bad, i'm a fool

Chapter 191 Falling Objects

Chapter 191 Falling Objects
Whether it's Yihonglou or Hanyingzong.

For Han Dongwen, there is one thing that is the most personal and important. Before this matter, all grand plans, strategies and careful calculations can be put aside first.

That is my own life.

What he has always wanted to understand and solve is that moment like a sharp knife hanging above his head - that ray of light when the game server was launched.

What exactly is that?
People who are illuminated by the light disappear, are they dead or alive?
I don't know, the game in the previous life has not been deduced to this point.

Many mysteries are still unrevealed, and since they are unknown, we must be more cautious.

Among the players before Han Dongwen's crossing, there are two most widely circulated conjectures——

First, what Shenguang took away was the "king" of each region. Just like the message it wanted to convey on the surface, the purpose was very simple, just to make the world mess up and let players have a stage.

As for why the person Simeng took away was not Han Dongwen, the king of plague, but Wen Yongxing, the elder of Taishu Pavilion, this point cannot be explained, so there are different opinions.

Some people said that it was because this stupid king was not worthy of being king at all, he was just a puppet, and someone immediately pointed out: In this case, Wen Yongxing is also a dying scarecrow, why didn't Shenguang take away Tan Taifu who is really in charge?

Some people also said that Wen Yongxing was actually playing a big game of chess behind his back, but the incident happened suddenly and he was seen through by Shenguang and taken away, and Simeng fell into chaos since then.

The biggest problem with this statement is that there is no empirical evidence, it is purely a conjecture with reasonable logic, and it can only be barely used as talk.

The second statement has more meanings of conspiracy theory.

The main point of this conjecture is that the so-called "sacred light" that took away the kings was actually a trans-horizon attack by a certain behind-the-scenes organization, and the chaos in the world was the first step of their plan. There will be action.

And since it was a BVR attack, it was reasonable for Wen Yongxing, who temporarily replaced Han Dongwen to take the stage, to block the gun unfortunately.

This statement made people dismissive at first, but the game must have a plot development, and the world must have new changes.

Every change, someone jumped out and interpreted it as the next step of the mysterious organization.

Version 2.0 is a disaster?

It must be the layout of the mysterious organization!

The man behind the 1.7 version was caught, is he actually a corrupt official?

Naive, this must be the bottom line of the mysterious organization who came out temporarily to take the blame.

Everyone soon discovered that this mysterious organization seemed so invulnerable, and it belonged to the three-dimensional defense. No matter how it was said, the mysterious organization was over if things were not resolved, so it quickly became a joke, and was called the Illuminati by the name spread.

Whether it was the Illuminati, or the divine punishment for taking away the king, Han Dongwen had to find a way to escape this catastrophe.

And the shadow of the prince Gao standing in front of him is very likely to be the door closest to the truth.


Gao smiled in a relaxed tone: "You Simeng people are really good at studying how to flatter others."

"Don't dare, speak from the bottom of your heart."

As soon as Han Dongwen finished speaking, he suddenly had a strange illusion. Although the gray shadow of Grand Duke Tilda next to him couldn't see his facial features clearly, why did he still feel that she glanced at him with some contempt?
Forget it, don't care about her, this is the Seven Conscious Heart King Realm, so she shouldn't be able to do anything, right?
"The time was tight last time, and there were extra people present temporarily, so I didn't explain many things clearly to you."

Gao's figure lightly raised his hand, and the gray mist that was originally floating at ankle height rose up and turned into gray clouds in the shape of three chairs, which floated gently behind the three people's buttocks and put them in order.

"Please sit down."

The three of them sat down, Gao was still sitting in the monkey-like ADHD posture, with one leg crossed on the chair and said: "Last time I only said that I would ask Han Dongwen to stand by my side, but I didn't say the reason, let alone the benefits." ,right?"

"The reason... isn't it what I said last time, His Majesty the God Emperor has... fallen, and His Highness and His Royal Highness Prince Yu are likely to confront each other?"

Han Dongwen said with some caution that this would be regarded as a rumor of a mental illness by others outside.

Gao laughed: "Haha, your memory is very good, so what's the benefit of my promise?"


Han Dongwen smiled, regardless of whether the other party could see it or not.

"It's a great fortune for Mr. Han to participate in such a great cause. How can he covet any more benefits?"

The meaning of this is obvious. Taka and Gao's ability to tie Si Meng to their chariot is already a matter of preferential treatment. He Han Dongwen can handle it clearly, so please rest assured.

Gao laughed loudly and waved his hands: "Okay, since we've already made our words very clear, there's no need to say anything more. Tilda, tell me, what do I promise you?"

Tilda next to her was silent for a moment, and said calmly: "The Catholic Church will be completely removed from the Principality of West Asia."

"That's right!"

Gao waved his hand and turned to look at Han Dongwen: "If you are like I think, a mature person in power, you should know your neighbors."

He pointed to Tilda: "The Principality of West Asia has always been supported by the Catholic Church, and the Grand Duke, who is in power on the surface, is naturally under the manipulation of the Church. If Tilda wants to completely eliminate the Church, a fierce battle will definitely ignite , and even civil war.”

Gao paused for a moment, and spread his hands: "And after I take over Taka, I will be able to accomplish this goal for her. This is a simple alignment of interests."

Han Dongwen nodded: "You mean, you want to hear what kind of benefits Simeng can have with Taka?"

"You are very smart." Gao clearly smiled.

A single-plank bridge seemed to immediately appear in Han Dongwen's mind.

The country's political situation can't be dealt with, so intervene with the help of other powerful countries?

The last person who did this was none other than Jingzong, Han Dongwen's father, who united with West Asia to suppress the National Army Division!

Han Dongwen naturally didn't want the end of Jingzong's inexplicable death of illness. As the saying goes, it is easier to invite gods than to give them away. Taka, the great god, has been eyeing Simeng, and is just waiting to turn Simeng into a complete vassal state.

——But Han Dongwen had to ask Gao for help.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision: In dealing with Shenguang, only Gao can help. In this regard, he must buy the favor of the other party.

However, the internal political struggle in Simeng between the three divisions absolutely cannot allow other countries to intervene. Tilda herself is a female King Kong, so she must not be a grand duke. She is still a first-class strong man. My lord, what else is there?
"Han is stupid, and I hope His Royal Highness will allow me to think about it."

Han Dongwen lowered his head to answer, Gao Rao tilted his head slightly with interest, seemed to look at Han Dongwen for a moment, and said:
"Okay, okay, then Simeng will do me a favor first, count it as a favor I owe you, if you think about it and need my help, just tell me."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Tilda on the side seemed to be getting impatient at last, and said softly, "Your Highness, it's time for you to tell us what we need to do, isn't it?"

"Hahaha, sorry sorry."

Gao smiled cheerfully, jumped slightly and sat back on the chair cross-legged, raised his chin slightly and looked at the two of them:

"It's very simple, I want one thing from each of the two countries - not asking the two to give it to me, if you are not at ease, the two can also exchange each other, only one is required, take what I said out of the country, just So simple."

"What is it?"

The specificity of this request was somewhat beyond Han Dongwen's expectations. He thought that the so-called task would show his determination first, and he would follow up after the specific operation. He didn't expect that there would be a task right now.

Gao held up a finger, and said in a serious tone:
"Falling things."

Han Dongwen was taken aback.

What kind of sauce?Halogen?
(End of this chapter)

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