bad, i'm a fool

Chapter 113 Grab Time

Chapter 113 Grab Time


With a deep breath, the Emperor No. [-] machine woke up from the darkness.

It was dark and the temperature was pleasant.

"I can't have any animals harassing me in this kind of place..."

Han Dongwen looked down at himself and felt relieved after confirming that he hadn't lost any arms or legs.

This is a cave with dead old trees on Bailan Mountain. The cave is sunny, and the temperature is warmer than that in the shade of the wind and snow. Han Dongwen is a huge old tree in this cave. wake up in tree hole

Because of the arrangements made by Lord Wen to come to Skyhawk City, and Han Dongwen is really not sure whether Jiang Keyin will be able to detect that there is a puppet of his own in Skyhawk City. To be on the safe side, he can only place the No. [-] machine in the work shed Outside of Hezongmen, no one will find it.

Bailan Mountain is a good choice, but because of the game setting, the wild wolves on the mountain have been quite violent recently. Therefore, where to hide the No. [-] machine in Bailan Mountain is a matter of knowledge.

After all, if one wakes up and finds out that a wild wolf with a keen sense of smell has found him, with a broken arm or something, it will be a bit of a headache.

Han Dongwen's first plan was to find the shady mountain with the most violent ice and snow and bury it. Relying on his puppet standby, he could not feel the cold and use the low temperature to drive back those wild wolves, but considering that he will be in the Principality of West Asia for the next few days, he will not He had too much time to control the No. [-] machine, and the distance to the top of the mountain that met his requirements was too long on the Shanyin side, so he had to give up and find another way.

And right now, this cave full of huge dead trees and branches is an excellent choice.

It is sunny here, and the temperature is pleasant, which is not conducive to avoiding wild animals, but Han Dongwen found an excellent bodyguard.

At this moment, the bodyguard was huddled up at the bottom of the tree hole under Han Dongwen, breathing slowly and heavily, sleeping comfortably.

This is a giant pine forest bear.

The shape is a little smaller than the bear king that Han Dongwen and the others encountered before escorting the building materials, but it is enough to deter the wild wolves and hyenas who strayed here. The hibernation of bears is different from that of other animals. The hibernation of other animals It can be regarded as a "vegetative" state, unable to move and will not wake up. When the temperature rises and the weather warms up, it will naturally wake up from deep sleep.

As for bears in hibernation, their body temperature did not drop much, it was just a little lower than usual, and their muscle strength and bone atrophy would not change. If they were disturbed, they would wake up quickly and fight back furiously.

And vice versa, if the pine forest bear in hibernation is not disturbed, it will not wake up actively to look for food.

This is an excellent hang-up space, after all, as long as Han Dongwen doesn't register, the number one phone is dead.

At this moment, the No. [-] machine has woken up, and it inevitably made some noises. The dead trunks of the old trees were also crushed and made a crackling sound. , let out a heavy snort, and seemed to wake up soon.

Han Dongwen smiled, stood up unhurriedly, saluted the disturbed security guard at his feet, and put his hand back on his chest.


A beep sounded, and a grayish-white flash lit up Han Dongwen's body. His figure flickered and twisted in the air, and then disappeared on the spot.

The giant bear in the pine forest muttered for a long time, woke up naively with fluttering nose, twitched its nose and looked up, its small eyes were full of bewilderment, as if it had tried its best to think, and finally fell back to sleep.


Prayer Beacon - Echo.

Han Dongwen's figure appeared in the pine forest nearly 200 meters away from the cave. He took a deep breath, inserted the dagger flashing from the prayer back into his waist, and set off quickly to walk down Bailan Mountain in satisfaction.

He didn't have much time. According to Li Jae, his time was full and he didn't want to leave the room until the last second.

"Ice step!"

After all, he taught players skills, so Han Dongwen naturally used his knowledge to catch old trees, dead vines, and snowdrifts and charged all the way down the mountain, holding on to the cooldown time, and finally saw the brightly lit Hanying sect.

In front of Hanyingzong, there was a great deal of voices.

Early this morning, the entire construction site was in a mess, the players were busy looking for the whereabouts of the captain, and the inner sect also went to the work shed to find Han Dongwen according to the suzerain Yang Kai's order, silk clothes and hemp clothes were mixed together, and they all shouted He wanted to find this little brother Yang.

"Uncle Kun, you can tell me quickly, where did this man go!"

At the door of the work shed, Li Ge rarely pulled Uncle Kun's sleeve and asked him urgently with a smiling face.

Uncle Kun is naturally confused, but he can't tell Li Geming that he has never met Gu Hanyang, so he can only vaguely say: "This, maybe it's on the mountain, wait a minute..."

"What are you waiting for!"

Brother Li is in a hurry: "Do you know that this little buddy has become a big celebrity in the Judiciary, so lucky that even the Lord Long Live has named him to manage this building, and he is even taken care of by a captain of the Judiciary?" Sizhou is settled properly, can you afford to delay you! What a concept!"

Someone from the side asked, "Master Sizhou is in a hurry, Brother Li, what are you in a hurry for?"


Brother Li raised his voice: "He is wearing the clothes of the Han Yingzong, and he also has the face of the Han Yingzong, the suzerain must have to look at him a few times, no, how many disciples of the inner sect are also looking for him! "

"Really? I don't think so. No matter how greedy the sweet pastry is, it will inevitably be eaten in the end."

Brother Li got angry, grinned his teeth and turned around: "Hey, I said you..."


Uncle Kun was taken aback, and hurried forward two steps - it was Han Dongwen himself who stood behind Brother Li and spoke.

"Ouch, my little brother Yang!"

Brother Li changed his expression at the speed of light, and patted Han Dongwen's shoulders repeatedly. I don't know if he was dusting him or beating his shoulders. The order is to find you, so I am here to help, hurry up and follow me into the sect..."

Han Dongwen waved his hand: "Don't, Brother Li, what should you do when you go back by yourself first, I have a lot of things on my hands right now, I have to wait a little longer when I see the suzerain."

After hearing these words, Brother Li coughed violently as if he was choking on dry steamed buns, his eyes widened: "You...I...Who else do you want to see?"

Han Dongwen showed a pretentious smile: "The contractor is waiting to see me now, this can't be delayed, I'm in the work shed, you go to the Zongmen while the contractor is looking for me, and bring me Senior Brother Guo !"

The secret of the West Asian spies of Minluo Medicine Workshop being imprisoned on Xingzhou is very high, but Yang Aoli and Guo Jieke are inner disciples, and instead of being volunteer doctors, they slipped through the net.

The two of them should only know that the accomplices in the medicine shop have not returned all night, but they don't know where they are being held. Now they must be as anxious as ants on a hot pot to come to see Han Dongwen, but they can't even dream of their own. The compatriots have entered a flying prison and have been packed and brought back to the place of production.

Brother Li ran back to the sect with a bitter face, and followed Han Dongwen's instructions to find Guo Jieke. He knew how much attention Han Dongwen was currently receiving, and even if he was summoned, he could only hold back.


Han Dongwen let out a sigh of relief, counting that there would be no delay for a minute, he raised his leg and walked out of Uncle Kun's work shed.

"Stay here, both of you, please gather here the contractors who have taught martial arts by Gu, and we have something important to tell you right now."

As luck would have it, he walked out of the shed and stretched out his hand to stop him, and saw Sherlock Hook and Tang Xiaobei.

(End of this chapter)

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