Football's Number One Madman

Chapter 31 Killing Tennis

Chapter 31 Killing Tennis

A day and a half of vacation actually flies by quickly.

I went out for a stroll outside at noon, and then found a place to have a meal, and it was evening.

Although the summer evenings were still bright, Li Polo couldn't find any entertainment to prolong his night life, so he simply jogged back to the apartment as a way of exercising.

After all, it is a famous tennis town. The venues seen along the way are full of local residents who are full of food, drink and exercise, and all ages participate.

Li Polo, who has been at the bottom since he was a child, doesn't know much about this sport. The only thing he knows about tennis, apart from the names of Nadal, Federer, and Li Na, is probably the anime he watched back then. Killing Prince of Tennis", he can still remember the dazzling killing skills played by those junior high school students...

What are c-shaped balls, wave balls, snake balls, wave swing snake marks, Kikumaru rocket launchers, guards of a million giants, Tezuka domain, wind forest fire Yinshan thunder, different dimension strike, black hole, bigbang serve, super invincible wonderful big wheel Shanlan, it's really exciting to fight!

Back in reality, looking at those ordinary people who were sweating profusely but couldn't hit a killer move, Li Poluo smiled silently.

It's a pity that I'm playing football now, even if I want to learn from it, I can only revisit the moves in the anime, right?

"Hey, you blocked our training!"

Suddenly, a displeased female voice sounded from the nearby venue.

Li Poluo slowed down a little, and looked sideways into the field.

A black-haired girl with a high ponytail and long legs was frowning and complaining to the three youths who stepped into the venue.

The companion opposite her had short blonde hair and looked a little timid.

The three youths had no intention of leaving the stage at all, but went further forward instead:
"How boring this sparring is, we are members of the Wimbledon tennis team, let us guide you?"

The ponytail girl succinctly expressed her rejection:

"No need, go away."

A blond youth shrugged and grinned:
"In addition to tennis, I also know a lot of skills, don't you want to experience it?"

The girl with the ponytail raised her racket in disgust:

"This is sexual harassment, you are disgusting."

The young man continued to harass unrelentingly, and even stretched out his right hand directly, wanting the overlord to force his bow:
"Don't be so indifferent, as long as you have seen my size, you will definitely fall in love with it."

As expected of the citizens of the British Empire, everyone is straightforward.

[I also like people who directly express their desires. 】

Li Poluo stopped completely, and stood on the periphery, quietly in front of the melon-eaters, adding a little spice to his boring spare time life.

I have to admit that these three little bastards are quite discerning. This girl with a high ponytail not only has a delicate face, but also a very hot figure. With a little sweat after exercise, her whole skin is pink The attractive luster of the color makes it look even more criminal.


Li Poluo glanced at the surrounding environment.

Wanted to see if anyone could help...

After all, this is just a small town, and if you look at it for two or three kilometers, you can't see a living person.

[Will there really be a good show in the open air, right? 】

[It seems... there are not many cameras? 】

[These three people don't look like drunks, can't they challenge the laws of the British Empire like this? 】

【When the time comes, I won’t treat Lao Tzu as an accomplice, right? 】

He was still thinking about legal issues, but he didn't realize that he had been noticed.

The ponytail girl suddenly yelled at him:

"You finally came!"

The three youths turned around in astonishment, and after realizing that he was the only one, they relaxed again.

The blond man still smiled happily:
"Hey, you are this chick's friend? Want a hero to save the beauty? I advise you to think about it."

Li Poluo shook his head innocently:

"Smi Masai, Sarang Hi Yo, Wadaxi Neon Man Smecta."

No one can understand this combination of half-baked Japanese and Korean, but the ponytail girl directly exposed his origin:

"You are Polo Lee from Wimbledon, and I am your fan! I was there for the matches against Milton and Manchester United!"


[Shouldn't you be face blind to yellow people? 】

Lee Polo felt the muscles in his cheeks twitching.

He really didn't intend to meddle, but... what was it?

Isn't it too cowardly to run away now?

But... Even if I'm physically stronger than the average person, it's still too much to fight three with one, right?
He sighed in his heart, but he still walked into the venue, earnestly trying to persuade the lost youth:
"Brother, picking up girls is not like this. You guys are also very handsome, so there's no need to be like this."

The handsome blond guy smiled charmingly:
"I like this way, can you control it?"

Yes, I can't advise.

Lee Polo stood beside the ponytail girl:

"Are you on the tennis team?"

The blond hunk didn't deny:

"You can inquire, the little prince of Wimbledon, Charlie Louis is me."

Li Bo Luo nodded:
"Since you want to teach them, how about practicing with me first?"

Charlie Louis raised his eyebrows and broke his voice with a direct laugh:

"You are a football player, want to play tennis with me?"

Lee Polo raised his chin:
"Yes. But your level is only good enough to play against me. If anyone loses, get out immediately. Do you dare to agree?"

Louis laughed:

"Yes, why not! Hey girl, give this football player a beat!"

The ponytail girl hesitated for a moment, and handed over her racket.

But Li Poluo didn't reach out, just pointed to the ground:
"How about my feet?"

Louis was taken aback for a moment, then smiled even more happily:

"You're such a smart guy!"

That's right, not only did he not lose face to the man, but he also gave the girl an explanation. Even if she did call the police afterwards, he would have done his duty...

Li Poluo also smiled:
"Stand back everyone else, I'm afraid the Little Prince of Wimbledon's serve will hurt you."

The ponytail girl and her companion retreated to the corner, while Louie's two friends watched over the exit, strangling their last hope of escape.

Louie picks up the tennis ball:

"I serve?"

Li Poluo shrugged his shoulders indifferently, staggered his legs back and forth slightly, and assumed an "ok" posture, and even encouraged him:
"You can directly smash with all your strength, I don't mind."

Louis jumped on the spot twice with small steps, and it was obvious that he had practiced twice.

The golden tennis ball was thrown high, and a grin appeared on Louis' face:
"Be careful, my, my, friend, friend!"

He soared into the air and swung his right arm down!

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the tennis ball instantly drew a golden light in the air!
【open! 】

Li Poluo's pupils shrank suddenly, and [Hawkeye] was activated before he hit the ball.

Soccer and tennis are all balls, so it should be... no problem, right?
His system did not disappoint, and a clear trajectory emerged in his eyes.

Louis's serve speed is very fast, can't stop the opponent from knowing where it will hit in advance!


Li Polo directly stretched out his right foot, blocking the flying tennis ball with perfect precision!
"Promise me, don't die!"

He let out a loud laugh, and swung his right leg in a semicircle!
Louis, who had no defense at all, didn't even have the consciousness of swinging his racket, and was directly hit in the face by the tennis ball!

The two girls and two young bastards next to me were dumbfounded!


Louis, who had his nose crooked, dropped his racket, covered his nose with his hands and cursed.

The imposing Li Poluo withdrew his right foot, patted the vamp lightly, and looked over:
"I advise you to leave quickly, or I can teach you to learn authentic Chinese Kung Fu. Oh, by the way, have you seen any Bruce Lee movies? I promise to be exactly the same as him."

Charlie Louis looked at the blood on his hands, and put down his words viciously:
"You are at careful with me!"

Then he took three steps back and chose to leave with his friend without looking back.

Seeing their backs going away, Li Poluo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he feel more clearly... a sharp pain coming from his foot!
Louis' full power serve was quite explosive, and he directly used his feet to catch it... It is his luck not to have a fracture!

Seeing that he was struggling, the two girls quickly supported him:

"Thank you!"

Li Poluo waved his hand, his pocket was cleaner than his face, he didn't want to have anything to do with the other party:

The two girls watched him limping off the field and couldn't help but look at each other.

"Aren't the Chinese very enthusiastic?"

The ponytail girl is even a little self-doubting:
"Is it because I'm not good-looking enough? Why didn't he even ask for his name?"

(End of this chapter)

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