Chapter 395
"It's me—" Shang Zhen replied while walking forward.

The reason why he answered this way was because he had hesitation in his heart.

Just because "Shang Zhen" is his name, his partners usually call him company commander or Shang Zhen, but Leng Xiaozhi only calls him "Maganer"!
He was thinking, if he said "I am Shang Zhen", would it look a bit blunt?But if you say "I'm a stick", wouldn't it seem a bit out of place, it's a shame that I am now a company commander in charge of more than 30 people.

"Hey, don't throw the grenade!" But Shang Zhen blurted out as soon as he hesitated, and he suddenly remembered that Chu Tian gave Leng Xiaozhi a grenade!

He couldn't hear his own movement anymore, so he blew up his house again.

"Ma Gan'er! I'm here!" At this moment, Leng Xiaozhi's surprised voice came over, obviously he recognized Shang Zhen's voice.

Shang Zhen continued to move forward, and before he could ask after a while, Leng Xiaozhi was already in front of him when he spoke again: "I sprained my ankle."

"What's wrong?" Shang Zhen took another step forward, and at this moment his hand had already touched Leng Xiaozhi's body.

"I was fine when I slipped down from the mountain, but I tripped over a stone before I took a few steps. The secret agent was too close to us, so I didn't dare to make a sound and couldn't walk, so I had to stand up." Leng Xiaozhi replied.

In the dark, Shang Zhen frowned. It was really troublesome to sprain his ankle at this critical moment, but he finally found him anyway.

"Come here, I'll carry you away." Shang Zhen said.

"Oh." Leng Xiaozhi responded.

At this time, it is natural that there is no way to be hypocritical, Leng Xiaozhi leaned over, and Shang Zhen could only put one of her arms on his shoulder to support her and walk forward.

Now that Leng Xiaozhi has been found, Shang Zhen needs to take her to meet his own people.

It's just that it's not so easy for Shang Zhen to carry Leng Xiaozhi away.

Shang Zhen is now 1 meters tall, but Leng Xiaozhi is only as tall as 74 meters. This tall man has to bow down against the short Shang Zhen.

And walking down like this is only a few tens of meters. Shang Zhen was tired because he walked with his waist bent, but Leng Xiaozhi gritted his teeth because he only had one leg to touch the ground.

"Or you can carry me on your back, and you will treat me like someone else." Leng Xiaozhi felt that Shang Zhen's arm was about to be torn off by Shang Zhen!

When Leng Xiaozhi thought about it, even though she had something to do with Shang Zhen, she couldn't figure out what Shang Zhen's attitude was, but what time is it now?Then you can't recite it just because you are a woman, right?

It's just that Leng Xiaozhi really thought wrong, because Shang Zhen replied: "You think I don't want to carry you behind my back? I can't see anything, I'm afraid the two of us will fall here together!"

"Oh." Leng Xiaozhi fell silent, it turned out that she wronged Shang Zhen.

"Let's go like this." Shang Zhen felt helpless in his heart.

What time is it now?Although the two of them got rid of the military spies behind them for the time being, the threat of the enemy was still there after all, and Shang Zhen didn't have any charming thoughts in his mind.

In Shang Zhen's understanding, since they are on the battlefield, there can only be three kinds of people on the battlefield: the dead, the living and the wounded.

Now Leng Xiaozhi is the wounded, it has nothing to do with men and women!

Shang Zhen urgently needs to catch up with his people in front, if Leng Xiaozhi walks slowly, they may not be able to catch up with his people.

It's dark now, but once it's dawn, there's no guarantee that the military spies behind will follow their footprints and chase them down!
It's just useless for Shang Zhen to be anxious, he also walked a little faster, although Leng Xiaozhi gritted her teeth, but when she walked too fast and touched her injury, she inevitably groaned.

"Well, let me carry you away." Shang Zhen discussed with Leng Xiaozhi.

"Okay." Leng Xiaozhi hurriedly agreed.

It's more comfortable to carry than to hold.

So Shang Zhen really squatted down and hugged Leng Xiaozhi's knees, letting Leng Xiaozhi lie on his shoulders, and he picked up Leng Xiaozhi with all his strength.

"Put your feet back a little bit, and call me if you bump into something in front of you, so that we don't both fall." Shang Zhen instructed again.

Leng Xiaozhi naturally should be "good".

So I couldn't hold it, this time I changed it to carrying it.

But after walking like this, both Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi felt much more comfortable than before.

Leng Xiaozhi only weighed about a hundred catties now, so it was not a problem for Shang Zhen to carry a hundred catties for several miles.

"I mean Ma Ganer, the two of us can be regarded as old--acquaintances, right?" Leng Xiaozhi said pantingly while lying on Shang Zhen's shoulder.

What is an old acquaintance?Shang Zhen slandered, but it's okay, it's fine if you don't say it's an old friend!

Except when he was fighting, Shang Zhen is not usually the kind of person with a strong personality and domineering. In his heart, he is actually a little afraid of Leng Xiaozhi. More or less, he always feels that Leng Xiaozhi and himself are not in the same world. people!

Does Shang Zhen have a crush on Leng Xiaozhi?Of course there are, but his kind of poor dick who wants to look like a goddess in the future is just thinking about it.

After all, the gap between the two is too great.

Leng Xiaozhi, tall and beautiful, can attract everyone's attention everywhere, but Shang Zhen has an ordinary appearance, and he is like a pockmarked potato in a pile of black potatoes that have just risen from the field. Is it whiter than other potatoes?That is impossible!

Leng Xiaozhi is a college student.

What is the concept of college students in today's society? It is absolutely rare!

With a population of [-] million in the Republic of China, the illiteracy rate is as high as [-]%!There are only [-] to [-] million people who can read and write. If you have a high-level (elementary) education in the countryside, you are a great scholar from all over the world!

There is a saying in later generations that "Masters came out of the Republic of China".

In fact, that kind of argument is just to bluff people who don't know history. Of course, those masters were outstanding, but it was because there were too many illiterates at that time. The height of the star father?

What's more, those so-called masters are mostly in the field of humanities.

There is a slogan in later generations called "Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well to build modernization". Culture, as the root of a nation, cannot be lost, but it never says that one who studies literature and history well can build a modernized country. After all, a strong country depends on technology and industry!For example, that, that, and that in later generations, right?

Well, according to the current society's education system, Leng Xiaozhi didn't graduate from university. If she graduated from university and stayed in school as a teacher and was hired as a professor or something, then she would be at the master level!
And what will Shang Zhen do in terms of cultural level?
He can count the number of things he knows.

He can recite multiplication formulas, but there is no way, this is the cultural heritage left by the ancestors.

The common people nowadays may be illiterate, but there is no one who does not know "[-]"!

Moreover, the Chinese ancestors were good at pronouncing the ten Arabic numerals. Except for two, they were pronounced with one initial consonant and a final consonant. It is catchy to recite.

Therefore, Chinese people have a natural advantage in pronunciation when memorizing multiplication formulas.

On the other hand, in other languages, such as English, if you memorize the multiplication formula, it will be a mouthful. For example, in Chinese, "[-]", if translated into English, it would be "Sex, Sikes, and Desex". It's so fucking hard to memorize!

So the mathematics level of most foreigners in later generations is average.

You go to the mall to buy a bottle of six yuan, and if you give him eleven yuan, he will not give you five yuan. He will return that one yuan to you first and then give you four yuan in change!
What is the Chinese nation has a splendid culture, and this multiplication formula is one of them!
Well, besides that, what else can Shang Zhen do?If he can read newspapers, he has to look up the Kangxi dictionary to read all of them!
There is a saying that goes, "Good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one in a thousand."

Although that Leng Xiaozhi is very pretty, she is by no means a woman who can be charming with a smile, but her education is quite high!
In the same way, for those who like female celebrities, is the skin of a female celebrity just one in a thousand?That is impossible!

But why do big money like female stars?Is it because of his fame and his temperament?

If it is said that big money can embrace a female star, it is better to embrace her temperament than to embrace her skin to satisfy her man's desire to conquer.

In the same way, if you let Shang Zhen carry such a quasi-master-level Leng Xiaozhi, he has no pressure, doesn't he feel ashamed?

So now that Leng Xiaozhi tells Shang Zhen that he and Shang Zhen are old acquaintances, what can Shang Zhen say, he can only say "hmm".

"Since we're old acquaintances, what's the difference between you carrying me and carrying me now?" Leng Xiaozhi asked Shang Zhen intermittently, panting heavily.

It is impossible for her to speak intermittently, her lower abdomen is pressed on Shang Zhen's shoulders, and it is a bit laborious to breathe.

Shang Zhen didn't say anything, just carried Leng Xiaozhi on his shoulders and walked forward.

"Hey, I want to ask you something!" Leng Xiaozhi didn't plan to let Shang Zhen go, she also knew that Shang Zhen usually talked less, so she continued to ask.

It's just that she didn't know that Shang Zhen started to slander again at this time.

Are you a real tiger or a fake tiger?

If I want to carry you on the one hand, it’s really not easy to walk, but on the other hand, I have to hold your thighs with two hands?

I have to weigh you when I’m tired from walking, and when I touch your hand again, I know that you girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and you want to "three lives and three generations" with me. Well, if you give me another "bad bag", I won't be able to let go!

It must be said that Leng Xiaozhi is actually a very smart woman.

But even if she is as smart as ice and snow, how can she guess that Shang Zhen, who is like a gourd, has such a rich and twisted emotional world in his heart?
And just when Leng Xiaozhi wanted to continue asking, suddenly there was a burst of gunshots behind them!
A bullet flew past the two of them with a "whoosh", Shang Zhen was so frightened that he lay down directly, and Leng Xiaozhi, who was originally carried by her, was also thrown on the ground by him, "Oh my god!" Yelled!
(End of this chapter)

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