The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 57 Taken Away

Chapter 57 Taken Away
"Hello! Who is Kong Linhui here?"

The four selected players have all been informed.You can go to BJ to report after the political review.What a supreme honor it is to be selected by the national team. During the period when they are about to leave, they still do not relax their vigilance and still need to practice hard.

Lin Hui and Jianhua were practicing the ball when the door was suddenly pushed open and a wave of unknown people rushed in. A few abrupt people attracted the attention of all the players. All the players stopped the ball in their hands and stared at a few A man in overalls.

Lin Hui took a look. He didn't know where the clothes these people were wearing were from, but he could tell that these people were not ordinary people, they must be easy to mess with, and their faces were full of evil spirits.

He stood out from the crowd, no matter what happened, he should have the courage to take on the problem.Positive face questions.


"You are Lin Hui, right? Come with us."

Walk with them, he has neither committed a crime nor made a mistake, why would he want to walk with them?

Besides, even if he is at fault, he has to say what is wrong, and even if he breaks the law, he has to show evidence and let him follow them. Why is this?
He really couldn't figure out why he wanted to go with them, what he was going to do with them, and what was he asking?
Lin Hui knew his withdrawn personality, and he was selected into the national team this time, which inevitably aroused the jealousy of some people.

But it's so unclear, unclear, and a word can take him away!He wanted to ask what was going on, but at this moment.

"I am the captain here, please come to the office, comrades!"

As the captain, Shaojie politely invited the people who came, he saw that there must be a reason for these people to say such things, but he still has the right to manage things here after being in the provincial team for a day.

"We are from the political review department. We have received relevant letters and reports. We need to take Kong Linhui back to verify."

Reporting by letter, this is someone reporting him with his real name. If it wasn't for his real name, how could he come here so mobilizingly to get someone.

With so many people in the team, who would report him?Who would have a grudge against him?
After thinking over and over again, he thought of Wang Xiaolong, but he didn't dare to make such a decision, he couldn't wrong a good person, and he couldn't let a bad person go.

Wang Xiaolong played well in the team.But this time the national team did not choose him, there must be other reasons.

Could it be that Wang Xiaolong felt unbalanced and distorted because he was not selected for the national team, so he reported it to the political review department.

He has seen in the book that if a person is too jealous, a person will be too persistent.I forgot how good I used to be, and I belittled others all the time.

Lin Hui couldn't believe it.He knew that Wang Xiaolong had always been jealous of him, and he also knew that Wang Xiaolong had made things difficult for him many times.

But I didn't expect him to report him.And it is at this critical time.

He turned his head and glanced at Wang Xiaolong, with a proud look in his eyes, he guessed right.

The people from the political investigation department came down to investigate his affairs. As long as he made it clear, there would be nothing wrong with him.

"Shaojie is fine, I will go with them!"

Just now Lin Hui wanted to ask for clarification, but when he heard that it was a political trial, he understood this time, so he could only follow them to see what was going on.

When he was about to leave, Jianhua pulled his clothes.

He patted Jianhua's arm lightly.

Lin Hui encountered many things in his life. He experienced hardships again and again, and walked out of them time and time again.

He firmly believes that this time he too can come out of the ordeal again.

It is impossible for a person to always be at the lowest point in the world.Even if the luck is too bad, you can't keep rising at the lowest point, there will be a period of rising one day, and he believes that he can do it this time.

(End of this chapter)

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