host must win

Chapter 471 Do what you are good at

Chapter 471 Do what you are good at
After the start of the second half, Manchester City had the home court advantage. Amidst the cheers of [-] fans at the Manchester City Stadium, they launched a wave of offensives against Manchester United's penalty area. They told everyone with their actions that their game The goal is to win.

The Manchester City people did create excellent scoring opportunities.In the 47th minute, Wright Phillips' cross from the bottom line on the right side of the penalty area was blocked by Carroll rashly. Fowler volleyed with his left foot from 8 yards in front of the goal, but the former Liverpool superstar's shot slipped past the goal.

And a draw is obviously not the goal of Manchester United. Ferguson also showed a tough response. His team did not intend to withdraw the defense in the second half. Ferguson made almost the same choice as Keegan. Goal to win the game.

In fact, Manchester United, which has attacking talents such as Yin Jun, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Giggs, Ronaldo and Rooney, is also strong in offense. In the 26 league rounds that have been completed, Manchester United has 21 wins, 4 draws and 1 loss. Scored 58 goals, tied with Arsenal for the most goals.

As for defense, Manchester United is also very good. Conceded 26 goals in 16 rounds, the second-least conceded goals in the Premier League, 11 goals less than Everton, Liverpool and Manchester City, which conceded the third-least goals.

But compared with the impregnable Blues, Manchester United's defense is much worse: Mourinho's team only conceded 26 goals in 8 league rounds, which is exactly half of Manchester United's!
Mu's bus has already started to gain a reputation all over the world!
Although Manchester United scored 9 more goals than Chelsea, but the goal difference is only 1 more. In addition, the points of the two teams are very tight. There is a way to determine the championship, so Ferguson has already begun to consider the issue of scoring more goals.

This is what Manchester United is good at!

Manchester United deserves to be recognized by the media as the most powerful team in the Premier League. Although they lead the game, they have no intention of giving up.After Manchester City almost equalized the score, Manchester United did not mean to be conservative at all, and continued to launch a more violent offensive against Manchester City's goal.

"Manchester United's offensive is too fierce." Keegan's assistant said with some concern.

Keegan didn't speak, he stared at the field. At this moment, Manchester City has been completely suppressed by Manchester United.

The opponent's performance really surprised Keegan. Is this the strength and confidence of the Premier League hegemon?

At this time, Manchester United made personnel adjustments, and Ferguson replaced Fletcher with veteran Giggs to strengthen the offense.

United's attacking efforts paid off on 68 minutes into the game.

Manchester United captain Roy Keane was brought to the ground by Joey Button in a dribble and the visitors were awarded a free-kick up front.

Yin Jun's free kick flew into the penalty area. Manchester City goalkeeper David James chose to attack. He tried to hit the football. However, James made a mistake in judging where the football landed. He barely touched the football, but the football And did not go out of the penalty area, which caused chaos in Manchester City's penalty area.

In the chaotic battle, Manchester United's talented England forward Rooney Rooney shot a diagonal shot with his right foot from 6 yards in front of the goal. Dunn shoveled and blocked it, but the ball hit the Irishman's leg and deflected into the near corner.

This is Rooney's 14th goal of the season and his seventh league goal.


"Rooney! He expanded the score for Manchester United! 2:0! The suspense of this game is basically gone!" shouted the commentator Lineker.

"Dunn made a mistake in this defense, and Rooney took the first step." Lineker's partner shook his head, and the central defender was taken first by the opponent's striker. The result is naturally obvious.

"Manchester City goalkeeper James has to bear greater responsibility for this goal. His attack was a bit reckless." Lineker said again.

Keegan was furious on the sidelines, and he shouted loudly into the field. Keegan was not unprepared for losing the ball, but losing the ball because of his own mistakes and confusion made him a little upset.

And the loss of the ball at this time point is really hurting morale.

"Cunning guy." Keegan glanced at the visiting team's dugout.

In the process of conceding the ball, another Manchester United striker, Alan Smith, entangled Distin tightly, and their other striker Rooney got a chance under Dunn's defense.

Obviously, Ferguson also made a targeted deployment of Manchester City's defense, using an offensive player to contain the experienced defensive core Distin, while other offensive players sought opportunities from Dunn's defense.

Although Dunn has nearly ten years of experience in England's top league and his personal ability is not bad, his reaction to a genius like Rooney can't keep up.

In addition, goalkeeper David James is really old and is no longer as brave as he used to be.In fact, David James has always been difficult to be called a top goalkeeper. Even in his peak period, he often made mistakes.This is also the fundamental reason why he could not gain a foothold in Liverpool and was traded to Villa.


After 3 minutes, Ferguson made another substitution. He replaced O'Shea with Ronaldo, who was better at attacking.

The head coaches of the two sides continuously dispatched troops and replaced them with offensive players. The two sides played against each other, and the fans of both sides were the happiest. They were very excited to watch.

The two head coaches, Ferguson and Keegan, were standing on the sidelines directing the game at this time. Both of them frowned, staring at the field, hoping to catch each other's loopholes and gaps.

However, both Ferguson and Keegan shook their heads. Both teams were attacking with all their strength at this time. The offensive and defensive rhythms were fast, and both sides began to make more mistakes. During the chaotic battle, the role of the head coach has been weakened, and it depends on the performance of the players on both sides.

"Coach Keegan showed his offensive courage," Lineker said. "Manchester City attacked with all their strength. This is a gamble attack. Either score or be counterattacked by Manchester United."

"Both sides are unwilling to accept a draw." His partner said, "Now both sides have red eyes. In this case, an accident is often enough to change the game."

Just two or three minutes after he said this, something unexpected happened on the field.

Faced with Ronaldo's press, Manchester City defender Mills chose to pass back. Rooney immediately rushed to Dunn who was about to take the ball. The latter was startled and continued to pass back.

But an accident happened, and Dunn's return pass was too weak.

Yin Jun immediately rushed over like a leopard out of the cage. He approached the football before the goalkeeper and was about to shoot.

In a hurry, James shoveled directly.Then people saw that Yin Jun was like a tree stump felled by an axe, and fell in the penalty area of ​​Manchester City.

(End of this chapter)

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