Chapter 733
"What did the brigade commander tell you last night?" When the next day dawned, Old Mao Wang, who was lying with Shang Zhen in the field, asked curiously.

Yesterday, people from the guard company brought Wang Laomao and the others back to join Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen was with the brigade commander Liu Chengyi at that time.

But at that time, Old Mao Wang didn't ask Shang Zhen anything. They were too tired. They escaped from the south bank overnight and then participated in a fierce battle. They were both sleepy and hungry. As long as everyone is alive, there is no need to wake up. Let's talk.

It's just that who would have thought that the soldiers would be woken up by Shang Zhen before dawn, and they would go to the battlefield after a hasty meal.

"He asked me how many Japanese devils I killed." Shang Zhen replied.

"Then what did you say?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"Of course I said I didn't know either." Shang Zhen replied.

"Just kidding, you can always count how many little devils that big-waisted (Joe) mother has knocked down, right?" Old Mao Wang didn't believe it.

Shang Zhen laughed when he heard Wang Laomao say that, and he looked behind him.

Today, Shang Zhen brought his own people to the right wing of the right wing position. The terrain here is not bad, it is a gentle hill, and under the hill is a river fork several meters wide that winds and connects with the Huaihe River in the south.

If the Japanese army made a detour to the right-wing position, Shang Zhen and the others could stop the Japanese army here.

At this time, Shang Zhen's soldiers were struggling to dig a trench, a trench at the foot of the mountain surrounding the front of the hill, and this was also inspired by Bai Zhan's trench digging yesterday.

Turning his head back, Shang Zhen touched the sniper rifle in front of him, and then he said: "The brigade commander said the same thing yesterday. I just said that I used the rifle to knock down thirty or fifty of them. The box cannon knocked down another dozen more.

The brigade commander asked how many people we had left, and I said thirty-one, excluding those women and children.

The brigade commander then said, then you should continue to fight like this tomorrow.You'll be back when you're done. "

After saying this, Shang Zhen picked up the sniper rifle and aimed it into the distance.

"Oh." Old Mao Wang nodded.

When Shang Zhen said this, he understood that Wang Laomao and the others also killed some Japanese soldiers in the flank positions yesterday, and they couldn't figure out the exact number of Japanese soldiers killed, but there must have been more Japanese soldiers than their group.

In this way, the group of them definitely made a profit in yesterday's battle!
Obviously brigade commander Liu Chengyi didn't forget that their group also knew their combat characteristics, so he didn't send them to the main position this time, so it was considered a wise use of them.

"Did you mention anything about Fatty Wang?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"I didn't mention it, the fat (pāng) one with the swollen head and face is just watching from the side. There is no fart." It didn't twist.

"What the hell are you throwing away?" Shang Zhen muttered, putting the sniper rifle down from his shoulder and putting it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

"I told you to dig quickly! Hey! Little dustpan, why don't you go halfway up the mountain?" When Old Mao Wang looked back, he saw the little dustpan waving a shovel on the side of the mountain.

"I'll dig another bunker to cover the boss!" Little Dustpan replied.

"This boy, if you don't want to be my son, you're really blind." Old Mao Wang stopped caring about the little dustpan and turned back to touch the cigarette. Knowing whether he sprinkled seeds on his wife or not.

Shang Zhen didn't answer, and continued to play with the sniper rifle he seized yesterday. This was the first time he saw such a gun from his aunt.

"What did that girl surnamed Gao tell you yesterday?" After taking a puff of cigarette and spitting it out, Old Mao Wang asked again.

When Wang Laomao and the others returned to the town last night, Ju Hongxia, Gao Yuyan and the female student were waiting for them in Lulian with food.

"What can you say?" Shang Zhen replied perfunctorily, and he put the sniper rifle on his shoulder again and began to aim.When he saw this gun, he felt that this gun should be a fun throw, and he had to get familiar with this gun as soon as possible.

"Hey, boy Shang, why don't you just take that girl surnamed Gao away." Old Mao Wang said.

Shang Zhen ignored him and continued to play with the gun.

"Which man doesn't want to hold three wives and four concubines on the left and right, you are young and strong, unlike me." Old Mao Wang continued to smoke in vain.

"I don't think I'm old, I don't respect the old, I don't respect the old, I can do what I should do!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

"Oh, what are you? You kid dare to scold me. What are you talking about?" Old Mao Wang pretended to be angry when he heard Shang Zhen want to scold him for the first time. He was also curious about Shang Zhen who rarely scolded others. What will you scold yourself.

"Are you addicted to being scolded? Do you have to force me to speak out? I'm sorry to say old things." Shang Zhen said.

"Damn it! Tell me what you said!" Old Mao Wang was amused by Shang Zhen. He already knew what Shang Zhen was going to scold him for. .

"If you leave now, I'll call you 'Old Stage', and if you don't leave, I'll say something, haha." Shang Zhen couldn't help laughing himself.

"Little bastard!" Old Mao Wang scolded Shang Zhen with a smile, got up and left.

People need face and tree needs skin, and Shang Zhen is the leader of them after all. If Shang Zhen jokingly scolded himself "Old bastard", his old face would be a bit embarrassing.

Shang Zhen was still practicing aiming with that sniper rifle, and after a few more gestures, he sighed and finally put down the gun in disappointment.

It was the first time Shang Zhen encountered such a gun from the Japanese army.

In his mind, such a gun with a scope is of course a good gun.

If a gunman wants to shoot his gun accurately, it is of course very important to be able to spot the target and see the target clearly. Such a gun is equipped with a cyclope, so it can naturally see farther and more clearly.

But after trying to aim, Shang Zhen realized that he was wrong. Such a gun is really tasteless to him, because the scope on this gun can't adjust the focus!

Although it was only the first time for Shang Zhen to see such a gun, he could think that the principle of the scope and the telescope should be the same.

Shang Zhen just doesn't know what focusing is, but he also knows to focus when using a telescope.

Only by adjusting to the appropriate focus can the distant target be seen more clearly.

And the scope on this gun cannot be focused, which means that the target that can be seen most clearly can only have a point, or the circumference of a circle with a certain radius with itself as the origin.

Based on his experience with a rifle, the point where the scope of this rifle can see the clearest should be around [-] meters.

But when he pointed the gun at a farther or nearer target, he couldn't see clearly.

Although it is very clear to see [-] meters, it is impossible for him to use such a rifle to only hit the enemy at a distance of about [-] meters. Do you think this gun is not worthless?

(End of this chapter)

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