Chapter 303 Rejection
Putting the heart into the backpack, Lu Qing left her brother's room, not forgetting to close the door when she left.

Cough cough, the main reason is that the smell is a bit too bad, and it will feel better with the door closed.
As for disposing of the corpse?

Lu Qing doesn't want to waste time doing this kind of thing for the time being, after she settles her mother's matter, she can deal with the corpse in the room when she has time.

She mainly wants to go to her sister's room now. If she guessed correctly, her sister probably had an accident last night. Otherwise, if she and her sister are fine, her mother probably wouldn't ask her to go into the room. of.

Last night, she didn't want to sleep because she had too many scruples at first. Although she was very sleepy, compared with life, life was still more important, so she decided to be more cautious.

Hmm. She originally thought so, but because of the sounds at night, she was too mentally exhausted and fell asleep directly.

Fortunately, she didn't encounter any danger last night, otherwise it would be a problem whether she can still stand here.

On the contrary, since she has nothing to do, it is very likely that her cheap sister had something to do last night.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing pushed the door of her sister's room open.

Unlike her brother's room, her sister's room didn't have an unpleasant smell of rancidity. In fact, Lu Qing didn't even see the corpse, although she had already identified the other party as a corpse in her heart, which didn't seem too good.

Continuing to search the room carefully, Lu Qing didn't even miss the tunnel, and looked inside and out, but found nothing.

If you didn't find it, you didn't find it. Although I was very curious about where my sister went, but this kind of thing was obviously unexpected just by thinking about it, and she could only temporarily throw it to the back of her mind.

Leaving her sister's room, Lu Qing closed the door behind her backhand, planning to go back to her own room to rest and prepare for going to her mother's room later.

There is no need to think about running, the house she is in right now has problems, the floor can move by itself, if she wants to run, she will definitely be attacked by the house.

From the current point of view, the choice she can make seems to be to go to her mother's room when the sun is about to go down.


Suddenly, the vision in Lu Qing's eyes became blurred, and at the same time, a severe cramping pain came from her chest.

At this moment, the heart was beating at a high speed, and the blood in the blood vessels flowed in the blood vessels at a high speed like a water pump that had been turned on. Lu Qing felt hot all over her body, her brain lacked oxygen, and her consciousness was in a trance for a moment.


Kneeling on the ground, Lu Qing covered her throat with her hands in pain, retching on the ground.

[Your body and the heart have a rejection reaction. The performance of the heart itself is much higher than your body. It needs more blood supply and faster blood circulation. If you cannot satisfy it, then it will gradually Transform your body until you satisfy its needs, at which point you'll be... a monster. 】


The uncomfortable feeling gradually subsided, and Lu Qing resisted the residual discomfort, leaning against the wall and standing up.

She has roughly guessed her background story in the dark forest.

First of all, there is no problem with the fact that her family is Orion, and her father, because of too little information, Lu Qing can't guess anything, but her intuition tells her that the monster corpse in the basement is likely to be her father changing.

Of course, this is only possible.

As for the mother, she should have been an ordinary person before, but she might have come into contact with the black water later, but she did not die, but instead evolved into a powerful creature.

As for her younger siblings, it is likely that they died for some reason. Lu Qing guessed that the black water may also have dried up, which is why her mother was too vigilant about water.

And just after they died, the mother got three hearts from nowhere and brought them back to life.

But because the heart and the human body have a rejection reaction, there is no problem in a short period of time. Once a long time, the body will be rejected, resulting in the death of the host or mutating into a monster.

And the mother just discovered this, in order to prevent her child from turning into a monster, or dying painfully in the rejection reaction, she prepared to do it herself and end the lives of her children in advance.

Well, in the end, Lu Qing was not very sure about the reason why her mother did it. She felt that the reason should not be so simple.

Because if she followed her thinking, she would die no matter what in this dream, even if she defeated her mother, because in the background, her heart was repelled from her body at this time.

Even if the mother is defeated, she will die from the rejection of the heart, so it is impossible to become a monster.

To sum up, it is impossible to create a fatal situation for her in the dream, so there must be a turning point, but Lu Qing does not know where the turning point is.


After standing up, Lu Qing leaned her back against the wall and took a deep breath, which made her a little oxygen-deprived a lot more comfortable, and her frowns that were tightly locked were relaxed.

After leaning against the wall and resting for a long time, Lu Qing finally recovered from the rejection.

At this time, she was the same as before the rejection. If it hadn't happened in her memory, from the surface, it would be impossible to tell that she had a heart problem at all.

Back in her room, Lu Qing lay down on the bed, closed her eyes and rested.

She couldn't get out of the wooden house, and she couldn't find anything to do, so she could only lie on the bed and rest to ensure her condition.

As for the equipment, the only weapon she can use now is a small knife for cutting wood. As for the wooden spears she processed before?

Come on, those wooden spears can only deal with mutated creatures in the wild, and it's definitely not enough to face the big boss of mother.

Of course, a wood-shaving knife is actually not very useful, and Lu Qing's hopes are mainly pinned on her own cards.

Unlike ordinary players, she can equip two cards at the same time, which means that she can use [Comprehensive Fusion] twice in one day. 】

When using full fusion, not only her character attributes will be enhanced by a percentage, but she will also get the props and all skills of the card character.

Of course, the power must be different from the original version, it mainly depends on Lu Qing's own attributes.

The full fusion of Kindred cards takes 10 minutes, and Ezio's takes one hour, which adds up to seven 10 minutes, and these seven 10 minutes are enough.

Anyway, Lu Qing didn't believe that there was any battle that couldn't be over in seven or ten minutes.

PS: Abba aba aba, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep.
(End of this chapter)

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