Match point

Chapter 538 Heavy Chapter Training

Chapter 538 Returning to Training
Rather lack rather than abuse.

High-end positioning.

For a long time, Rolex has adhered to such a concept to shape its brand image, even from the sports events it chooses to sponsor:

Golf, tennis, racing, skiing, sailing, equestrian and more.

The common feature of these projects is that they have a certain threshold, and the market is often accompanied by labels such as high-end, noble, elegant or challenging the limit. The entire market positioning and target audience are very clear.

It can be seen from all aspects that the positioning of Rolex has always been very clear, and the selection of spokespersons is even more demanding. So far, in the tennis field, there are indeed many female spokespersons, but Federer is always the only male spokesperson. It can be said that there is a gap between the brand and the players. Achieve each other.

Later, due to age and injury considerations, Nike chose not to renew the contract with Federer. As a result, Federer switched to Uniqlo at a price of [-] million U.S. dollars in ten years, but Rolex still did not terminate their endorsement contract with Federer. The brand became Federer's personal important part of the image.

From the side, Rolex’s marketing strategy can be seen again. Now, Rolex’s men’s tennis spokesperson has added another one:
finally!Federer is no longer "alone".



It's no wonder that the reporters couldn't hold back their excitement and excitement. Tobias really did something big in a muffled voice and made a big move. Before the press conference was over, there were already overwhelming discussions on social networks. Flying all over the sky, the photo of Gao Wen and the brand signing a contract broke into the hot search list again.



Fully experience the turbulent waves that Gao Wen created in the Chinese mainland. "Tennis" even surpassed football and basketball during the offseason to become the most popular sport recently.

However, this is still not the end. There are still a bunch of interviews, itineraries, and activities waiting for Gao Wen.

Ever since Gao Wen landed in Huaxia Mainland, the bustling itinerary has been full of timetables. From the first day, it continued intensively until the afternoon of the second day. In more than 24 hours, the itineraries were one after another, and the hotspots were one after another. Wave after wave, the frenzy of popularity has no end in sight——

Moreover, this is the result of Tobias' streamlining and streamlining, control and control, selection and selection.

The last time the sports superstar(s) who set off such a frenzy may have to be traced back to 2011. In the summer of that year, Real Madrid arrived in China to play football. The crazy schedule bombing could not stop at all. A flame was lit on the ground, and it swept away like a prairie fire.

This time, it should be even worse.

The whole world is spinning and dizzy.

In the imperial capital at the end of September, the summer heat has completely disappeared, and the autumn air is crisp and refreshing. The breeze that hits the face can feel the coolness.

"...The warm-up time is longer, pay attention to muscle strain."

Sampras explained carefully, waiting and waiting, Gao Wen finally finished his trip and returned to the training ground, but Sampras had a lot of things to worry about.

During the entire three weeks, Gao Wen did not have systematic training, and the overall batting feel and state were worrying; but these problems are not necessary to worry about for the time being, just adjust slowly, and the physical fitness and physical condition are the key points:
On the one hand, it is necessary to adapt to the intensity of the game, and on the other hand, it is necessary to avoid injuries.

Moreover, from New York to Los Angeles to the imperial capital, the rhythm of life, climate temperature difference, attention level, etc. have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the competition is naturally completely different.

Just like football or basketball games, home games and away games are two different things. In addition to the atmosphere of the game, the differences in the entire venue, audience, and environment may affect the performance of the state.

This is especially true for tennis games, because every game needs to change cities and venues every week, and most of them are outdoors. How to quickly adapt to the field after a long journey is a severe test for every player.

At this time, looking at Gao Wen who was meticulously warming up in front of him, Sampras hesitated, hesitated to speak, there were some things he didn't want to say and he wasn't sure if he could say them, but he had to say them, so it was up to him to say whatever he wanted to say. After all, he still lacks experience as a coach.

In fact, some words from Gao Wen’s family can be more tactful and gentle, but Gao Hongli and his wife returned to their hometown after the US Open and did not stay in New York too much. They still have their own work and life Needs to be taken care of, so back to normal life.

From a certain point of view, this is a good thing, because they still maintain a normal mind and calmly face Gao Wen's success without any fuss or ecstasy. necessary pressure.

But looking at it from another angle, there are also disadvantages, because in the face of the impact of the Internet torrent, Gao Wen has to face it by himself, and the only ones he can rely on are Tobias and Sampras-of course, this is what all professional players do. daily.

After thinking about it, Sampras decided to tell the truth.

It has been more than half a year since I saw Gao Wen on the court for the first time. What impressed Sampras the most was not the aura and touch that Gao Wen showed on the court, but what Gao Wen showed on and off the court. Calm and wise, he believed that Gao Wen should be able to understand these words.

"Gao Wen, I know, this is your home stadium, you are more eager to win than anyone else, and the home audience is also more eager to win the championship. This is an invisible pressure."

"But I need you to know that you haven't had systematic training for three weeks. You need to adjust your state and feel, and you need more time to find the rhythm of the game."

"You shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself. Finding your competitive state and avoiding unnecessary injuries is the top priority."

As the winner of [-] Grand Slam champions, Sampras himself has also experienced the glorious moments of creating history, from youthful to mature and then experienced, he is very, very clear about the giant beast dormant in the darkness ahead of Gawain and thorns, so he needed Gao Wen to adjust his mentality and prepare.

In the Imperial City Open, Sampras was worried that the pressure from the home audience might become a stumbling block for Gao Wen, and even affect the entire Asian season.

At this moment, they are warming up in the indoor gymnasium at the training ground of the Olympic Park Tennis Center. Outside the training ground, fans waiting for Gao Wen to start training have already surrounded the court with three floors inside and outside.

Just now Tobias went outside to take a look, and the news came back that there were at least 1000 people.

Just one daily basic training attracts such a turbulent crowd, so the follow-up pressure can be imagined; after all, Gao Wen only has, and it is the first time in his career to play at home, the idea of ​​eagerly chasing better results. , is also completely understandable.

Therefore, when Sampras gave advice, he needed to be more cautious and cautious in his words. He hoped to attract Gao Wen's attention without damaging Gao Wen's confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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