bad, i'm a fool

Chapter 116 Prince Gao

Chapter 116 Prince Gao

The capital of the Principality of West Asia, Taris Parish.

The city's main road, Ferien Street, opposite the Catholic Church.

Just like the Seven Palaces of Siyang, the imperial capital, in Simeng, for the entire Principality of West Asia, the Grand Duke's Residence, located opposite the Catholic Church at No. 42 Felien Street, is the political center of the Principality of West Asia.

At this moment, in the large meeting room of the Grand Duke's mansion, there are two rows of high-backed satin chairs standing on both sides of a zigzag-shaped black lacquered wood conference table, but at this moment there are only two people sitting opposite each other.

Naturally, it was Han Dongwen and the Grand Duke of West Asia - Tilda.

Behind Han Dongwen, Li Zai, Duan Qingzhu, Liu Cheng, and Zhong Lilin stood with their hands down, and behind them were all the personal guards of the Ministry of Xiu. All show their identity as outsiders.

Han Dongwen sat back in the high-backed chair, and carefully looked at the Grand Duke Tilda in front of him. When he was playing the game earlier, this beautiful and tough leader was only living in the stories passed down by people in West Asia. Although the satellite character of , although he has gained some fans because of his appearance, it is still quite different to have the opportunity to see it with his own eyes.

Her silver hair is really eye-catching, and combined with the fair complexion of the Upper West Asians, she looks like a porcelain doll.

Speaking of it, Han Dongwen has never met a native of West Asia in Simeng. Guo Jieke and Yang Oli and others should be descendants of Simeng immigrants in West Asia, and they are no different from Simeng people in appearance. ——Because of this, they were sent to be spies.

Behind Tilda, there were two groups of people standing still, wearing black and white clothes respectively.

Han Dongwen is very familiar with these people, and understands that the people in black clothes behind her are members of the Catholic Church, while the people in white clothes belong to the Grand Duke's Mansion and the House of Commons, just as the three divisions behind him are secretly split, Till The two groups of people behind Da are not in the same camp.

"Mr. Han, what are you looking at?"

Tilda frowned slightly and opened his mouth. Only then did Han Dongwen realize that he was really too fascinated by staring at people. He coughed twice, sat upright and said, "Master Tilda, how long do we have to wait?" ?”

Simeng and Xiya have been sitting in this auditorium for a while, but they have not formally started the discussion, because the top of the long table is located on the horizontal line above the X-shape at the top seat in the conference room. There was still a row of empty chairs.

This is naturally reserved for the common supervisor of Simeng and West Asia, the seat of the representative of the great country Taka.


Thinking of the country represented by this empty seat, Han Dongwen couldn't help frowning, and he seemed to feel a little unhappy.

This big country to the east of Simeng, even though it faces Simeng and West Asia across the sea, has stretched out its long arms to firmly restrain these two small countries with its strong strength and years of influence radiation.

Han Dongwen's understanding of Taka is currently limited to Zhong Sheng, the father of Zhong Lilin, who led the Simeng Navy to attack Taka by mistake and made a big mistake. He handed over the jurisdiction of the seaport city Haizhou, and the military commander stationed in Haizhou , The judiciary personnel were withdrawn, and Taka intervened in the jurisdiction, and it has almost become an extraterritorial territory of Taka.

These reduced jurisdictions and expenditures are also the fundamental source of Yihonglou's funds - An Haijin.

Another layer of his understanding of Taka comes from the game.

After the game was officially launched, the situation of the country Taka can be described in one word: split, the Grand Duke in front of him, and after the "king" of Taka and other countries disappeared, the situation of different countries is different.

For Si Meng, the situation is relatively stable. This is because for some reason Han Dongwen escaped the catastrophe and was replaced by Wen Yongxing, so Si Meng can relatively maintain the original state.

For West Asia, the disappearance of the Grand Duke has given the Catholic Church an excellent opportunity to hold the country in its hands again. This is almost a silent change of ownership. Just another day.

As for Taka, he was completely caught in the chaotic split opened by the two princes.

One of the two princes, Prince Taka Gao, will oversee this meeting, and according to the information Han Dongwen has now, this Prince Gao is very fond of Grand Duke Tilda—whether it is because of his beauty or other reasons what.

It's not good for yourself.

Han Dongwen immediately thought of a few cards that he could play in his mind. Since Taka will fall into a split in the future, can he use this information as his bargaining chip, so that Huang Zigao can arrange it in advance, in exchange for Si Meng's respite?
Or, or...

Take the upcoming split of Taka as an opportunity for Simeng to trade with Huang Zigao, and rely on future standing in exchange for immediate benefits?

"His Highness Prince Gao will be here soon."

Tilda answered Han Dongwen, he nodded, and continued to think wildly in his mind.

Tilda just looked at the man in front of her and frowned.

She knew exactly what kind of person Han Dongwen was.

Based on Simeng's diplomatic attitude in the past and her own eyeliner in Simeng, she knew very well that the emperor had just had a good pregnancy, and that she was stupid and ignorant of the government, so she had nothing to care about.

What really needs to be taken care of is the link behind this useless puppet emperor, Simeng's chief of the national military department.

She looked behind Han Dongwen. The three lieutenants were wearing their own gowns. Tilda saw Li Zai, who was wearing a black robe embroidered with red trim, among the three of them.

This person... and the forces behind him are the real opponents at the negotiating table.

Tilda was thinking this, when suddenly the door of the conference hall made a heavy hinge sound.

The door opened.

She immediately stood up and turned to face the door of the conference hall. At the same time, her subordinates in black and white also turned sideways to face the door.


There was a sound of orderly steps, and the Simeng people behind Han Dongwen were no strangers to this scene, and immediately turned sideways neatly.

Han Dongwen was stunned for a moment, knowing that the older one was coming, so he hurriedly stood up, looking a little out of place among the serious and neat crowd.

He swallowed, looked up towards the door, but only saw a thin young man, about 30 years old.

This person was bare-chested, wearing a pair of dark gold trousers, barefoot, his bronzed skin was exposed casually, and his long black hair made him look a bit informal.

This is Prince Gao.

Gao's naked upper body was painted with some kind of cinnabar-gold paint with a strange pattern all over his body, which looked like some mysterious sacrifice, but the most eye-catching thing was his face.

It was not a face, but a mask with a white background and a gold border.

The face of a cat is drawn on the mask.

"Sit down, sit down, and get started."

He seemed to be drunk and swayed towards his seat. After sitting down, he arrogantly put his two bare feet on the conference table.

Tilda took a deep breath, turned around and sat down, and looked up at Han Dongwen.

This is the time for her to show her skills. Facing Simeng and Han Dongwen, the fat sheep, the document in Grand Duke Tilda's hand is her exquisite table knife, and she is ready to launch her own attack.

"So, according to the predetermined agenda, let's talk about the Morne Mountains border first."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Han Dongwen laugh inexplicably.

"Tilda, we call that mountain Bailan Mountain."

 Today's New Year's Eve, everyone has had a difficult year. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish all readers a happy New Year, good health, and peace!
  It's the Year of the Tiger, Fei Shizhi can't continue to degenerate, he has to work harder!

(End of this chapter)

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