Chapter 322 A rare revision.

Just after Shang Zhen and the others led the mob to wipe out the skeleton squad, the entire New Seventh Brigade retreated again, and did not fight the flanking Japanese army.

The reason here is that Badaolouzi has been occupied by the Japanese army.

The Japanese army put heavy machine guns and mortars on the high ground where Badaolouzi was located, and completely suppressed the Chinese army trying to recapture Badaolouzi.

Since Badaolouzi is the commanding height of the right wing of the Nantianmen line, you can see the surrounding situation from the condescending height.

The Japanese army used the flag as a command on the commanding heights. Wherever the Chinese army appeared, the heavy firepower of the Japanese army greeted them.

As a result, it is not only impossible for the Chinese army to retake Badaolouzi.

Badaolouzi is the flank position of Nantianmen, and the place guarded by the New Seventh Brigade is the flank of the flank position.

Now that Badaolouzi has been occupied, and there is no dangerous terrain on this flank, the New Seventh Brigade has no great significance here, and the orders given to the New Seventh Brigade are based on camera.

The so-called camera moves, translated into the vernacular of the common people, means that you can do whatever you like.

So the New Seventh Brigade finally withdrew, but it has been withdrawn to a place called 421 Heights a few miles behind.

At this point, Liu Chengyi, the brigade commander, also breathed a sigh of relief. He was prepared to die in the line of duty if he was asked to lead such a mob to resist the Japanese army.

And Shang Zhen and the others finally used their actions to prove that these people are not deserters. Not only are they not deserters, they are also a team that can fight!
This matter was just like what Qian Chuaner said when they were lied to as deserters by the three soldiers. Shang Zhen and the others probably killed more Japanese soldiers now than the entire New Seventh Brigade.

What Shang Zhen and the others didn't know was that Hou Wangshan stuffed the plaster flag with the skull painted on it into the mouth of the Japanese army.

And just over a month later, the local Japanese newspaper published a message "The Skeleton Squad Bone Returns". Ironically, it was this newspaper that first published "The Skeleton Squad Climbed the Great Wall".

How could Shang Zhen and the others know that they had actually done something that could add luster to the face of the entire Northeast Army.

As long as the brigade commander Liu Chengyi gave them freedom again, they would be satisfied if they stopped treating them as deserters.

What made Shang Zhen and the others especially happy was that their weapons were returned, including Shang Zhen's 20-gun box cannon and his binoculars.

Everyone is safe and sound, and they still have their favorite weapons. For a soldier, is there anything happier than this?
Perhaps because Shang Zhen and the others were different, Liu Chengyi didn't put them into any army, but let them temporarily follow a company, and finally gave them a place to eat. "Melon split jujube" can finally enjoy the cool under the big tree.

The company commander with the surname Hu was very polite to Shang Zhen and the others, and he didn't let Shang Zhen and the others call him company commander, but called himself Big Old Hu.

Since the management was relaxed, Shang Zhen, who finally had free time, took everyone to take a bath in the already civilized water bubble.

It's April now, and the weather has turned warmer. Although it's still early to take a bath at this time, and the water is still cold, Shang Zhen and the others really don't care about it.

Why do veterans like to smoke?One very important reason is that the veterans who have been through the battlefield often circle around in the corpses, and no one can stand the suffocating smell of corpses!

It is difficult for people living in a peaceful life to imagine what the smell of corpses is like.

But if someone is a countryman and happens to throw a dead pig next to your vegetable garden, then you can smell that smell in summer. The smell will be as ubiquitous as the air and make you sick.

But the dead pig will attract countless mung bean flies.

Humans don't like it, but there are creatures that like it. You can say that this world is so wonderful, or you can say that this world is so cruel, and all things have their own laws for survival.

And being a dead human being is no different than a dead animal.

When a person is surrounded by hundreds of rotting corpses, what kind of smell will it be? It is not enough to say that it is conceivable, but it is unimaginable. It is a smell of hell!

As a veteran, Old Mao Wang once said this. He said that if a person has dealt with such dead bodies for a long time, and has been smoked for a long time, there will always be such a bad smell on his body that cannot be removed.

These words sounded so disgusting, and this was one of the reasons why Shang Zhen took them to take a bath.

"Go, go, wash off the broom star smell on your body, you will be heroes from now on, and you will never be a broom star again!" the big old Hu joked when he heard Shang Zhen say that he was going to take a bath.

Shang Zhen and the others proved by their actions that they were not deserters.

And in the battle to eliminate the skeleton team, Wang Qingfeng, who almost broke things, is now also unlucky.

Of course, even if he is unlucky, he will never be unlucky. Who told his brother-in-law to be the brigade commander?

Wang Qingfeng's behavior made his brother-in-law angry again.

Just after they left the front line, gossip came from the brigade that this time Liu Chengyi didn't even let Wang Qingfeng take care of the logistics, but let him be a guy in the logistics department who didn't care about anything!

What is a guy in the army?That is equivalent to the cook among the common people.

When Shang Zhen and the others talked about Wang Qingfeng, they imagined that Wang Qingfeng was wearing a greasy apron, wielding a shovel in his hand, and cooking for others like stirring pig food in front of the 12-sealed cauldron. Feeling of schadenfreude.

In fact, they didn't want to do anything to Wang Qingfeng.

Little people like them could be court-martialed for a mistake like that.

But according to the brigade commander's brother-in-law, being a cook who wields a shovel and cooks big pots of rice is already the biggest punishment.

"Look! Am I still numb?" In the bubble, Shang Zhen, who was stripped of water, hit his body with water, with a smug smile on his face.

The water was still very cold, and his skin had already turned red from the water, and his skin was covered with goosebumps, but he was still rubbing, as if he wanted to get rid of the corpse smell on his body that Old Mao Wang said.

Hearing what Shang Zhen said, Old Mao Wang and the others who were also taking a bath looked at Shang Zhen and smiled.

"It's not a stick, you're a green onion now, and when you become a big winter melon, it will be even more powerful!" The little dustpan said with a smile.

Yes, Shang Zhen has grown stronger.

Although he can't compare with a strong man like Erhanzi Hu Zhuzi, he already has muscles on his body, and even has six-pack abs in his abdomen.

"Six yuan (meat), which one of you has it?" Shang Zhen, who has no war, is very lively, and he no longer has to worry about everyone's life and death.

"Is six yuan worth it? Look at me!" Qiu Bo, who was squatting in the water, stood up. Only then did everyone see that as soon as Qiu Bo exerted himself, he saw that there were 8 yuan on his belly. Meat)!
"The revolution has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard!" Chen Hanwen said beside him at this time.

When Chen Hanwen said this, Qian Chuan'er laughed and said, "Our family is half a scholar, and now we are almost half a scholar after learning from them!"

Everyone laughed again.

Banla Xiucai refers to Chen Hanwen, and Xiucai of course refers to Chutian.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard. This sentence was first said by Chu Tian, ​​and he also explained the source of this sentence.

And Chen Hanwen quoted this sentence at this time, no doubt saying that Shang Zhen's six yuan is a little less, and when he can practice to eight yuan, he can do it again.

"Okay, hurry up and wash, and Chutian will come and wash later." Shang Zhen said again.

Chu Tian became the only one who was not present in the current bath. At this time, he was sitting on the top of the mountain with two officers.

Of those two officers, one was Big Old Hu, and the other Chu Tian also knew. He was a staff officer in the brigade surnamed Li.

"Everyone is taking a bath, why don't you go down? Is it because you are a student soldier and you are afraid of getting naked?" The elder Hu squeezed his eyes narrowly at Chutian.

"That's not it, they're all big men, so there's nothing scary about taking them off." Chu Tian laughed.

"Then why?" Big Old Hu asked.

"Shang Zhen said that a sentry must be kept. Maybe they are used to making decisions on their own and lack a sense of security!" Chu Tian replied.

"How do you explain that?" Staff Officer Li asked.

"You know, I told you just now that I joined them later, they fought all the way from Peking University to here, or you can say they fled here.

They don't believe in others, only in themselves, they want to control their own destiny! "Chu Tian explained.

"Just kidding, there is no one in this world who controls his own destiny." Staff Officer Li retorted, "It's like a soldier fighting a war, you must take the will of the officer as your own will.

You are a dog under the command of the officer, and you will bite whoever you are told to bite.

You are a gun in the officer's hand, you can hit whoever you say! "

Staff Officer Li was also a student, so he and Chu Tian could still chat together.

"You're right." Chu Tian replied after pondering, but then added, "Maybe they think they can control their own destiny, and that's why they are not very obedient!"

Shang Zhen and the others were still bathing in the bubble, so they naturally didn't know what Chu Tian was talking about with those two officers.

Perhaps Chu Tian was born as an intellectual, but after all, he still felt that he was different from people like Shang Zhen and others.

"Anyone who can fight has a personality, but it's also about management. This is the army. If they are disobedient, they will suffer in the future!" Finally, Staff Officer Li concluded, while Chu Tian remained silent.

And amidst the laughter of Shang Zhen and the others in Shui Pao Zi and Chu Tian's silence, suddenly there was rumble of artillery from the north, and a new round of Japanese attack began again.

(End of this chapter)

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