The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 547 Life and Death Rescue

Chapter 547 Life and Death Rescue
When people are going to be unlucky, the house leaks happen to rain all night.

If a person is a little taller, it will be a long drought and rain, and an old acquaintance in a foreign country.

And the Chinese officers and soldiers who are running in this direction are really overjoyed when they see someone shoot them as cover!

You know, they attacked the Japanese position from the flank, but they knew that there was no Chinese army in this position!

So those officers and soldiers ran even more desperately in the direction of Shang Zhen and the others. During this process, Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao fired without a break. At the same time, Little Dustpan and Chen Hanwen also started shooting.

Why did Shang Zhen ask Xiao Dupan and Chen Hanwen to go to the hill on the right? Naturally, it was for cross-shooting.

"Don't run for your life, there are not many left after two shots!" Shouted Shang Zhen lying on the hill.

The officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who were fleeing for their lives were getting close to them, but the cavalry of the Japanese army had four legs, no, six legs, and they were latecomers and they were already approaching.

It would be fine if Shang and the others had a machine gun in their hands, but they didn't!

So the result now is that the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who were fleeing were only more than [-] meters away from them, and the cavalry of the Japanese army were only a hundred meters away from them.

Now Shang Zhen, Wang Laomao, Xiao Dupan, and Chen Hanwen are desperately shooting at the Japanese cavalry in the back, trying to knock down the Japanese army before the Japanese cavalry catches up with the Northeast Army officers and soldiers in front.

By this time, Old Mao Wang has no time to complain about his fellow Northeast fellows, you all fucking turn around and shoot, just counting on us is not enough!
At this time, the officers and soldiers who were running knew that if they continued to run, they would definitely be attacked by the Japanese cavalry, so they had to fight to the death.

Especially, the soldier running at the back thought so.

Knowing that it would be hopeless for him to run any further, he resolutely turned around and raised the rifle in his hand.

The enemy and us are close at hand, and behind them are Japanese cavalry on tall horses. Do we still need to aim at this time?

No need!

The soldier pulled the trigger, and the horse of a Japanese cavalryman closest to him was shot, and he fell down with his horse.

But just as he pulled the bolt again, another Japanese cavalry came on horseback.

late!It's over!
Such thoughts slipped through the soldier's mind.

But he always kept in mind what the veterans said to him, that is to die with eyes open, so his hands kept moving, and he was still pulling the trigger!
But at this moment, he saw that the war horse that had rushed to more than ten meters away from him suddenly stopped, and then the war horse staggered towards him.

The most deadly Japanese horse was shot!

But how could the soldier be happy at this moment?Instinctively, he jumped to the side, and then the war horse fell on the spot where he had just stopped, causing a cloud of smoke and dust!
At the same time, another Japanese cavalryman rode his horse and ran past him.

The soldier felt a chill on his head, but he didn't have time to think about it.

He didn't even know that the Japanese soldier had already cut him with a knife, but the blade cut across his head and cut off his hat. He had already walked through the gate of hell.

What he was thinking now was, since God allowed him to live a little longer, why didn't he kill another Japanese devil?
At this time, he didn't even care about shooting. He turned the rifle in his hand, and the butt of the rifle ruthlessly hit the head of the Japanese cavalry soldier who had just fallen by his feet on the ground.

And after he smashed it all at once, he knew it was not good, because the sound of horseshoes was rushing beside him.

He instinctively rushed forward, but this time he didn't even need a gun, and lay down directly in front of the horse that had just been shot down by the bullet.

He really remembered what the veterans said, even if you die, you must die with your eyes open, and you must die with your eyes open!
So he saw a huge horseshoe stepping directly on the neck of the horse that had just been shot down beside him, and even before the horseshoe fell, he saw the shiny horseshoe!
Then, there was a "woo" on his head, and a Japanese cavalry jumped over his head on horseback!

By this time, the soldier had not forgotten to survive.

He stretched out his hand to touch the gun but found nothing. He had let go of his rifle just now, so how could he touch it?

In desperation, he instinctively looked back.

In his subconscious mind, there should be a bigger horseshoe stepping down in the air, and then he kicked his chest!
However, such a situation did not happen. He was surprised to find that there were no Japanese cavalry behind him!
No, it's not right to say that. The accurate statement is that there are no Japanese horses standing behind him!

He looked around again, and saw three Japanese cavalrymen rushing across the foot of the hill on horses, and at the place where the Japanese cavalry ran past, his brother had already fallen in a pool of blood, which was used by the Japanese cavalry. The saber hit.

But at this moment, he noticed that only these three cavalry were left in the Japanese cavalry chasing them, and the rest were all knocked down!
Oh my god, why are you still in a daze, run for your life!
Only then did the soldier quickly get up from the ground, slipped a horse rifle from the horse's body, and ran behind the mountain.

As he ran, he thought about the use of just holding a rifle.Should I get another bullet box?Forget it, it was too late, because he heard the roar of Japanese tanks in the distance.

A Japanese armored vehicle appeared.

Just in front of this armored vehicle, some cavalrymen of the Japanese army were struggling to get up on the ground, and some horses of the Japanese army were struggling hard, but they could only raise their necks and could not stand up.

So that armored vehicle drove forward angrily, with the arrogance of the iron bastard who looked at all directions of the Great Japanese Empire!

Just rushed here, but the Japanese army in the tank did not find the Chinese army they were going to pursue.

Not found is not the same as no!
This Japanese armored vehicle was chased out only after receiving an order that something must be captured.

So the Japanese soldiers in the tank pushed open the front observation window unwillingly.

When the observation windows of the Japanese tanks were lowered, they could only observe outwards through the observation slots, and the field of vision was limited.

So after the Japanese soldiers in the tank opened the observation window, they felt that the sight in front of them was really clear!
But he really shouldn't have pushed the viewing window open.

There is a saying that people often say in later generations, what is it called?
That sentence is called "God closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you."

But the Japanese soldier did not expect that he opened the observation window of his tank, but also closed the window of his life!

Because at this time the gunshot rang out, and a bullet hit his nose directly, and then he froze in the small space of the tank.

The Japanese tank turned around and ran away, and while the Japanese tank was turning around, several bullets hit the tank and made a clanging sound!

"It's so boring, everyone said that we Northeast people are tigers, but I just found out that there are tigers among the little Japanese devils!" At this time, Old Mao Wang, who was lying on the hillside where the tank was originally facing him, cursed.

Shang Zhen and the others came out this time to learn from previous experiences and lessons, but they all came out in disguise.

In fact, just now, Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao were within [-] meters of the Japanese tank!

(End of this chapter)

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