Match point

Chapter 680 Nonsense

Chapter 680 Nonsense
Poulan admits that the man in front of him is always a surprise, and that there's always something that can make a difference, with a good sense of humor and charisma in every gesture.

"So, do you really believe that movie? I mean, movies are fairy tales, we all know that movies glorify real life into something different, and we shouldn't believe movies."

"So, are you a believer or a denier?"

"Huh?" Pulan didn't understand the connection of the question.

"I'm a believer." Gao Wen didn't get an answer, and didn't mind, so he continued on his own, "It doesn't matter to believe in fairy tales once in a while, it's like believing that dreams will come true and miracles will happen. Little by little. The brilliance of faith will give life more color."

"But you should know how the movie ends, right? In 2004, the movie's sequel, 'When Sunset' came out, said they missed each other and didn't meet again until nine years later."

"I know."

"So, are you sure we can meet again? Even if there is no phone call, there is no agreement."

But this time, Pulan didn't get an immediate response. After she finished speaking, she noticed Gao Wen's eyes, looked over quietly, and smiled faintly, as if she was savoring Pulan's words carefully, which made her a little Embarrassed, she then realizes that she has made a mistake:
They have met again.

The ending of "Love Before Dawn Breaks" is explained in the sequel. At the appointment six months later, the heroine regretted not being able to go to the appointment because of her father's serious illness, and only the hero went. This also means, The agreement was not fulfilled, and they did not meet again in Prague until nine years later.

However, in reality, Pulan and Gao Wen met again, just two weeks later.

This also means that Pulan's question is superfluous.

Bathed in Gawain's gaze, Pu Lan was a little embarrassed, but what she said was like water that was poured out, and the water was hard to recover. What should she do now?
Then, Gao Wen broke the deadlock.

"I know."

"Not only do I know that the ending of this sequel is happy, but after going around for nine years, they still come together. Those sparks have not dissipated because of the passage of time, but have become more intense."

"And I also know that in 2013, there was a third movie 'Love Before Midnight'. They were married, and after the love faded, they gradually began to think about the meaning of marriage and life."


Gao Wen didn't say much, and the words stopped here, but Pulan always felt that there was something in those eyes, as if they were quietly speaking.

The point is that the emotions deep in Pulan's heart are also about to move, she thinks that she seems to know the deep meaning in the words, an impulse is ready to break out, that kind of throbbing, that kind of jumping, that kind of anxiety, quietly let The heartbeat began to speed up, and even the cheeks couldn't help but feel slightly hot.

What should she say to tip the balance?

Accompanied by the sound of pushing the door, the clang of the wind chimes made the bartender and waiters all focus on the gate:

Here comes the guest.

At this moment, Pulan realized that it was very impolite for him to still stand at the door, blocking the passage for coming and going.

"Feel sorry!"

Reflexively, Pulan turned his head and looked behind him, apologizing in his voice.

But before the words could be finished, the door panel that was pushed open was already rushing towards him, like a wall, the guests standing outside couldn't accurately judge the distance between Pu Lan and the door panel, so they just pushed forward directly, Lie Lie The gust of wind rushed in with a vortex.

Immediately afterwards, Pulan felt a tough and turbulent force, grabbed his left arm, and pulled it forward violently.

The force of gravity pulling on the ankle was immediately destroyed, the center of gravity fell into the bumps, and the footsteps staggered forward.


Because of the accident and panic, Pulan exclaimed, but the voice was still spinning in her throat, and she had already crashed into a firm and warm embrace.

A refreshing scent of soap lingers under the nose, the faint woody aroma is dazzling, and then there is a strong and powerful heart beating sound in the ear.



Once, and then, it hit her eardrums, and two blushes flew up on her cheeks in an instant, so that her own heartbeat was completely disordered.

Taking a deep breath, the faint fragrance immediately became more intense, but instead of relieving it, it made the heartbeat even more disordered.

"... buzz buzz, buzz buzz..."

There was a sound of talking in the chest, like the echo of the valley, but Pulan didn't hear it clearly at all, but pressed his ear firmly to his chest to feel it, the base of his ear was getting hot bit by bit, and he could feel it even with his fingertips. Feeling the temperature of the skin, I couldn't help but hold my breath.

The sound of the beating heart unknowingly matched the same frequency, and then the world fell silent.

"……How are you?"

The sound, from far to near, finally broke the barrier and exploded in the ears. It took many, many beats before Pulan realized what happened.

Step back and stand firm, but subconsciously dodge your eyes, fearing that your inner chaos will be seen through, lower your head and take deep breaths continuously, trying to control yourself, but find that faint woody fragrance lingering on your fingertips, it seems that you can still feel it. To the temperature touch that comes through the clothes.

Like an electric shock.

"I, ahem, I'm fine."

"I am fine."

Pullan spoke hastily, somewhat incoherently.

"Sorry, it was our fault."

"I mean, I'm fine, the problem is with us, we shouldn't be standing here blocking the way, this is our faux pas."

"I don't care."

"What about you? Are you okay?"

In fact, Pu Lan didn't know what he was talking about at all, his mind was in a mess, and the words just sputtered out like this——

Suddenly became a chatterbox.

Pu Lan also knew that she should shut up, and she was just talking too much and making mistakes at this time, completely exposing her feet, but the problem was that she couldn't stop at all.

It was a disaster, Pollan thought.

She closed her eyes, and finally managed to control herself, then took a deep breath, mustered up the courage, looked up at Gawain, and immediately bumped into Gawain's eyes with a slight smile, gentle and bright.

Extending the head is a knife, and retracting the head is also a knife.

Pu Lan went all out immediately.

"I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking nonsense. Everything was too sudden just now. I didn't expect your actions. I feel like a fool now."

"So, you feel a little silly girl, how about it?"

In the first half of the sentence, Gao Wen still felt normal, with a smile streaming from his eyes, looking at Pu Lan who was so honest and candid, he suppressed his smile.

In the second half of the sentence, Gao Wen was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't hold back anymore, and a smile spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Then, looking at Pulan whose cheeks were slightly flushed, Gao Wen restrained his smile and said with an extremely serious expression.

"I think that a girl who usually researches professional works and speaks with confidence and wisdom is full of confidence, but occasionally shows some clumsiness and sincerity in daily life, and girls who can't hide themselves are especially attractive."

(End of this chapter)

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