Match point

Chapter 520

Chapter 520
Gawain didn't speak immediately, but stared at Tobias carefully, then raised his chin slightly, and a light arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Wow, half a billion dollars, remind me, how many zeros is that?"

The 1.5% dividend can only be realized when the global sales volume of the product line exceeds [-] million U.S. dollars; moreover, only the portion exceeding [-] million U.S. dollars can be used for dividends.

To put it simply, the global sales volume of Gaowen's product line is 1 million US dollars, so Gaowen can get dividends, 1% of 1.5 million US dollars, which is [-] US dollars, which shows how difficult it is.

A shallow smile surged gently in Gao Wen's eyes.

"Obviously, you're drawing a pie, a very, very large pizza dough."

Tobias couldn't help laughing at that joking tone, and then you could see Gawain's brows slightly raised, revealing a strong confidence.

"But why not?"

"Then do it."

The light in Tobias' eyes brightened up bit by bit, because he knew that he was about to sign a contract for Gao Wen that would shake the entire professional tennis world, and at the same time, it would also be a highlight of his personal career. Create history, every step is history.

Tobias knows how crazy this contract is, but he is also full of confidence in Gawain. He believes that this contract is a win-win for Gawain and Nike. Adidas will regret that they have not been more decisive, bolder and more adventurous. of--

Gaming, in fact, requires a little gambler's momentum.

The heart was beating wildly like this, and then Tobias stood up straight without turning around, turned his head slightly and called out to the direction of the bathroom.

"Ian, we are in a hurry, can you speed up a little?"


The bathroom door opened immediately, and Jenkins immediately appeared in the room, showing a mouth full of neat and white teeth, obviously impatient.

"I'm ready, how about we make some waves together?"

Naturally, the signing of the contract is not so fast. The lawyer teams of Nike and IMG brokerage company need to conduct in-depth discussions on the details of the contract. However, the two parties have already browsed the first version of the contract and have reached a consensus on the key points and framework, so the overall direction will not change. There is a deviation.

It is basically certain that Gao Wen will soon become a member of the Nike family.

Everything happened too fast, too fast, both sides have already made preparations, and at the same time, both sides are waiting for this moment, the speed of advancement is naturally extraordinary, like a tornado, roaring past mightily, a dark horse Before the storm subsides, another heavy storm is already brewing.

However, they didn't have time to open champagne to celebrate. Accompanied by Tobias and Jenkins, Gao Wen immediately took a car to Rockefeller Plaza in the center of New York, where he was about to participate in the "Today Show" live broadcast.

In the United States, morning news programs have always been popular, including "Good Morning America", "Oprah's Talk Show", "Ellen Show" and other programs that accompany people's busy time of breakfast, work, and morning meetings. "Today Show" is the absolute king among them, dominating the morning ratings champion for more than 30 years.

Although in the mid-90s, "Good Morning America" ​​and "The Today Show" were inseparable, and there were wins and losses between each other, but after entering the millennium, "The Today Show" widened the gap again, and the ratings champion Never giving up its throne, it is undoubtedly the morning choice of residents across the United States.

"Today's Show" is a live broadcast program ranging from two hours to four hours. Special programs are arranged according to special days and special conditions, including current affairs, society, entertainment, sports, weather and other sections. All in the form of live broadcast, discussing the real-time hotspots of the day——

Among them, there are naturally many professional sports players. Many NBA and NFL players have appeared on the show. After the draft, the No. [-] pick has appeared on the screen of the show more than once. How could the US Open champion miss it?
The fish tank live broadcast room where the program group is located at the corner of Rockefeller Plaza is a legendary sign for 30 years. Will become the object of the camera lens recording.

This fish tank live broadcast room has become the signature of the program group, and many tourists are also very happy to come here to watch when they come to New York.

Today, Gao Wen will appear on the "Today Show" live broadcast stage as the new US Open champion. This is also his first show after winning the championship.

Jenkins and Nike's plan is that, instead of holding a press conference that is well-known and lacks new ideas, it is better to make a surprise appearance in the form of live broadcast across the United States, as the first show of Gao Wen and Nike's cooperation; at the same time, Nike's public relations team The supporting preparations for publicity campaigns have also been made.

They, ready to drop heavy weight.

It is precisely because of this that Jenkins followed Gao Wen to the "Today Show". He needs to be in charge of the situation on the spot, coordinate and cooperate with the headquarters to complete a historic plan.

From the details, it can be seen that Nike is determined to win. After considering all aspects, they offered a contract clause that Gao Wen could not refuse. After that, everything was ready and ready to go. Once Gao Wen nodded, everything would be doubled. run at high speed.

On the road from Flushing to Manhattan, both Jenkins and Tobias were busy, one phone call after another, one meeting after another, Nike and the IMG agency teamed up, and the two sides were preparing to brew a storm. Wen, the protagonist, is a little leisurely.

However, Gao Wen also had his own worries——

"Today's Show" is broadcast live, which also means that every move will be broadcast in real time, there is no room for error and buffer. Although tennis matches are also broadcast live, they are two events in two different fields. The right situation is naturally quite different.

Especially when you arrive at the fish tank live broadcast room, you can feel the orderly chatting and laughing in front of the camera in stark contrast to the windy walk outside the camera. The entire program production team is like a high-speed precision instrument , busy in an orderly manner in chaos.

The whole atmosphere suddenly changed completely, as if entering another world, a world that Gao Wen was equally familiar with and equally curious about.

As a graduate of the journalism department, Gao Wen entered the media industry step by step after leaving tennis due to a knee injury in the previous life. However, he first worked in print media and then worked in new media and public relations companies. The intersection with TV media has never been different. More, that is, I stayed for a few months during the internship.

During the live broadcast, Gao Wen thought he would be nervous, but when he was actually wearing a portable microphone and preparing to go on stage, his excitement and joy became more obvious.

Get ready to try!

(End of this chapter)

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