The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 112 Step through Yang

Chapter 112
"The following performance is Hundred Steps Through Yang."

It is still the voice of the primary and secondary people in the background, telling every audience in the audience that this is performing a hundred steps through Yang.

After the previous round of performances, Jianhua has been on a break for a while. The hundred-step piercing is performed by Jianhua. The props for performing the hundred-step piercing are composed of 3 circles. The first circle and the second circle form a vertical shape. The circle is parallel to the first circle, and perpendicular to the second circle, that is, the first and third circles are perpendicular to the second circle, and the first and third circles are parallel.

It seems to be a very simple 3 circles, but every time it needs to bounce back to three circles again at the opposite landing point.The return angle of each circle is different. Some rebound angles are 30 degrees, some are 45 degrees, and some need 60 degrees. No ball is sent out. The size of each ball needs to be measured accurately, one degree more is not enough, one degree less No, but if there is a deviation, you will not be able to enter the circle.

The diameter of each circle is about 10cm. Zhang Qi still serves the ball. Jianhua needs to catch Zhang Qi’s ball. When the ball hits the opposite point, it will bounce back to the lowest circle. A very good name Baibuchuanyang.

Based on the foundation of the popular Chasing the Moon performance last time, Jianhua is not as nervous as before, and only needs to perform normally in the way he usually practiced.

Besides, Wen Ya was watching him with a tea mug, so he had nothing to be nervous about at this moment.

Jianhua took a look at Zhang Qi, Zhang Qi picked up a ball in his hand, kicked the ball, Jianhua looked at the direction the ball was thrown, and successfully hit the ball into the circle, which aroused cheers and applause from the audience sounded.

When the applause sounded, the host continued to report the program of the next performance.

"The right and the left"

Both sides need to use the second ball to shoot in the second circle. With the smoothness of the first ball, Jianhua successfully scored the second ball.

The reason for this name is that there is a circle on the top and a circle on the bottom, which requires a goal in the middle, as if it is both ways.

After the first ball, Jianhua took the second ball from Zhang Qi. With a light swing of the racket, the strength was just right, not too big or too small, and it just passed the second round. Into the third circle.

"Looking back at the moon"

The angle of looking back and looking at the moon is more difficult than the two balls just now. It needs a high ball. Jianhua has mastered this ball very well. Sound, bouncing the ball back to where it was on the third lap, creating a perfect look back to the moon.

At the end of the performance of all three balls, there was bursts of applause from the auditorium. What Xu Xin saw was their wonderful performance.

"Okay!" She shouted loudly, she didn't know when she stood up, and realized that she hurriedly sat back, and there was a large audience behind her, which would affect the observation effect of other audiences.

After Jianhua performed the three balls, he waved them away to the audience.

When she walked to the side, she watched Wen Ya applaud him, with a smile on her face, as bright as a flower.

Lin Hui, Shaojie, and Zhang Qi also applauded for Jianhua after seeing Jianhua's performance.

Immediately came the last link, the finale link. Seeing Jianhua's outstanding praise, Lin Hui felt a lot more relaxed.

The few of them performed so well, in just a few days, he couldn't lose the chain in the final link.

(End of this chapter)

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