The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 561 The Eagle of the Air Force Without the Chance of Broken Wings

Chapter 561 The Eagle of the Air Force Without the Chance of Broken Wings

Shang Zhen and Qian Chuaner walked the streets of Nanjing.

It can be said that they walk this way with a purpose, or it can be said that they have no purpose.

All the planes of the Japanese army had already flown over Nanjing. Although it was said that one was destroyed by the anti-aircraft firepower of the defenders, the battle was approaching after all.

Originally, according to Shang Zhen's idea, it was to discuss with everyone whether they were staying in Nanjing or outside Nanjing. Shang Zhen had already found out that the 57th Division of the 112th Army of the Northeast Army was on the outskirts of Nanjing at this time.

Just happened to catch up with Wang Laomao saying that he wanted to live his happy day, Wang Laomao instructed Hou Wangshan to buy all the candies for his newlyweds.

Naturally, Shang Zhen didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so he didn't propose what they should do next.

In fact, Shang Zhen also fully understood the psychology of his soldiers.

They came all the way from the northeast by stepping on many passes and mountains. Except for raising pigs in Ningyuan City for a year, most of the rest of the time was either fighting or marching. Everyone worked extremely hard.

And now they have finally temporarily settled down in Nanjing. The long-term march and battle made everyone feel mentally tired, including Shang Zhen himself of course.

Looking at the Huahua World in Nanjing, they are not a team that did not make it to the top, so if everyone wants to relax, what reason does Shang Zhen have to stop?After all, people are lazy.

They are just little people. In such a troubled world, it is rare to have such a quiet time, so let everyone relax.

Therefore, Shang Zhen's purpose means that he has a roll of maps in his hand, which he bought in a bookstore.

Shang Zhen wanted to see the terrain of Nanjing, and then went to inquire about the battle ahead.

Of course, it can also be said that Shang Zhen just went out for a stroll, just to have a look.

Neither Shang Zhen nor Qian Chuan'er mentioned Wang Laomao's big day again.

Old Mao Wang is forty-seven this year.

He fell in love with that Ju Hongxia, that is, Zhou Yu and Huang Gai, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.It's too late to be happy about this kind of thing, and it's too late for Shang Zhen to stop it, and it's not his turn to stop it.

And there is one thought that Shang Zhen didn't mention to anyone, that is, what if Ju Hongxia gave birth to a son and a half daughter to Old Mao Wang?
Shang Zhen knew that although Wang Laomao was very strong in character, the more he was like this, the more he liked to have a son and a half daughter. If he really had a son and a half daughter, would all the unbeautiful bubbles come out?

In Shang Zhen's subconscious mind, after all, Nanjing was the former capital of the Republic of China. If the Japanese army wanted to take down Nanjing City, it should be possible, but it would definitely not be possible in a short time.

However, Shang Zhen didn't want to go to Old Mao Wang's big day.

In his thinking, you, Mr. Wang, have found someone who can be your daughter-in-law regardless of age to be your daughter-in-law. That's because you have the ability.

But you have a daughter-in-law, so what should you do with the bastards in your own team?

Is it possible that in the future, when a person finds a wife, he will march and fight with him?So this kind of thing cannot be advocated!
So he hid out with a string of money.

At this time, in that small western-style building, the soldiers were clamoring. All the people who had money contributed money and worked hard, and they really set up a banquet.

Ju Hongxia also worriedly asked Mr. Wang if Shang Zhen didn't participate, was he upset?

Old Mao Wang replied, what could he be upset about?He has a wife, his wife or me to help with that?

When he said this, Old Mao Wang suddenly realized that he had slipped his tongue. He glanced at the people in the room vigilantly, and he was relieved when he found that Chu Tian was not in the room.

If Chutian found out that it was Wang Laomao who helped Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi get together, then that guy would have to fight against him?
So Old Mao Wang didn't mind the absence of Shang Zhen, nor the absence of Chu Tian.

And what is Chutian doing now?

Chutian was next door to their foreign building, that is, the foreign house whose corner was knocked down by the plane.

Chu Tian was sitting on the sofa with a young woman, looking at a kitten in front of him, jumping around at their feet.

That kitten doesn't care about the joys and sorrows of the world. Now that he has been saved, he has returned to his mischievous appearance.

"Do you like cats too?" the woman asked Chutian.

Chu Tian didn't answer, but instead stretched out a finger to the kitten.

Perhaps somewhere in the dark, the kitten also knew that Chutian was his savior, but unexpectedly fell in love with Chutian.

Seeing Chutian's fingers stretched out, it squatted up and kept moving its two front paws, but it had already retracted its sharp claws, and it was just playing with Chutian.

"Look how clear this cat's eyes are." Chu Tian couldn't help sighing, "It seems that we are the only ones in its whole world, simple and happy, I really hope this war didn't happen, and we can go back to being like it In the same simple world"

When Chu Tian said this, the woman looked at him with adoring eyes, and that woman's eyes made Chu Tian very happy.

"I didn't even think that there was someone as talented as you among you soldiers." The woman sighed sincerely.

Chu Tian looked at the woman, and he saw the same kind of innocence in the woman's eyes as that of the kitten.

At this time, the words that Wang Laomao said appeared in Chutian's mind, a man who wants to be cruel to himself is also "ruthless" to the woman he likes.

The reason why Chutian came up with this kind of thought was because he saw the woman in front of him when he was fighting the fire yesterday, and at that moment he found that she was so beautiful.

With Leng Xiaozhi's lesson, he decided not to let go this time, let alone forever, he only cares about what he once had.

Of course, this is just Chu Tian's idea. As for whether it can be realized, it depends on the future development of him and this woman named Du Shaohua.

Everyone is busy with their own business, living in their own way, as if they have forgotten the war.

It's just that Shang Zhen and the others at this time didn't know that there is a saying in later generations called "There is no such thing as a quiet time, just because someone is carrying the burden for us."

Shang Zhen and the others who were carrying the burden temporarily put down the burden on their bodies, and the reason why they were able to temporarily enjoy the tranquility of the years was also because someone outside Nanjing City was carrying the burden for them.

A few days later, an air defense siren suddenly sounded over an airport outside Nanjing.

The pilots in the barracks ran out, and at this time they saw many black spots appearing on the distant sky, which were Japanese aircraft.

"Enemy attack! Board the plane and counterattack!" Amid such shouts, more than a dozen pilots ran towards the fighter jets on the tarmac.

There are a total of [-] planes on the tarmac, which were supported by the northern neighbors to China.

China's industry is so weak nowadays, these [-] aircraft are the lifeblood of the Chinese Air Force.

Only when these pilots boarded the plane could they fight the incoming Japanese planes.

Otherwise, all these fourteen planes were blown up by the Japanese army, so what's the use of these pilots?

At this time, a pilot successfully boarded his own fighter jet, and that person was Gao Yuhang, known as the Eagle of the Air Force.

Gao Yuhang finally successfully started the engine of the plane, but at this time the Japanese planes in the sky also arrived.

Japanese machine gun bullets rained down.Some planes were set on fire directly.

Gao Yuhang tried his best to control the plane to avoid the rain of bullets from the Japanese army, but at the moment when he was about to accelerate the plane, a bomb from the Japanese army suddenly fell from the sky.

It turned out that it was a Japanese fighter jet at the beginning, and the Japanese bombers followed behind.

When the strings of Japanese bombs flew down, the tarmac became a sea of ​​flames.

Wars have always been so cruel. In the end, the fourteen fighter planes from the neighboring countries in the north were shattered in the bombing of Japanese aircraft before they could make any contribution.

And just when Gao Yuhang knew that he was finished this time, how unwilling he felt.

He suddenly remembered a western legend.

It is said that there is a man who is the son of the earth. When he steps on the earth with his feet, his strength is infinite, and no one can defeat him.But in the end he sat on the chair and was assassinated when his feet left the ground.

Gao Yuhang suddenly felt that he was very similar to the legendary son of the earth.

The son of the earth, his feet cannot leave the earth.

And his Air Force Eagle must leave the ground, and can only function in the air.

It's just that the Japanese army didn't give him the chance to soar into the blue sky. The Eagle of the Air Force couldn't even break his wings in the air, and this is war!

 This one is a transition, I have to think about how to describe their performance in the defense of Nanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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