Match point

Chapter 2124 Thrilling

Ping ping pong, tennis evolved into badminton, and the speed, rhythm, and strength were all upgraded to a new level. Both players entered the Saiyan state.

Over there, Federer went online.

Here, Gao Wen is ready because he knows Federer's coverage ability in front of the net, which will also be an important part of today's game.

The speed has been increased to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, Gawain's brain must process [-] pieces of information, and make judgments and choices amidst chaos and chaos.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Federer in front of the net——

The King of Switzerland was completely calm and composed, keeping his feet close to the net and sitting in the middle, with all routes in front, back, left and right blocked.

Maybe...the only breakthrough is to pursue and strike?

That is to say, aim at Federer's body to hit, relying on strength and speed to form a squeeze, not giving Federer a chance to move, and destroying the way he swings.

Can a head-on breakthrough win a glimmer of hope?

Gao Wen was not prepared to do this because he knew Federer's reaction ability and delicate touch. Even if he chased him, there was a high probability that he would just fall into the tiger's mouth.

So, what is Gawain’s choice?
The steps did not stop.

Running wildly and sprinting all the way, Gawain's backhand with both hands triggered the shot early, and following the inertia of the run-up, he reached out and was ready in advance.

Judging from the posture, inertia, shooting face, movements, etc., Gawain seems to be preparing to break through from a straight line and use his famous stunt to complete the net-breaking crossing.

Moreover, it should be fully exerted.

However, at this moment-

A stop.


The former is Gawain and the latter is Federer.

Just when he was about to take action, Gawain's hitting action paused, and then he could see Federer's center of gravity shaking from the corner of his eye.


Gao Wen's two-handed backhand changed the way he held the racket, cutting into the gap between the tennis ball and the baseline. Even if he missed the hitting point by half a beat, it was okay.

Because Gawain is not going to draw the ball, but to lob it.

The knees are bent, the center of gravity drops, the whole body sinks completely, and the parabola is completely pulled up from the bottom up. The entire hitting movement is delicate and gentle.

The tennis ball jumped up.

Like a flying monkey, it began to rise rapidly in Gawain's half, and before it even crossed the net, the tennis ball climbed to an unreachable height.

Federer was stepping forward. His original intention was to intercept the tennis ball and smash it directly as soon as it passed the net. However, when he saw the rising speed of the tennis ball, he immediately realized that the situation was not good. He quickly turned his head and looked around to judge his position. Without hesitation, he began to retreat.

Gawain is indeed awesome.

He is calm in all situations, bold and careful, and the more dangerous and anxious he is, the more nervous he is, the more he can demonstrate his abilities.

A lob shot, full parabola, perfect line, accurately stuck in the straight line position. Even though it is Federer's forehand, the time consumption of lateral movement can buy time for the tennis to continue to rise. By the time Federer is in place, the hitting point is already Out of Federer's coverage.

In an instant, the situation was reversed again.

The advantage that Federer had finally established was overturned in the blink of an eye.

I saw-

Federer turned around and retreated, looking at all six directions, and retreated from the front of the net to the baseline.

At the same time, Gao Wen took full steps, and in the chaos and bumps, he was in front of the net in a blink of an eye.

The situation is reversed.

However, Gawain did not take it lightly. Not only did he not, but he was also very focused. Don't think that the advantage is obvious and the overall situation is determined.

The Big Four often turn things around again in this gap.

Sure enough, Gawain was right——

According to the plan, Federer's footsteps will be pushed back to the baseline and forced to complete a transition shot. This will also become an opportunity for Gao Wen to volley and score in front of the net.

But this is Gawain's plan. Federer has different opinions and has his own plan.It can be seen in the line of sight that Federer is retreating quickly, but instead of returning to the baseline and turning around to hit the ball, he keeps moving forward.

In the blink of an eye, Federer had already passed the vertical drop position of the tennis ball. He still had his back to the court, not observing Gawain's position at all. He spread his legs and held the racket down, waiting patiently.

Crotch hit.

It was like a juggling act, but Federer relied on his unparalleled hitting touch to lightly kick back. The acceleration of gravity transformed into hitting force, and he unexpectedly launched a straight shot. The tennis ball was like a bolt of lightning, sticking straight to the sideline and tearing. Create a narrow space.

In an instant, Federer pushed Gawain in front of the net into a desperate situation.

A straight line, which is Gawain's backhand.

Gao Wen stepped lightly and moved laterally in small steps. He immediately discovered that Federer was hitting the ball with his crotch, and the parabola was completely raised. When it passed the net, it was already diagonally above his shoulder. Such a hitting point Just don't stop the backhand swing and you won't be able to exert any force at all.

You can tell at a glance that Federer has also been calculated.

No matter how passive or difficult it is, Federer's shots are always full of inspiration.


Gawain groaned, but he had no way out now. Even if he wanted to retreat to catch up with the tennis ball and wait for the tennis ball to fall before hitting the ball, he probably wouldn't be able to catch up.

He must seize this time difference.

How to do?
In an instant, he kills decisively, makes a decisive decision, and does what he says.

With a kick of his feet, he took off with the power of a small-scale run-up, and his body rose into the air. Instead of a two-handed backhand, he chose a one-handed backhand.

After releasing the left hand, the body is completely stretched, turning counterclockwise, with the back to the court, and the one-handed backhand is stretched to the extreme.

Soar, stay in the air——

One block, back dunk.

In the former case, Federer turned his back to the court and hit a straight high ball, and in the latter case, Gawain turned his back to the court and smashed a diagonal shot with one hand behind his back.


The sound of hitting the ball is not clear and crisp. It is obvious that the force is incomplete and there is no closing force. However, the pressing action of the wrist smash is very good.

In the flash of lightning, the tennis ball followed the diagonal line, crossed the net, and fell into the court.

Ahead, there is a vast expanse.

Flowers fall to the ground and bloom proudly.

The audience exploded.



Jaw-dropping, disbelief, faces full of astonishment reflected each other, a roaring tsunami instantly flooded the entire O2 Arena, and the whole world shook.

Language is so pale.

From Gawain's strength to Federer's counterattack, from Federer's crotch shot to Gawain's one-handed back dunk, he went back and forth between peaks and troughs in just a few rounds. It was like bungee jumping. Let the mind go blank, and finally become a ruthless screaming machine.


Gawain clenched his fists and roared, his bright eyes full of fighting spirit, blood boiling, and a fierce murderous aura, releasing energy like this.


One break point, gone.

Two break points and gone.

Before they had time to breathe, the two players were already back on the same starting line.

Strictly speaking, this is not even a conversion between active and passive, but a collision between strength and strength, but in the end, Gawain once again has the upper hand.

It’s beautiful. This kind of game is so beautiful that my heart will almost burst.

Whether it is Gawain or Federer, both players have entered their best form, and this stage is the most intense and exciting part of the game.

It is indeed a battle of kings.

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