Chapter 462

Around noon, the fog finally dissipated.

A brigade of Japanese troops was searching an already deserted village.

If it weren't for the corpses of more than 30 Japanese soldiers in this village, it would be as if nothing had happened in the fog before dawn.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others were already twenty miles away.

Shang Zhen and the others came to look for the 67th Army, but the 67th Army failed to find them. Instead, they had an encounter with the Japanese army inexplicably in the fog.

According to their usual combat style, since they had already taken advantage, they naturally ran away from afar.

"Hey." At this time, Hu Zhuzi laughed before saying anything, and then he said, "See, I'm smarter now?"

"Yes, you are so fucking smart, you know how to scare the company commander with grenades!" Guan Tiedou, who was walking with Hu Zhuzi, scolded him.

Guan Tiedou's words caused everyone to snicker.

Naturally, they were talking about Shang Zhen taking over Hu Zhuzi and Tietou.

At that time, Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi heard the gunshot and explosion, and went to meet Hu Zhuzi and the two of them. When Hu Zhuzi heard the gunshot, why didn't he think it was his own?

It's just that he didn't want to rush over rashly and be sniped by the Japanese army.

So in a hurry, he threw out a grenade as a proof of his identity. After all, the Japanese army used grenades!
Of course his grenade didn't pull the string, but even if it didn't, it still surprised Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi. It wasn't until they shouted to each other to confirm their identities that the four of them would get together and get out. village.

At this time, Shang Zhen was not with Hu Zhuzi, but he was walking in front with Old Mao Wang, Qian Chuan'er and Xiao Dupan.

"This Hu Wan throwing has a heart, and it's different from others!" Qian Chuan'er murmured.

"Well, it's a real tiger, not a fake one!" Little Dustpan agreed.

Wang Laomao and Shang Zhen didn't talk to each other, but they were all looking into the distance.

"Huh? Old Uncle Wang, why didn't you scold that tiger for playing and throwing?" After a while, the little dustpan asked curiously.

The little dustpan’s statement really reminded everyone, it’s true when you think about it!This time Shang Zhen brought Hu Zhuzi back, but Old Mao Wang really didn't say anything.

Even when Ma Erhuzi said that Hu Zhuzi had thrown the unstringed grenade, Wang Laomao didn't scold him either.

"What do you think we relied on for our survival from the battlefield?" Old Mao Wang glanced at the small dustpan and Qian Chuan'er and answered irrelevantly.

"That's right." The little dustpan replied.

"Luck." Qian Chuaner replied.

The combination of the answers of the two of them is the correct answer, at least that's how these veterans understand it.

"Did you find out? Is Hu Zhuzi's luck particularly good?" Old Mao Wang got to the point.

"As far as the luck of Huwan throwing is so good? It's quite good! It's like, it's like stepping on dog shit every day!" Qian Chuan'er laughed, and the others laughed, Shang Zhen also laughed.

What Qian Chuaner said was vivid, but in fact it was true.

I think Shang Zhen and the others were pioneers when they broke through the siege, but Hu Zhuzi, who was playing a tiger and threw a tiger, rushed along with them. Who would charge forward with those sharp people?

But the fate is so strange, the besieging Japanese army thought they were few and did not fight, but Hu Zhuzi and Shang Zhen survived by accident, while the soldiers who stayed in the city did not end well.

A soldier who always likes to run forward can still survive, it's not that his luck is not ordinary.

How did you say that sentence?It is easy to say that a person does a good thing once in a while, but what is rare is a good thing for a lifetime.

In the same way, everyone occasionally steps on dog shit and gets lucky, but if they can step on dog shit every day and get lucky, is that still an ordinary person?
"So, you see, Hu Zhuzi's life is tough, but his life is very good!
Matters of life and death can be avoided by some people, but not by others!

So who you talk to and who you have below are very important! "Old Mao Wang is old after all, and it's a set of things when it comes to talking about it.

"It seems that what old Uncle Wang said is true. I feel that you are almost a half fairy now." Qian Chuan'er laughed.

"Go to hell, you're only a half-fairy! To be a half-fairy, all you have to do is be blind or lame!" Old Mao Wang scolded with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I think Uncle Wang is like a half fairy!" Xiao Dupan listened to Qian Chuan'er's words, and he really climbed up with the help of a pole, but his words changed after that. "Hey, old Uncle Wang, do the math for yourself. When will you have a daughter? I'm still waiting for you to be my father-in-law!"

"In the future, I will really have a daughter, and I won't give you one of ten or eight!" Old Mao Wang looked at the naughty look of the little dustpan with love and hatred.

Just as the little dustpan was about to continue to play tricks, Shang Zhen already said: "Stop making trouble, I see someone in front of me."

After Shang Zhen said this, everyone fell silent, and at this moment Shang Zhen took out his binoculars and looked ahead.

Everyone followed and looked forward. Although they didn't have binoculars, they also saw that there was indeed a figure on the road ahead.

"It's our people, let's go over and ask." Shang Zhen said.

Shang Zhen and the others came rushing to the 67th Army, but they couldn't find the large army.

During the battle this morning, they ambushed the Japanese army. Since the Japanese army came up secretly, there must have been Chinese troops in the village before they entered the village yesterday.

Since they didn't meet the Chinese army, it meant that they had abandoned their defenses and retreated. Shang Zhen hoped that they could find the Chinese army and find out where the 67th Army was.

Shang Zhen and the others quickened their pace and rushed forward.

In any case, the front must be the Chinese army, and the soldiers became more relaxed at this time.

Instead, Chutian asked worriedly, "They won't treat us as the Japanese devils chasing us, will they?"

Qin Chuan, who was walking with Chutian, asked, "Are you a little brat?"

Chu Tian naturally shook his head.

"Are you bow-legged?" Qin Chuan asked again.

Of course Chutian shook his head again.

"You have a Rendan beard under your nose? Are you wearing big underpants made of cloth?" Ma Tianfang, who saw the cheapness next to him, asked again.

Chutian glanced at Ma Tianfang and Qin Chuan angrily and said, "You don't have any good people, you are the Japanese devils!"

Of course Chu Tian was very angry. He is such a great talent, but he can't do anything about these things. It's just that he never thought that his angry words would offend another person.

"Don't hit a lot of people as soon as you talk, okay? You can say that the two of them are not good people. Why do you say that I am not a good person? I jumped into a well with your child in my arms? I pried your fiancée?" It was Guo Baoyou who spoke.

Chu Tian was speechless when Guo Baoyou exposed his fault and asked him a question.

What he said was indeed imprecise.

At this time, the veterans next to him raised their thumbs at Guo Baoyou at the same time, and Hu Zhuzi also said: "These few words of Guobaoyou (meat) are really hard!"

There are really no good people in this gang!Chu Tian thought angrily, but this time he did not dare to speak out.

While talking, they were only a few hundred meters away from the team in front of them, but at this moment, Shang Zhen had already stopped in his tracks, because he saw a group of houses on the side of the road and they were sitting in a row. There are so many people in the dark, there are soldiers and wounded among them, it looks like a defeated army!

(End of this chapter)

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