Chapter 381
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"Leng Xiaozhi woke up again.

I don't know who among the four of them struggled a bit. Whenever someone moved the table, the table would move, and if the table moved, the other three would be implicated because the rope was tied too tightly.

Leng Xiaozhi opened her confused eyes, and then she saw the dark window.

The direction in which she was tied was facing the window.

The kerosene lamp above his head was still on, but the light was extremely weak.

Maybe this time I am finished, my life is about to disappear into the darkness like the light on my head that is only the size of a soybean grain.

Leng Xiaozhi began to try hard to recall the years she had experienced.

But what can a female student experience?Don't talk about career, study is just the same it, I just have a crush on Ma Gan'er, but Ma Gan'er has already had a hot fight with Li Yajuan.

There is no doubt that those who kidnapped them should be Kuomintang agents.

If it falls into the hands of the Kuomintang secret agents, it will not be profitable. Leng Xiaozhi heard Zhang Xiaoyan say that this situation is called party struggle. Although it is a contradiction between the Chinese and the Chinese themselves, the cruelty is no less than that of Japan. A national war waged by invaders.

Maybe I will be tortured to death, but that hemp stick will be with Li Yajuan, maybe they will get married and have their own children in the future, and I will become a small bumpkin outside Xi'an, or even There are no soil bags, just like the anti-Japanese fighters who died in the wilderness, were pecked by birds and beasts, and finally turned into dry bones.

My life is such a failure, Leng Xiaozhi at this moment is dejected.

But just when she was about to close her eyes again, he suddenly saw a round halo appeared on the window, and a faint beam of light appeared out of the window and poured into the room.

The curtains were drawn on the window, and the faint beam of light was like sunlight piercing through dark clouds after rain.

Is it my hallucination?Could it be the light of angels mentioned in the book that I read, when people are about to die, angels will come to pick them up.

No!I am Chinese!
Chinese people don't believe in Christianity, how can there be any angel with wings to pick them up?If there is anything to pick him up, it can only be ghost pawns like bull head and horse face, or black impermanence, white impermanence!

Realizing this, she struggled subconsciously, so she felt the pain of being bound, but this pain made her more awake.

She stared straight at the beam of light moving in the room, even the beam of light even crossed her face.

At this time, Leng Xiaozhi was fully awake, and she felt a certain change in things, and this change undoubtedly brought her some kind of hope.

"Woooooooooooooooooo", she tried to make a sound again, and struggled hard a few times.

And just as she moved, those three people also moved, four students and one table were connected together, moving at every move!
Then the four students who had woken up fell silent, but they all turned their heads to look at the beam of light.

But at this moment, the light suddenly went out and all they could see was the heavy curtain.

The mouths of the four students were gagged and they were unable to speak or communicate.Faced with some new possibility, but unable to communicate, this is undoubtedly a great pain in life.

But just when their hopes were dashed, suddenly they heard a slight sound from the window.

At this moment, the table that was tied to them shook, because all four of them moved.

Although people are not that big wolf dog after all, but at this moment they felt that their ears suddenly became more erect.

It is impossible for the Kuomintang secret agents to come in through the window if they want to clean them up. That voice is a kind of hope for life.

The slight whining sound continued.

The wait became long due to anticipation, but in fact the sound lasted very short, only a minute or two, and then Leng Xiaozhi, who was facing the window, felt the cool breeze.

At the same time, she saw the light of the sky.

Although the night is dark, there are stars outside. The skylight is different from the dark room after all. Once the windows are opened, even the curtains are drawn!
"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", the four students uttered their voices at the same time, and at that moment the faint beam of light lit up again, and this time it was really directly fixed on Leng Xiaozhi's face.

Leng Xiaozhi stared at the front, at this moment she saw the starry sky, and even saw a person with the starry sky as the background descending from the starry sky like a patron saint.

When that black figure came to Leng Xiaozhi silently and made a sound, Leng Xiaozhi suddenly felt dizzy.

Although the voice was very low, it sounded like a thunderclap in Leng Xiaozhi's ears, it sounded so warm, it made him safe, and made her want to cry in that person's arms.

Because it was Shang Zhen's voice: "Don't make any noise, we will rescue you out."

Late at night is still late at night, the room is still the same room, but because of the appearance of Shang Zhen, the hearts of the three students Leng Xiaozhi and Zhang Xiaoyan are already filled with the joy of being rescued, and the whole world has become very different!
Someone climbed in again from the window, it was Ma Erhuzi and Qiu Bo.

A sharp dagger slashed across the rope, and the rags were taken out of their mouths. I don't know what expressions were on the faces of the three male students who were rescued, but they were all panting loudly, which meant that they were breathing free air. , It is also interpreting their happiness of being rescued.

But at this time, Leng Xiaozhi had already calmed down from the great joy of being rescued.

It is said that children from poor families are in charge of the family early. Although Leng Xiaozhi is not a child from poor families, she has learned to be independent since she embarked on a journey of exile in Shenyang.

Yes, Shang Zhen has saved his life twice, and now he has saved his life for the third time, but most of the time, he still needs to solve the problem by himself.

Leng Xiaozhi didn't ask how Shang Zhen found this place, she calmed down from the great joy, she knew what Shang Zhen needed most.

"There are seven or eight people in the house below, and one of them must be asleep at the door, and they must be military spies.

If we can slip away quietly, leave them alone, or you'll be in trouble. "Leng Xiaozhi tried her best to speak her thoughts in Shang Zhen's ear as concisely as possible.

Just his two words made Shang Zhen's heart skip a beat, can this girl still be so calm at this moment?
When he started to untie Leng Xiaozhi, he was afraid that Leng Xiaozhi would throw herself into his arms again when he got excited. Of course, at this time, it had nothing to do with the so-called liking or not, it was just what the weak need when they are rescued. sense of security.

Leng Xiaozhi was surprised that Shang Zhen didn't reply immediately, so she said again: "I know this is the second floor, when I came here I heard the sound of them going up the stairs."

Well, although Shang Zhen has been in contact with Leng Xiaozhi for some time, it doesn't mean that he has a complete understanding of Leng Xiaozhi.

It was the first time he discovered that Leng Xiaozhi had such a calm side, but after all, now is not the time for him to think about Leng Xiaozhi, he is here to solve the problem.

Military command spies, military command spies, what kind of shit is it?I'm sorry, but Shang Zhen's knowledge of the military command is really limited.

The three northeastern provinces are originally remote places, and Shang Zhen only heard Gao Peiyuan say that the military command is a secret spy organization of the national government, and it probably engages in some activities such as secret investigation, assassination, kidnapping and intelligence gathering.

I heard from Gao Peiyuan that the military command is quite powerful, but so what?Veterans like Shang Zhen will care whether you are good or not?Wouldn't the Japanese devils be beaten to death if they were so powerful?
So how should I treat these military spies?They are members of the national government, so if you teach these people a lesson, and then let them go, it's nothing to do.

At this moment, Shang Zhen realized that he had only two ways to deal with these military spies.

Either kill people to silence them, or quietly rescue the students.

So which should he choose?
(End of this chapter)

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