bad, i'm a fool

Chapter 151 Machine Learning Training

Chapter 151 Machine Learning Training
"The spirit of this body, go downstairs and buy a pot of rice wine and bring it up."

The sentence pattern of the formula starts with "the spirit of this body" and then states the order, which was taught by Jiang Keyin.

According to her, the previous wandering gods can understand and accomplish things that can be ordered to be puppets.

Of course, you can't deliberately make a human puppet without limbs, and then tell it to run 800 meters.

But what he can do and what he can understand requires Han Dongwen to try it himself. After all, if the question is too detailed, Jiang Keyin will inevitably become suspicious again.

"Puppets are to be taught."

That's what Jiang Keyin said in his original words.

After silently reciting the formula in his head, the human puppet spoke hoarsely: "Obey."

Han Dongwen was startled, it was as if he was talking to himself in the room.

He closed his eyes apprehensively, and returned his sanity to the distant palace.

Then, Han Dongwen woke up from the dragon bed, got up anxiously and paced around the bedroom, and circled around five or six times, reckoning that it was almost time, and then lay down again.

The familiar body warmed up, and when Han Dongwen opened his eyes again, he only felt a noise in his ears, drinking, punching, cursing and bragging, making his mind a little confused.

He was about to look up, but found that his hand sank, and when he looked down, he was holding a pot of rice wine in his hand, and the stairs back to the guest room were just under his feet.

"Come back early..."

Thinking of this, Han Dongwen felt a little excited.

Human puppets can really obey such instructions!

He walked up the stairs in two steps in three steps, went to the house and closed his door, put the rice wine on the table, and sat back in his original position.

The panel lights up, and the puppet's attributes haven't changed in any way, but Guo Jieke's name has been impressively filled in the column of wandering gods that was originally vacant.


Han Dongwen browsed the panel and keenly noticed a line of small characters that hadn't been there before.

He tapped lightly, and suddenly there was a void in his mind, which startled him.

Before he had time to stabilize his body, a foggy scene suddenly appeared in Han Dongwen's mind.

This is the first perspective, surrounded by this room, and there is no rice wine on the table.

The owner of the camera stood up, and Han Dongwen recognized that it was the inner door clothes of Han Yingzong worn by the first machine.

In the mist, the puppet gently opened the door, walked out of the room, and walked down the steps step by step.

There was noise and noise in my ears, and it was no different from what I heard.

"Can I have a jug of rice wine?"

The human puppet had already walked to the counter, and what he said sounded a bit strange-this is the tone Guo Jieke would use.

In the midst of the scene, the clerk at the counter was stunned for a moment, and then smiled happily: "Oh, sir, you have refilled the room again? A whole pot of rice wine costs two silver dollars, do you want to warm it up for you?"

The puppet took out two silver dollars, but remained silent like a wooden man.


The clerk was stunned, reached out to take the silver dollar, and asked again: "Do you want to warm it up for you?"

Human puppets don't speak.

"Then, then I'll get you cold ones, right?"

The clerk looked Han Dongwen up and down strangely, took out a wine jug from under the counter, and held it in his hand.

"It's cool...OK."

The puppet turned around and went upstairs.

The scene came to an abrupt end, and Han Dongwen would be on the phone after that.

"Well... can obey orders, but not smart enough..."

Han Dongwen pondered, preparing for the next test.

"The spirit of this body should tap the table every three breaths."

This is to test whether the puppet can complete the circular order.

Close your eyes and go back to the palace.

Wait for a moment, close your eyes, log in, and check your memories.

The human puppet sat quietly at the table, tapping on the table with his fingers, like a robot.

The test was only half completed, Han Dongwen switched his mind again, and when he checked his memory again, he confirmed with satisfaction - after his mind left, the puppet still repeated the previous instructions.

This means that the human puppet can repeatedly execute the orders given by Han Dongwen, even if Han Dongwen is registered in the middle, it will not affect the subsequent behavior.

Han Dongwen smiled, and suddenly felt like he was doing robot programming.

As the test continued, Han Dongwen went on to silently read:

"The spirit of this body, go downstairs and get a pen and paper to prove Goldbach's conjecture."

Change number, wait, change back, all in one go.

There is a pen and paper on the desk.

The paper is blank.

Han Dongwen laughed at his boredom self-deprecatingly, and shook his head to check his memories.

Compared with the previous attempt a few minutes ago, this time the human puppet's reaction became a little more natural - the waiter asked him if he wanted to help carry it upstairs, and the human puppet's answer was:

"Pen and paper... just fine."

Looks like I still need to practice...

Thinking this way in Han Dongwen's heart, he leaned back and lay flat on the bed.

"Let's go find Jiang Keyin again."


The next morning.

"Can you talk to puppet?"

Jiang Keyin looked Han Dongwen up and down, with a hint of doubt on his face: "It's possible, but why?"


Han Dongwen scratched his head: "Didn't you say before that you need to train puppets, and that puppets can be taught, how can you teach them if you don't talk?"

After hearing this, Jiang Keyin laughed a little rarely: "I see, you really care about this matter."

She lightly raised her hand to beckon, and the personal maid on the side stepped forward.

She waved her hand out again, and the maid quietly returned to her original position, standing there motionless.

"It's just you and me."

Jiang Keyin said lightly: "You can take a look later."

As soon as she finished speaking, the maid seemed to wake up from the standby mode, and she seemed to come alive. She began to straighten the folds of her clothes, sometimes looked up at the flowers in the garden, and sometimes changed her standing posture. Ordinary people are no different.

"Ping'er?" Jiang Keyin said softly.

"Ping'er is here, empress."

The puppet maid agreed, and Jiang Keyin glanced at Han Dongwen: "You try?"

Han Dongwen thought for a moment, then coughed: "Ping'er, turn around."


The maid nodded slightly, straightened up and slowly turned around.

"Ping'er, break that pillar behind you."

"Your Highness, this..."

The maid carefully lowered her eyes vividly, not daring to look directly at Han Dongwen and said, "Forgive me for being incompetent, and unable to meet His Highness's request."

"It really looks like a real person."

Han Dongwen applauded, the maid blinked her eyes, quite puzzled, but her expression didn't dare to ask.

Jiang Keyin waved his hand, and the puppet named Ping'er immediately returned to standby mode.

"On weekdays in the palace, as long as they are in front of people, they are just like that."

Jiang Keyin turned her head and looked at the courtyard: "I have been with them for several years, talking and chatting, talking to myself like a fool, and I have trained them to this point. The more proficient they are, the more they will fit Youshen's own personality. , talking to a human puppet may seem new to His Highness, but to Ke'er, it is extremely painful."

Han Dongwen swallowed, and asked cautiously: "Then, that's how each of your puppets are trained?"

Jiang Keyin turned her head and smiled at Han Dongwen: "That's not true, it's usually used as a weapon, such as the puppet you took Li Zai torn down. It's the wandering god."

at your fingertips...

Han Dongwen's spine felt a little chilled, a wandering spirit is a life, Jiang Keyin's hands...?
dare not think, dare not think.

"Your Highness, don't be discouraged when you failed last time. You really don't want to try again?"

Han Dongwen obviously can only control one puppet at present, he turned his head while controlling his expression and sighed softly: "Let's talk about it, there have been a lot of things recently, let me think about it."

But he was thinking about what Jiang Keyin said just now in his mind.

To talk to human puppets, train human puppets, where do I have this kind of time?

"What is Your Highness busy with recently? Could it be the talent show that you mentioned earlier in the court?"

Jiang Keyin said softly with a piercing tone: "The girls from all over Simeng, who do you want to be the queen again?"

Han Dongwen smiled stiffly: "No, no, didn't I say that I wanted to make you queen, so can Judici be forced to agree with me now, let's keep talking..."

He hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly realized something and was stunned.

Jiang Keyin just said...


(End of this chapter)

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