon in Olin's sky was gradually rising.Lorraine turned her head to look at the moon, feeling some sympathy for it.

The moon in Newsail still has a companion, how come you are like me, hanging alone in the sky in Orin?

"Da da da da", the sound of metal horseshoes hitting the ground came from far to near, and Lorraine stood up abruptly.If it was a passenger with access to the landing pad, she might be able to follow along and show her pass to board the shuttle to Newsail.If the other party can't get in, at least he can take a ride back to Olin.

A black carriage broke through the fog covering the ground and appeared in front of Lorraine.A man with blond hair stumbled out of the car.

Lorraine's eyes widened.

"Master Marquis." She helped the Marquis who seemed to be drunk, and then asked in disbelief, "Why did you come to Olin?"

"Oh...God." Lafayette Hou's hair was all messed up. He first glanced at Lorraine's face, and after confirming that he was right, he quickly jumped up and beat Lorraine to death. Standing behind him, he shouted towards the carriage, "This is my man, don't shoot, don't shoot!!"

"You can just say something about this kind of thing." Schultz appeared in the shadow behind the carriage with a shotgun in his hand. He put the shotgun under his arm and took off his hat to Lorraine. "Good evening, Miss."

"Mr. Marquis, you... what's the matter with you?" Lorraine had too many questions in her stomach to be answered.After all these questions were gathered together, she didn't know where to start asking, so in the end, she could only pick up the confusion in front of her and ask, "Why are you in Olin?"

"This is a trap, this is a damn big trap!" However, Lorraine did not get the answer she wanted, but Mr. Marquis suddenly shouted like crazy, "Our infinite loyalty to the empire , but in exchange for such a result? I can't accept it, it's impossible!"

"Excuse me, ma'am." Schultz walked up to the Marquis and took out a small flagon from his arms.He pinched Hou Lafayette's mouth roughly with one hand, and then poured a lot of liquid into his mouth.

After Schultz finished his work, he said to Lorraine, "Mr. Marquis is just a little shocked——I was much more shocked than Mr. Marquis when I first found out about this."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Lafayette bent his waist like a shrimp, and after coughing hard for a long time, he fell limply on the ground as if he had been cramped.

"This is opium tincture, which can make him relax a little bit." After Schultz explained to the nervous Lorraine what was in the bottle in his hand, he said to Lorraine, " Why did it appear at the Olin landing site at this time?"

"I have to go back to Newsail as soon as possible." Lorraine roughly told the Marquis' entourage about what happened to her. "My fiancé is still in Newsail, and I have to warn him!"

"You are Lorraine?" Schultz's expression changed a little, "Lord Dusand is your fiancé?"

"Yes." Lorraine frowned, "Can you let me board the shuttle back to Newsail?"

Just as Schultz was about to speak, his trouser legs were suddenly grabbed by the Marquis Lafayette who fell limply on the ground.

"You can't let her go back." Although under the influence of the drug, Hou Lafayette couldn't speak clearly, but he still insisted, "Dusande is a good boy, he has a...a kind heart Heart, he shouldn't be treated like this!"

Lorraine felt her heart tighten.

"Yes, Mr. Marquis." Schultz sighed, "I will tell Miss Lorraine in detail—whether or not to return to Newsale, it is all up to her to decide."

After saying these words, Schultz took off his hat and saluted Lorraine again, "I wish you well, the future Queen."

The thick mist wet Lorraine's hair, and her skirt along the way.Standing in the fog, after listening to Schultz's introduction of the "situation", Lorraine's expression changed again and again.

There are too many things that have shocked her cognition, starting from "the alliance is an enemy created by the empire to maintain unity and efficient operation" to "the alliance is out of control, the empire is determined to get rid of them in a short time, and then put the Duchamp and Newsale are established as new enemies", Lorraine didn't even know what kind of expression she should make.

"According to the instructions of the agency, the El Salvador plan has already begun to be implemented." Schultz looked at Lorraine and said with some sympathy, "Fortunately, your move to give up the shares in the automatic car factory has played some role. Grand Duke Hall decided to put the last The launch time was delayed by one month.”

"The month you have won is very important to Baron Duchamp and Lord Dusand." Schultz lit a cigarette and said, "Of course, you can go back to Newsail, and then Become a crown princess. After the future Emperor Newsail becomes Dusand, you will be able to become a queen as a matter of course—this is not a joke, but something that will definitely happen."

A puff of white smoke drifted past, and Schultz continued, "But...I personally suggest that you do not rush back to Newsail. During the implementation of the El Salvador plan that will start a month later, there will inevitably be a large number of collateral casualties. Although Dusan will certainly not die, but Dusand's safety is difficult to guarantee. Your safety is even more difficult-in that case, nearly half of the entire city of Newsail may be devastated. "

"Neusal is going to face a total purge without mercy or mercy. And in that environment, you're not going to be able to do anything but shiver in the tunnels and pray for safety... I'm afraid." Schultz stubbed out the cigarette on his mouth, hesitated a little and said, "But by staying in Olin, you can provide a valuable passage for Duchamp and Dusande. This candidate should have been Bourne, but He's too alert...I'm not sure I can convince him."

"After the implementation of the El Salvador plan, the Star Sea Federation will assist and rebuild Niusal. However, neither the Star Sea Federation nor New Salvador can have any safe and convenient manpower in Olin. But your situation is different. Same—at least under the protection of Grand Duke Horne, the safety of you and your parents in Olin is guaranteed." Schultz solemnly said to Lorraine, "Since it is the wish of Mr. Marquis, then you make the decision Right—are you going to go back just like this, or stay in Orin and become Dusande's hidden force underground?"

Lorraine was silent for a second.

"Mr. Marquis, I wish you a pleasant journey." She saluted Marquis Lafayette while holding her skirt that was wet by the fog. He turned around and said to Schultz, "Please take me for a while on your return journey, and just drop me off at the Crown Hotel."

"Mr. Marquis will not go to Newsale, he will go to the Star Sea Federation, and then spend his life as a wealthy businessman." Schultz replied, "Then please wait for me here for a while, and send Mr. Marquis to After the ship, I'll be back."

"Thank you, sir." Lorraine nodded, "Excuse me...what should I call you?"

"My name is quite changeable, and I almost can't remember what my original name was." Schultz laughed. He thought for a while and said, "You can call me 'Diplomat'."

On the way back to the Crown Hotel, Schultz taught Lorraine a lot of skills and methods of "developing offline, obtaining intelligence, analyzing intelligence and delivering news".At the same time, he also assured Lorraine that the Economics Department of Imperial University would definitely recruit her as a student.

"We will meet again in the future—I can teach you some tips in intelligence work..." Schultz was talking happily, and after saving the life of the Marquis of Lafayette, he The whole person is much more relaxed.

But before he revealed to Lorraine that he was a lecturer in the Economics Department of Imperial University, a flash of fire suddenly flashed across the fog-shrouded sky.

The fire fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed. After it broke through the clouds, this huge "wreckage" suddenly began to disintegrate silently, and then hundreds of pieces began to flash and appear in every corner of the sky .

After about 2 minutes, a huge and dull explosion sound reached the ears of the two.

"No... no, no, no!!!" Schultz looked at the wreckage of the shuttle ship flashing in the sky, and let out a roar with a strong sense of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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