host must win

Chapter 169 Excerpt

Chapter 169 Excerpt
Kirsty couldn't help but sighed: "I didn't expect that you haven't been in contact with football for a long time, but the experience is so complicated! So challenging and adventurous!! So colorful!!!"

Yin Jun smiled and said: "What? Envy or jealousy? Don't envy others. Everyone has their own life and experience, and it is impossible for everyone to be the same. But no matter what kind of life, it has its wonderful. Just like France The famous sculptor Rodin said that there is no lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty. As long as you experience your own life with your heart, you will also find the beauty and wonderfulness that belongs to you!"

What Yin Jun said moved Kirsty quite a bit.Although she understands the truth, people are like this. There are many obvious things that she just doesn't want to think about or do.

For Yin Jun, an oriental boy who is much younger than herself, Kirsty's mental journey is very rich.Seeing that the other party actually said such words to herself now requires a lot of experience in life, she has a very strange feeling.

She was very strange: Is this guy really talented?

At this moment, she has more ideas about understanding Yin Jun.

At that moment, Yin Jun gently captured the other party's thoughts, and stroked the other party's suet-like wrist along the coffee table.

Kirsty stared wide-eyed at this young man who was very restrained in the impression but a bit presumptuous at the moment, she was so surprised that she couldn't speak.


Yin Jun calmly shifted his gaze from Kirsty's long black hair to her face and her extremely sexy heart-shaped lips, and then followed her Her neck slid down and landed on her plump breasts.

The white Chiffon shirt outlined an exceptionally graceful curve on Kirsty's plump chest, and the sharp undulations made the curve even more alluring.

Yin Jun gently picked up Kirsty's hand. At that moment, her heartbeat accelerated suddenly, but she didn't pull her hand back.She closed her eyes and held her breath, a magnificent flush appeared on her hot cheeks.

Yin Jun smiled slightly, put down her catkin under the blank, terrified and confused gaze of the other party, then called the waiter to pay the bill, and walked out of the coffee hall holding her hand.

The two walked out of the coffee gallery and got into Yin Jun's Bentley.Yin Jun started steadily and drove towards his small villa on the outskirts of Manchester.

It has been almost a year since he came to the UK, and Yin Jun has already got his driver's license.


Waking up from sleep in the morning, Yin Jun raised his head and gently observed this sleeping woman.

The round and plump delicate body was lying sideways on the bed, so vivid under the faint light.Especially looking at it from behind, the exquisite and beautiful curves flow along the smooth shoulders, grasping gently at the waist, and then suddenly zooming in, forming a beautiful arc.The jet-black blue silk floated down, contrasting with the white jade-like back, the black was shiny, and the white was translucent.

Kirsty is the happiest 27-year-old in her life. She is really charming, with wisdom and beauty coexisting.

In Yin Jun's view, girls who have not stepped out of the ivory tower are too immature, and they who have not experienced the hardships of life are too ideal.And once they are 30 years old, physiological changes will make them age quickly, and they will no longer be at the best age.

Only at the age of 27, everything is just right!
Yin Jun doesn't want to think about the future, he is still too young, now he just wants to enjoy everything in front of him.

After being bathed and nourished by love, the woman's face was serene and demure, and the slightly raised smile at the corner of her mouth made Yin Jun feel flattered.

To be able to pick Christy, the flower of England, is a great pride for any man.

Thinking of the unspeakable experience between the two last night, the delicate and charming Kirsty was unbearable and begged softly, Yin Juncai let her go.


Not long after, maybe the two cuddled too tightly, and Kirsty finally woke up with a "wow".As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Yin Jun's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He was observing himself intently.

Ashamed, Kirsty hurriedly buried her face in Yin Jun's arms, remembering that last night, she had already experienced a major change in her life, and everything was so beautiful.

"Are you awake?" Yin Jun had a smile on his face, the beautiful woman was in his arms, naked and embracing each other, Begonia was sleeping in spring, and she hadn't woken up yet, and Kirsty's whole body constituted a wonderful picture of Begonia in spring sleep, How can we not let people feel sorry for it.

"Hmm..." Kirsty finally responded, although she was still so shy, she still reluctantly answered.

Yin Jun bowed his head, and gently kissed Kirsty's red lips, and Kirsty responded enthusiastically with her eyes closed. After a long time, the two separated with a "huh".

It is estimated that it is getting late, if it is normal, he has already started training.Although today is a bit special, you can't stay in bed all the time.

Yin Jun laughed, got out of bed and put on his clothes, and Kirsty also sat on the bed delicately, leaning against the pillow.

Suddenly she said "Ah", Yin Jun looked back and saw Kirsty holding her clothes in a slightly frustrated way.

Seeing Yin Jun with a smirk on his face, Kirsty said in disbelief: "Look, you tore up his clothes, how can I go out to meet people now?"

Yin Jun sat sideways on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand and gently twisted Christy's face, and said with a smile: "Then don't go out, just stay in the house and be my woman for the rest of your life."

"Hmm..." Kirsty twisted and protested.

"Hehe, Kirsty, take a rest, I'll go out and buy new clothes for you, and I'll be back soon." Yin Jun put away his smiling face and comforted Kirsty.

"Okay, come back quickly." Kirsty lowered her head and dared not look at him again.

Yin Jun nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."


After traveling to this world, Yin Jun was the first time to help a girl buy clothes, and it was such an important thing as underwear.

He was too lazy to go far, so he bought it in a supermarket near the neighborhood, but when the shopping guide asked him about the size he wanted, he was dumbfounded, so he had to smile sarcastically, and called Kirsty to ask about it.

After receiving the call and listening to Yin Jun's explanation, Kirsty also blushed, and finally uttered a sentence: "D cup."

And when Yin Jun asked her what color she wanted, Kirsty didn't want to say any more, and cut off the phone as if flying, leaving Yin Jun to imagine.

Yin Jun shook his head, and asked the shopping guide to bring three sets of underwear, red, pure white and beige, and let Christy choose by herself. Anyway, these three colors are all his favorites, Yin Jun secretly smiled in his heart.

It was almost noon now, and after buying some food and drinks by the way, Yin Jun returned to his small villa.

(End of this chapter)

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