host must win

Chapter 364 A Trip to America

Chapter 364 A Trip to America
"What? Bay Landing Hotel?" Yin Jun exclaimed.

Because this hotel is directly opposite to him. When he checked in, he didn't choose that hotel, but chose the Marriott Hotel here. He just thought it was more upscale. Through the curtain, he could even see the He couldn't help shaking his head at the neon sign of the Elandin Hotel. It seems that fate is such a thing that you can't help but believe it.

In Yin Jun's heart, the feelings for Kirsty are very complicated.When the two came together, it was more because of sex.Therefore, on the plane back to China, when Yin Jun's mother asked him to marry Kirsty, his reaction was so intense, because he had never thought about marrying Kirsty before.

However, at this moment, he knew that Kirsty was opposite him, and when the mysterious fate made the two of them so close across the ocean, Yin Jun felt an impulse in his heart.

"Wait until I deliver fate to you." Yin Jun smiled.

"Kisti, can you wait for me?" After Yin Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone involuntarily. The most important thing now is time. He quickly put on his clothes, grabbed the phone and went out.

Yin Jun believed that as long as he suddenly appeared in front of Kirsty, she would be ecstatic.


Crossing the road, Yin Jun went straight into the lobby of Bay Landing Hotel, and walked straight to the reception desk.There was only one waiter there, and he was receiving a blonde, and Yin Jun had to wait behind.

Because behind him, Yin Jun didn't see the blonde's face, but judging from her back, the blonde's figure was particularly tall. Wearing high heels, she was not even shorter than Yin Jun at all. Yin Jun reckoned that she was as tall as she was barefoot. 1.8 meters up.Another feeling is that her figure is very good. I didn't see it from the front, but only from the back, the degree of warping of that part is really exaggerated.

Soon, the blond girl checked in and walked to the side with the suitcase.At this time, Yin Jun saw the appearance of the blonde girl.She is in her early twenties, wearing a long white dress, under the light of the hotel lobby, she seems to be bathed in a holy brilliance, but her eyes, her eyebrows, her nose lips... all give people a kind of The feeling of charming into the bone marrow.The figure so good that it explodes, the breasts that are so high that they are about to tear apart, and the slender and straight legs, no matter which part of the body is, it is very tempting.

In Yin Jun's impression, Kirsty was considered a rare beauty among Western women, but this blonde girl was not inferior to her, and her figure was three points better than her own.

Moreover, Yin Jun always has a familiar feeling when he sees her.

When the blond woman was pulling the suitcase and walking towards the next elevator, a flash of light flashed in Yin Jun's mind, and he thought to himself: "It turned out to be her!"


Although he thought of who the blonde girl was, Yin Jun didn't have much thought. He quickly stepped forward and asked the receptionist in English, "Which room does Miss Kirsty Zhong live in?"

"Please wait a moment." The receptionist checked the computer and told him, "It's room 608, sir."

"Thank you." Yin Jun also turned around and walked to the elevator immediately. He didn't want Kirsty to wait too long.

When he walked to the elevator, Yin Jun found that the blonde was still waiting for the elevator.However, he didn't strike up a conversation with the other party, and he was not someone who couldn't walk when he saw a beautiful woman, not to mention that there was already a big beautiful woman waiting for him upstairs.

The blonde girl was on the phone. Through the conversation, Yin Jun knew that the other party should be talking to her father.

At this time the elevator had arrived, Yin Jun didn't wait for her, and walked in first.

"Okay, okay, the elevator is here, Daddy, I'll call you later, I'll hang up." After speaking, the blonde also rushed into the elevator.

Yin Jun pressed the 6th floor, and then asked in English: "Miss, which floor do you want to go to?"

"Oh, the 6th floor...thank you!" The girl was putting her mobile phone into her handbag with her head down, and she was still flipping through something inside, so she ordered without looking up.

Yin Jun didn't think it was disobedient, and stood quietly in the elevator, feeling the elevator's ascent.

"'re going to the 6th floor too." The blond girl put the phone away, then she looked at Yin Jun, and then realized that the person in front of her was a handsome oriental guy, so she couldn't help but take a second look.

Yin Jun just smiled and didn't speak.Although he knew that the other party's future identity was unusual, Yin Jun didn't intend to have any friendship with the other party.


Soon the elevator arrived, Yin Jun held the elevator and let the blonde girl go out first.

The blonde girl admired Yin Jun's gentlemanly demeanor, thanked him and walked out of the elevator.

Yin Jun followed, and soon he found Room 608.And the blond girl also stopped in front. Coincidentally, her room was adjacent to Kirsty's room.

Yin Jun knocked on the door, then stood there with a smile facing the cat's eyes, he believed that he would be able to give Kirsty a surprise.

The blonde also took out the room card from her handbag, she looked at Yin Jun curiously, it was so late, it was already midnight, what is this man doing here?

She has begun to doubt Yin Jun's identity.

Soon, the door next to him opened, and a woman in her thirties in pajamas rushed out desperately, while the man hugged him with a smile.

"Honey, you're really here, am I dreaming?" the woman said in surprise.

"Miss me, my baby!" The man's love words made the blonde twitch all over.

At this moment, in her mind, the impression of this man has been greatly reduced. She guessed that the man should be Midnight Cowherd, because she thinks that the oriental man should only be about 20 years old, while the western woman is obviously more mature. There are quite a few of them, almost 30 years old.

Thinking of this, the blond girl secretly shook her head, thinking what a pity, such a handsome man turned out to be Midnight Cowherd.

She sighed, then opened the door and entered her room, then closed the door forcefully.

Just now, when Christy saw Yin Jun outside the door, she rushed out desperately, so she didn't notice that there was someone beside her, and Yin Jun also hugged her enthusiastically.After the girl entered the room and closed the door with a "bang", she woke up abruptly. She was too excited and lost her composure just now, so now Kirsty's face turned red immediately, and she was watched by others. , she felt a little uncomfortable.

Yin Jun also looked to the side, and now the blonde girl has entered the room, he smiled, put his head into Kirsty's ear and said softly: "It's okay, it's just an irrelevant person, we don't care about her! "

After finishing speaking, Yin Jun hugged Kirsty horizontally, and then kicked the door behind her back.

(End of this chapter)

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