Chapter 344 Can't Go Home!
Two days later, Shang Zhen and his platoon appeared in a big house in Tianjin Wei.

"Do you understand the work assigned to you?" A man dressed as a policeman said to Shang Zhen.

"Understood." Shang Zhen replied.

"That's it. This is the first time you come back to Tianjin Wei. I will send someone over this afternoon to take you for a walk. You need to familiarize yourself with the situation there. You will start working the day after tomorrow." The man said again.

Shang Zhen replied "Yes", and the man got up to leave.

After the man left, the room fell into silence, and everyone looked at Shang Zhen because they needed an explanation from Shang Zhen.

They trained well in the barracks on the outskirts of Tianjin, and then they were transferred to the city, and they all wore civilian clothes.

They asked Shang Zhen what kind of mission it was, and Shang Zhen said that he would know when he went, and now they have arrived.

"Oh." Shang Zhen sighed first, and then stretched out his hand to scratch his head.

"What is the company commander worrying about you?" Little Dustpan asked curiously. From Little Dustpan's point of view, Shang Zhen must have encountered some troubles.

"I'm still telling you, I'm just worried, how can I explain things clearly, or I have too little ink in my stomach, I just tell you to listen, and if you don't understand, just ask." Shang Zhen said.

When Shang Zhen said this, the people in his platoon became even more curious, so why can't you explain clearly, you are not stuttering.

And then Shang Zhen started talking.

To everyone's surprise, Shang Zhen actually talked about the current situation.

Following Shang Zhen's narration, the others gradually understood that this matter was a bit complicated, or that such a matter was really not what their soldiers usually talked about.

What Shang Zhen said was undoubtedly what the brigade commander Liu Chengyi said. The first thing he talked about was the current situation, which was also the war situation.

After the Chinese army lost the front line of the Great Wall, the Japanese army could have taken advantage of the victory to pursue it, but the Nationalist government did not want to continue the war with the Japanese army, so the two sides negotiated.

When brigade commander Liu Chengyi approached Shang Zhen yesterday, he told Shang Zhen that China and Japan had reached an agreement.

[-]. The Chinese army retreats to the area west and south of the line connecting Yanqing, Changping, Shunyi, Tongzhou, Xianghe and other places, and shall not cross this line.

[-]. In order to determine the implementation of the first item, the Japanese army may conduct observations by aircraft or other methods at any time, and the Chinese side shall provide protection for convenience.

Third, if Japan confirms that the Chinese army has complied with the above-mentioned regulations and will no longer cross the line to pursue, Japan will automatically return to the front line of the Great Wall.

Fourth, the law and order south of the Great Wall is in charge of the Chinese police.

In the process of narrating, Shang Zhen didn't quite understand some parts of what he said, but the general meaning was the same.

Only then did everyone understand that asking Shang Zhen to talk about these things was really embarrassing him, but the problem is that this kind of thing is indeed very important, and Shang Zhen can't listen to it if he wants to!After listening to it, he didn't want to tell his soldiers!

"This is wrong! Don't continue talking, let me think about it." When Shang Zhen had roughly finished the story, Old Mao Wang spoke first.

After Wang Laomao said this, Shang Zhen naturally shut up.

In fact, Shang Zhen himself didn't take his company commander seriously at all. In his mind, Old Mao Wang was still his platoon leader. Accurate.

"You mean to say that in this part of Hebei, we Chinese and Japanese draw a line, one end belongs to us Chinese, and the other end belongs to Japanese." Old Mao Wang said while thinking, but immediately His voice rose, "Hey (ái)! This is so wrong!"

Shang Zhen was not the only one who admired Old Mao Wang, all the old people admired Old Mao Wang, and when they heard what Old Mao Wang said was wrong, several people asked in unison: "What's wrong?"

"What the hell, what the hell, isn't that the same as admitting that the four eastern provinces belong to the Japanese devils? That means that the Manchukuo is settled, and it is not our Chinese territory!" Old Mao Wang said loudly.

Old Mao Wang was so excited, but he said two "fucking things" in a row.

After Wang Laomao said this, other people also understood, but even if they understood, they only half understood or not fully understood.

At this time, Mr. Wang even took a few deep breaths, and he further elaborated: "The national government and the Japanese made such an agreement, which is equivalent to drawing a line on the boundary of Hebei, China. If it belongs to China, then the north does not belong to China, so wouldn't Manchukuo become independent?
If we were not from the Northeast, we would not necessarily care that the four Northeast provinces were taken away by the Japanese.

But the problem is that all of us are from the Northeast!
The four eastern provinces to the north of the Great Wall are our hometown. How come our hometown was taken away by the Japanese devils, and then the Japanese devils drew a line, and that place became Manchuria!
If it is said that the four eastern provinces have become Manchukuo, it was taken away by the Japanese, and they said they were independent when they said they were independent.

But didn't Young Marshal Zhang admit that someone's government is the central government?The four eastern provinces still belong to China!

The Japanese say that the country has become independent and established, but the Chinese government can't admit it!

If you admit it like that, it won't be our home.

This reasoning doesn't make sense!

Isn't this really traitorous?

Yes, those of us in the Northeast Army did not fight well, and made people all over China laugh at us.

But no matter how bad the war was, we had to go back to our hometown even if we killed everyone.

If you don’t go back to your hometown, why don’t you eat leek boxes with green onions dipped in miso? ! "

Old Mao Wang was so excited, he talked eloquently, and he blurted out some political vocabulary that he usually heard.

Shang Zhen and the others are all little people in the era.

To be honest, they don't understand what politics is, and they are not interested in politics.

All they know is that the Japanese occupied our home, killed our Northeast people, bullied and insulted them, then we will pay the blood and beat the Japanese out.

It's just that politics will ultimately determine the fate of little people, and the fate of countless little people will eventually passively follow the tide of politics, and they are already deeply involved in it. If you don't want to participate, you must not participate?

They started from Shenyang Beidaying and headed south all the way. Although the devils killed a lot, in the overall situation, they were all defeated.

Usually, they also deliberately avoided topics such as their hometown in the Northeast, but this did not prevent each of them from having their own thoughts in their hearts, or that they hadn't discovered it at all. In fact, they really wanted to go back to the Northeast.

But luckily now, the national government signed an agreement with the Japanese, acquiescing that the area north of the Great Wall belongs to Japan, and it all belongs to that Manchukuo, so how could they agree?

After Wang Laomao finished his speech, what he said was very clear, and then there was a turbulent discussion.

Everyone was arguing, and the room was like boiling water for a while, so that it was difficult to hear what each person said!
(End of this chapter)

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