men's volleyball

Chapter 40 Training

Chapter 40 Training
"...Today is the first day of training. Some of you are from the elementary class of the original sports school, and some are newly enrolled from various counties. Whether you know each other or not, first of all, let me introduce myself. The four of us will be the volleyball class of 4 Class coaching team.

We will be in charge of all your training life except for the three-day cultural class every week, my name is Lu Lin, and I am your head coach..."

Without too many opening remarks, Lu Lin led the coaching team and the students to get to know each other.

Then, 14 students also stepped forward to introduce themselves one by one.

In a few minutes, the students and coaches really got to know each other for the first time.

The members of the coaching team, except for the woman, Lin Mu basically knew. As soon as the woman was introduced, Lin Mu remembered what Lu Lin had talked with him.Even though I haven't seen it, I'm impressed!
Needless to say, Lu Lin, Coach Zhong is an old coach. When he was staying at school during the winter vacation last semester, he even took part in the training led by Coach Zhong.

Coach Huang is the assistant coach of Coach Zhong's class. He is mainly responsible for physical training and occasionally guides basic skills.

Now that the class they led in the previous class has graduated, Coach Hong and Coach Huang have also led the freshmen again. This situation was normal in the past.

It's just that Coach Zhong would be willing to be Coach Lu's assistant, which really surprised Lin Mu.You know, he has heard from Lu Lin that Coach Zhong used to be his coach when he was a student.

Regardless of Lu Lin's previous achievements, at least now he is just an inexperienced sports school coach.Lin Mu absolutely believed that if Coach Zhong himself was not willing to cooperate, the possibility of the school directly forcing the arrangement was very small.

Just thinking about it, being able to be an assistant to a former student made Lin Mu admire him from the bottom of his heart.

For this tolerance, Lin Mu is absolutely willing to believe that this is a new team with a new look.

Moreover, there is a person in the team who was almost absent from the coaching team of the previous sports school.

Feng Jing is the woman who looks delicate and quiet, but she gives the impression of being straightforward and capable when she introduces herself.

The team doctor, nutritionist and physical therapist, in short, is responsible for the comprehensive work of all their students' physical strengthening training supplements and physical conditioning.

Lin Mu once again felt that his class was really different, which also gave him a little more confidence and expectation for the team and his own growth.

"...Okay, let's not talk about gossip, now announce the training arrangement for the next ten days. After ten days, we will conduct the first comprehensive test for you, and we will make corresponding arrangements according to your actual situation..."

After the introduction process was over, Lu Lin matched the student's name with the person, and went straight to the topic.

"The training schedule will be very heavy, and many students who have just come from the local sports school may feel a little uncomfortable, but this is not in our consideration.

I have read all the reports of the admissions test, and I am sure that your body itself is fine, so what you can do is to try to keep up with the training rhythm even if you are not used to it.

... In the morning, get up at 05:30, and start morning exercise at six o'clock. Coach Huang will lead everyone. The main content of morning exercise is long-distance running and sprint running. The training location is the school's outdoor track and field. "


It was just the first training content, and there was already some commotion in the queue. Morning exercise, this is something that many students have never done before.

For many students, just getting up early is already a torment.They couldn't help complaining about the hardships of the next training life.

Lin Mu smiled secretly, this is only the first item, since Coach Lu is planning to do something seriously, he believes that he will not just put morning exercises on the official schedule.

Sure enough, when Coach Lu continued to talk, the training arrangements were introduced one by one, and the eyebrows of many students in the team were completely frowned, full of bitterness.

"...Breakfast at 11 o'clock, training officially starts at 30 o'clock, the time is until [-]:[-] noon, [-]:[-] is lunch time, and it starts at [-]:[-], time for theoretical and tactical study. Of course, there is also some time for you guys Slow down the body and mind.

Afternoon training time is from 02:30 to 05:30, dinner time is [-]:[-] pm.Evening training, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], turn off the lights and rest before [-]:[-], don’t procrastinate secretly, otherwise you won’t be able to get up the next day, and what awaits you is a disaster..."

The buzzing around has never stopped. Coach Lu above didn't notice it, and Lin Mu in the queue didn't care about their thoughts. Now that they are here, unless you drop out of school directly, you can only Practice according to the schedule.

Of course, there may be emotions or even negativity, and Coach Lu should take that into consideration.It is nothing more than encouragement and hope. For example, when they were last semester, a coaching game encouraged many students who had been lazy for a few years.

In fact, Lin Mu has the final say, and he can still guarantee the rest time. After three meals, he can take a little doze to relieve his spirit, and he still has about 8 hours of sleep at night, which is enough.

However, the training time is indeed quite a lot, and the standard eight-hour training is also compact.Although his previous time was not less than these, for most people, it was indeed a difficult thing.

Lin Mu even remembered a slogan from the old volleyball era, "Three obediences and one big"!
Training is difficult, strict, and based on actual combat, with a large amount of exercise. This normal training has created an era.

Lin Mu didn't think their current training could compare with this, but from the beginning, Coach Lu probably wanted everyone to get into a relatively formal rhythm.

It seems that Coach Lu really intends to bring the class into a team.

To bring out a team, of course!
Lu Lin looked at the students with various expressions below indifferently, and there was almost no disturbance in his heart.

Lao Hong's persuasion, the principal's talk, including Teacher Zhong's sacrifice and earnest expectations.

It also happened that because of himself and Lin Mu, he didn't want to go to the provincial youth team to do chores for others, so he chose to take over the position of head coach of the senior volleyball class.

There are so many factors, how can he still be free-range like before.

In order to better arrange the training, he even put on an old face and asked Feng Jing to help introduce a junior student to help him with training assistance.

I just didn't expect Feng Jing to come by herself.

You are a newly promoted master of kinesiology, have work experience and professional knowledge, why come to this small sports team to join in the fun!
The principal smiled and warmly welcomed Lu Lin, which made Lu Lin somewhat troubled.But when he thought about it, he couldn't refuse, because he didn't know good from bad.Moreover, with Feng Jing around, he can be regarded as letting go of his worries about how to support the training with a large amount of exercise.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin couldn't help turning his head to look at Feng Jing beside him.

Coincidentally, when he looked away, a pair of bright eyes happened to be looking at him too, and after a quick glance, Lu Lin immediately turned his head and looked away.

His face trembled slightly, and his heart trembled even more.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Jing secretly smiled, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Before the start of training, I would like to announce the last news. From now on, there are still less than three months. On November 11th, the venue is Luzhou, the province's youth volleyball competition, among which we will compete in the youth group A competition. The school is eligible to send a team to participate in the competition. The number of applicants is 13-12, of which two overage players can apply.

I will be the head coach to arrange the participants. You are all students of the right age, but whether you can participate is up to you! "

"The training starts now, Coach Huang..."

Before the students could digest the information and express their expressions, Lu Lin announced the start of the training after finishing the news.

Coach Huang was instructed to blow the whistle and lead the students to warm up.

Training officially begins.

As before, the warm-up lap before training was not much different from what Lin Mu had been in contact with before.

Even those new recruits basically have no problems. For a while, they feel that the current training is just more time-scheduled and more rigorous than they used to be?

But before they thought about it, the training after the warm-up allowed them to completely overthrow the speculation that had just emerged.

The pace of training is fast, very fast, at least in their opinion, and the entire physical training is interspersed with the related sports needs of various volleyball games.

Running faster, moving more frequently, jumping more and getting closer to the limit, and even adding weight makes them feel that they are approaching the limit, and the training content should be much richer.

Moreover, the coach has been guiding and urging them, not giving them a chance to be lazy.Except for the coach calling a stop, there is no other rest time at all.

For a while, these students who had never been exposed to so much training were exhausted physically and mentally.

Not to mention them, even Lin Mu and Li Feng, who had a lot of training time before, couldn't help feeling a little tired and flustered.

Lin Mu is the one who has adapted best. Compared with other people who spent a lot of time adjusting and standardizing their training movements, his keen sense played a huge role.

However, being tired is inevitable, even Lin Mu felt that this was just the beginning.

The training is still going on. In the arena, the heavy panting of the students and the coach's instructions and shouts can be heard.

All the confidence and luck are gone, and even during the breaks between training sessions arranged in the middle, there are only self-questions in my mind.

Can you stick to it, is it worth it?

It's just that the agreement to fight for the boss at the beginning and the news of the game that the coach said at the end made them unwilling to give up completely. After a little hesitation and struggle, when the coach shouted again, they could only temporarily suppress their thoughts.

"Move faster! Faster, this is the floor, very clean, no glue sticking to you! Move!"

For the training of basic skills, coach Zhong stood on the rack and served the ball, and the players lined up in two rows on the opposite side of the net.

One row catches and smashes the ball, and the other row passes the ball. After one group is completed, they quickly move around to the end of the other team, and so on.

The first few balls were not suitable, and it was very chaotic. After a few balls, after adjustments, everyone got used to it.Training is also on track.

However, as the number of sets increased, the physical strength, the accuracy of passing and buckling, and the control of strength became somewhat disordered.

Although the speed of the ball is not fast, even Lin Mu didn't deliberately show it, but it is quite heavy.

Those who pass the ball are not stable, and those who receive the ball always have to move more, and even have to roll a few times.And when he passed the ball and smashed the ball again, the catcher was a little bit out of adjustment, and his wrists and arms were hit so badly.

If another one is not caught well, the ball will directly cause a traffic accident, hit the shoulder, or even hit someone's face, which is a common occurrence.

Even Lin Mu was hit once or twice by someone else's flying ball, which made his face twitch uncontrollably.

He used to train in a small team. Even when there were a dozen or so people, he usually only partnered with a few people. There has never been a team of partners training together like this before.

He couldn't help being a little more vigilant in his heart, and his attention and observation became more concentrated.

In the training ground, after the training group came down, cries of pain sounded from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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